
What majors can you apply for the 2024 high myopia college entrance examination What majors can not be reported

author:The world of small candies

  There are no special restrictions on the majors that can be applied for by high myopia, but it should be noted that candidates with high myopia can apply for majors with relatively low vision requirements, such as liberal arts majors, science mathematics and theoretical physics majors, and science, engineering, agriculture, and forestry management majors. Some majors may have higher requirements for vision, so candidates are advised to carefully review the admission requirements of the relevant majors before applying.

What majors can you apply for the 2024 high myopia college entrance examination What majors can not be reported

  What majors can I apply for in the 2024 high myopia college entrance examination

  Most liberal arts majors, including Chinese, history, philosophy, sociology, education, etc., usually do not require students to have specific physical conditions, and high myopia will not be an obstacle to learning and future employment.

  Some science majors with strong theories, such as mathematics and theoretical physics, focus more on logical thinking and theoretical analysis than on experimental operation or field investigation.

  Art and design majors: such as graphic design, animation production, fine arts, etc., although these majors require a certain amount of visual judgment, students with high myopia can correct their vision by wearing glasses or contact lenses to meet their learning needs.

  What majors can not be reported for the 2024 high myopia college entrance examination

What majors can you apply for the 2024 high myopia college entrance examination What majors can not be reported

  Professions with strict requirements for vision:

  Military: such as command, diving, tank, surveying and mapping, radar and other majors, usually require a high level of naked eye vision, and candidates with high myopia should not apply for the exam.

  Public security: such as criminal science and technology, investigation and other majors, also have higher requirements for vision, and candidates with high myopia need to be considered carefully.

  Flight technology, navigation technology: These majors have strict restrictions on vision, and candidates with high myopia cannot apply for the exam.

  Fire engineering: There are also high requirements for eyesight, and candidates with high myopia are not suitable for the examination.

  1. Those with myopia greater than 400 degrees (blindness in one eye, the other eye can only be corrected to 4.8): cannot apply for engineering, agriculture, medicine, law and applied physics, applied chemistry, biological science, ecology, environmental science, marine science, applied psychology and other majors. What majors can not be applied for for myopia? Those with unaided visual acuity lower than 5.0 (1.0) in any eye are not allowed to apply for marine transportation, civil aviation control, marine fishing, marine fishery resources and criminal investigation majors in engineering. Refractive error (myopia or farsightedness, the same below), any eye corrected to 5.0 (1.0), lens power greater than 400 degrees, can not apply for precision instruments, precision machinery, printing machinery and printing technology, customs majors.

  2. Refractive error, any eye corrected to 5.0 (1.0) lens power greater than 800 degrees; Those who are blind in one eye, corrected to 5.0 (1.0) in the other eye, and have a lens power greater than 300 degrees, cannot apply for engineering; Science (except for Mathematics and Theoretical Physics); Medical; agriculture and forestry majors (except science, engineering, agriculture and forestry management majors, except basic medicine majors); Art performance, cinematography major.

  3. Visual acuity: Any person with unaided visual acuity lower than 4.7 (police and physical education majors below 5.0) will not be allowed to apply for the examination.

  4. Applicants for cooking majors should have a visual acuity of no less than 4.8 in both eyes.

  5. Those with myopia greater than 400 degrees: it is not suitable to apply for majors such as marine technology, measurement and control technology and instruments, biomedical engineering, clothing design and engineering, and aircraft manufacturing engineering.

  6. Those with myopia greater than 800 degrees: it is not suitable to apply for civil engineering, aquatic products, materials, chemical and pharmaceutical, environmental ecology, psychology, transportation, traffic engineering, biological engineering, veterinary medicine and medicine.

What majors can you apply for the 2024 high myopia college entrance examination What majors can not be reported

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