
Through the reading of "The Biography of Márquez", learn about Márquez's life and explore his literary achievements

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García Márquez, I'm sure anyone with a little literary knowledge has heard of him, after all, his book "One Hundred Years of Solitude" has become a world-class bestseller, and the absolute global sales are very high. Moreover, the way in which the book was written, magical realism, has become synonymous with Márquez, and it also indicates his status in the literary world.

Through the reading of "The Biography of Márquez", learn about Márquez's life and explore his literary achievements

So from this point of view, Márquez's later Nobel Prize in Literature is no longer his main achievement, but just the icing on the cake.

Moreover, when Márquez won the Nobel Prize for Literature, he also broke a record, that is, he was the first person to accept the award without a tuxedo, and he wore an authentic Caribbean suit, which also showed his maverick character and his confidence in his own culture.

Through the reading of "The Biography of Márquez", learn about Márquez's life and explore his literary achievements

So what is the life of such a world-class writer with such influence and cultural self-confidence? What are the unique features of his work? What other identity does he have besides being a writer? Does he have any other accomplishments?

I believe that all readers who are interested in Márquez's literary works want to know more about him, and they want to go deep into his real life to explore the real Marquez living in the small town of "Macondo".

Through the reading of "The Biography of Márquez", learn about Márquez's life and explore his literary achievements

Stephen Hart, a British biographer, had the privilege of being close to Márquez and was committed to writing a biography of Marquez's life. Exploring Márquez's life is actually the best way to interpret his literary works, because for a writer, all the ideas expressed in his works are also contained in his life experience, and they also have the shadow of his past life.

Through the reading of "The Biography of Márquez", learn about Márquez's life and explore his literary achievements

In this "Biography of Marquez", the author combs for us in the order of Marquez's life and the people or events that have had a profound impact on him in his life, and of course restores the specific presentation of these people or things in Márquez's works. This is not only a complete combing of Márquez's life, but also a combing of his thoughts, and an opportunity to understand Marquez's literature.

Through the reading of "The Biography of Márquez", learn about Márquez's life and explore his literary achievements

For example, the author's biography presents us with the story of Márquez's love distress in his youth. And he did not deliberately hide Márquez's romances, but emphasized that these experiences became the material for his creation, and he wrote them into his novels.

What about Márquez's other experiences? can also see the shadow in his novels, especially literary masterpieces like "One Hundred Years of Solitude", which actually have the shadow of his family. Therefore, it is a good choice to read Márquez's literature, starting with his life.

Through the reading of "The Biography of Márquez", learn about Márquez's life and explore his literary achievements

And in this biography, there are also a large number of precious photos, so that we can feel the details of Márquez's past immersively, and complete a comprehensive understanding of him.

Then let's read such a biography of Márquez, complete a comprehensive understanding of a legendary writer, and use these understandings to enter his literature, and more conveniently complete the in-depth exploration of his literature. #马尔克斯##马尔克斯传##传记#

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