
FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities


The sub-forum [Integration of Industry and Education, Creating a New Model of Information and Innovation Talent Training in Colleges and Universities] will be held on the afternoon of July 27, focusing on the development of the information and innovation industry and talent training, connecting supply and demand, integrating demand and resources into the professional courses and education and teaching systems of colleges and universities, and realizing the synergy of industrial development and talent supply.

FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

The FCES2024 will be held in Shenyang, Liaoning Province on July 25-27, 2024, with the theme of "Digital Development of Education", focusing on 14 sub-forum topics, presenting high-level and high-quality professional reports and discussion content for participants, and in-depth discussion on the development trend of future education in multiple dimensions.

The sub-forum [Integration of Industry and Education, Creating a New Model of Information and Innovation Talent Training in Colleges and Universities] will be held on the afternoon of July 27, focusing on the development of the information and innovation industry and talent training, connecting supply and demand, integrating demand and resources into the professional courses and education and teaching systems of colleges and universities, and realizing the synergy of industrial development and talent supply.

The name of the sub-forum

The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

Introduction to the sub-forum

The information and innovation industry is an important component of digital China and an important embodiment of the mainland's scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance. In the process of rapid advancement of the information and innovation industry, there is an urgent need for a group of compound innovative information and innovation talents who understand both professional technology and multidisciplinary as support. Therefore, cultivating and making good use of information and innovation talents in an all-round way is one of the top priorities and important starting points for the mainland to build strategic scientific and technological forces and solve the current key core technology dilemma.

The development of the information and innovation industry and talent training should continue to give full play to the talent training model combining production, education, research and application, based on domestic root technology and with colleges and universities as the core, docking both ends of supply and demand, integrating demand and resources into the professional courses and education and teaching system of colleges and universities, and realizing the synergy of industrial development and talent supply.

Chair of the sub-forum

FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

Wang Xin

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Vice Minister of Industrial Development and Ecology of China

He is currently the Deputy Director of the Industry Development and Ecosystem Dept of Huawei China, and an expert of the Huawei Technology Strategy Committee, responsible for the talent ecosystem. He has worked in the ICT field for nearly 20 years, and has been engaged in product development, marketing, industrial development, strategic planning, large-scale R&D project management, market insight and implementation of emerging industries, and strategic planning of major projects of the company.

Forum Guests

FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

Liu Longgeng

China Software Evaluation Center

(Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

Director, Secretary of the General Party Branch, Chairman of the Labor Union

He is a member of the Communist Party of China and a senior engineer of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Expert of the Expert Group of the Office of the CPC Central Committee, the Cyberspace Administration of China, and the Information Innovation Finance Working Group, the Executive Deputy Director and Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the Information and Innovation Working Committee (presiding over the work), and the director of the China Software Industry Association. His main research interests are software and hardware technology and application of information innovation, information system security, research and planning of IT industry development, etc. It has successfully completed more than 20 national projects such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Science and Technology. He has published more than 10 articles and 2 monographs. He has participated in the work of technical standards, policies, major plans, and major national project planning of the Cyberspace Administration of China and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for many times.

Theme: Development and Trend of Information and Innovation Industry

Report introduction: At present, the mainland actively adapts to and leads a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, further optimizes the environment for the development of information technology, frequently introduces policies and regulations on scientific and technological innovation, ecological cultivation, talent training, data security, digital economy, etc., deeply implements the innovation-driven development strategy, further expands the breadth and depth of information technology application innovation, and strives to make up for shortcomings, elongate boards, and forge new boards, create a prosperous and orderly innovation ecology, and build new competitive advantages. Promote the high-quality development of the information technology application and innovation industry, and strive to build a safe and controllable information technology system. There are various forms of talent training, and the talent training of product technology, application and service based on the information and innovation environment has been started in academic education and vocational education, which has driven the integration and innovation development of the information and innovation industry, promoted the in-depth application of the information and innovation system, and promoted the construction of a safe and controllable information technology system.

FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

Cao Zejun

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

COO of Anxin Corps

Cao Zejun has worked hard in R&D, marketing, strategy and industry for many years. He has extensive experience in overseas and China. He is currently the COO of Huawei's Anxin Corps, responsible for business operations and organizational operations in industries such as computing, HarmonyOS, and PC.

Theme: "Rooting Down, Building an Innovative Technology System"

Brief introduction: Huawei has always invested heavily in R&D, building the competitiveness of its products and solutions through innovation, architecture reconstruction, and system engineering design. Adhere to the future of basic research and open innovation, to create more value for customers and society. At the same time, Huawei has invested in and developed root technologies in the ICT industry to cope with various uncertainties in the market, build a software and hardware ecosystem for root technologies, and provide a solid technical foundation for the vigorous development and transcendence of the industry.

FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

Wu Changgao

Beijing Institute of Technology

Dean of the School of Information Technology Innovation

Dean of the School of Information Technology Innovation of Beijing Institute of Technology, expert of the Education and Examination Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Information Technology Application Innovation), and Chairman of the National New Generation Information Technology Innovation Industry Industry-Education Integration Community. He is a former senior executive of Huawei, with more than 20 years of experience in technology, service, marketing, and general management. In 2020, he was hired by Beijing Institute of Technology, and is committed to deepening the integration of industry and education by strengthening school-enterprise cooperation, and cultivating high-end talents in key basic software, especially open source Hongmeng. He presided over the compilation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" textbook of OpenHarmoney Operating System.

Theme: "Deepening the Integration of Industry and Education, Cultivating Information and Innovation Talents"

Brief introduction of the report: Focusing on the analysis of the international situation and national strategy in the field of information technology, as well as the contradiction between the supply and demand of talents in the field of key basic software in the mainland, it is urgent to deepen the cooperation between universities and enterprises, deepen the integration of industry and education, and systematically cultivate information and innovation talents in the field of key basic software. This paper introduces the excellent practice of school-enterprise cooperation talent training between Beijing Institute of Technology and Huawei, Chinasoft International, Shenzhen Kaihong and other enterprises, and establishes a talent training system with in-depth collaboration between industry, university and research, so as to realize the circular drive of the industry-driven knowledge system and the training system of industry-education integration.

FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

Counting satellites

Beijing Normal University

Professor and Vice Dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence

He is a member of the expert group of the industry-university cooperation and collaborative education project of the Ministry of Education, the deputy secretary-general of the Information Technology New Engineering Industry-University-Research Alliance, and the executive committee member of ACM SIGOPS/ChinaSys. His main research interests include parallel and high-performance computing, large-scale code analysis and optimization, presided over and participated in a number of projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Key R&D Program, and published many papers in well-known journals and international conferences at home and abroad (TPDS, TACO, PLDI, ICSE, RTSS, FSE, DATE, etc.). In 2022, he was selected into the Ministry of Education-Huawei "Smart Base" Outstanding Teacher Award Program.

Theme: Industry-Academia Collaboration Helps Cultivate New Information and Innovation Talents

Through close cooperation between industry, universities and research institutions, more high-quality talents with innovation ability and practical skills can be cultivated, and strong talent support can be provided for the development of the field of information and innovation. This report focuses on the pilot teaching reform, curriculum construction, and discipline and professional competitions carried out in cooperation with Huawei, so as to provide reference for more enterprises and directions to cultivate talents in the information and innovation industry.

FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

Feng Xinyu

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Programming Language Lab (2012 Lab)

Director, Chief Expert in Programming Languages

Professor of Nanjing University, Director of Huawei Programming Language Lab (2012 Lab), Chief Expert of Programming Language. His main research interests are programming language theory, formal program verification, etc., and he serves as the chief architect of Cangjie programming language, presiding over the research and development of Cangjie programming language. He has published many papers in international conferences and journals such as POPL, PLDI, LICS, CAV, ACM TOPLAS, etc., and has served as a member of the program committee of international conferences such as POPL and PLDI for many times. He won the PLDI 2019 Outstanding Paper Award, the 2015 Zhongchuang Software Talent Award, the 2016 CCF NASAC-Neusoft Youth Software Innovation Award, and was selected into the New Century Excellent Talent Support Program of the Ministry of Education.

Theme: "The Road of Industry-University-Research Collaborative Innovation of Cangjie Programming Language"

Since its inception in 2019, after five years of research and development, Cangjie Language has been gradually applied to mobile application development, back-end middleware development, and network management software development both inside and outside Huawei. The R&D process of Cangjie language is a typical collaborative innovation process of industry, university and research. This report will introduce the origin and design concept of Cangjie programming language, application cases in the industry, the progress of collaborative research in academia, and the construction of teaching materials and courses around Cangjie language, and will explore opportunities to further deepen industry-university-research collaboration to promote the continuous development and innovation of Cangjie programming language.

Sub-forum agenda

Theme: Integration of industry and education, creating a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

Forum Chair: Wang Xin

Agenda for presentations in sub-forums

14:00-14:05 Leader of Liaoning Provincial Department of Education undetermined
14:05-14:25 The development and trend of the information and innovation industry Liu Longgeng
14:25-14:45 Root down to the roots and build an innovative technology system Cao Zejun
14:45-15:05 Deepen the integration of industry and education, and cultivate information and innovation talents Wu Changgao
15:05-15:25 Industry-academia collaboration helps to cultivate new information and innovation talents Counting satellites
15:25-15:45 Cangjie programming language's collaborative innovation of industry, university and research Feng Xinyu

Roundtable session

Theme: Increase policy traction and resource investment, and promote the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

Moderator: Fang Juan, Vice Dean, School of Computer Science, Beijing University of Technology

Time: 16:00-17:00


Leader of Liaoning Provincial Department of Education undetermined

China Software Evaluation Center (Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

Director, Secretary of the General Party Branch, Chairman of the Labor Union

Liu Longgeng

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Minister of ICT Talent Partnership Development

Sun Gang

Northeastern University

Associate Dean of the School of Computer Science

Bao Yubin


Senior Vice President, Education Group

Li Yingao

FCES2024 a brief schedule

On the afternoon of July 25, 20 presidents gathered together to offer suggestions and suggestions for the reform and development of computer higher education.

On the morning of July 26th and 27th, Zheng Qinghua, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Tongji University, Luo Zhongxuan, vice president of Dalian University of Technology, Jiao Licheng, Huashan Scholar Distinguished Professor of Xidian University and dean of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Lv Weifeng, vice president of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Guan Haibing, director of CCF, director of the High Performance Computing Committee and professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and IEEE journal Transactions on Learning Minjuan Wang, editor-in-chief of Technologies, associate editor of Nature-HSSC, and professor of San Diego State University, and other scholars from famous universities at home and abroad, leaders of famous enterprises, and highly influential industry experts in the field of computer education, brought wonderful reports and discussions.

On the morning of July 26, the President's Forum was presided over by Shi Yuanchun, CCF Fellow, CCF Executive Director and President of Qinghai University, and several university presidents such as Pan Yishan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Secretary of the Party Committee of Liaoning University, shared insights and collided with sparks of wisdom.

On the afternoon of July 26th and 27th, 7 sub-forums will be set up, focusing on 14 topics, presenting high-level and high-quality professional reports and discussion content for participants, and discussing the development trend of future education in multiple dimensions.

FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

How to register

FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities

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(Accommodation and round-trip transportation are not included)

Membership type Registration fee
CCF member 1600 yuan
Non-CCF members 2000 yuan

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More exciting content about computer education will be presented on FCES2024, and we will reveal them one by one, so stay tuned!

FCES2024 Sub-forum | The integration of industry and education will create a new model for the cultivation of information and innovation talents in colleges and universities