
150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

author:Brother Bang explains

When it comes to hundreds of thousands of dollars for a piece of clothing, many people may think that this is the exclusive luxury of big brands like Hermes and Grandma Xiang.

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

A set of fashions in the game costs 150,000, anyway, I can't imagine it, what does this have to be exaggerated?

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

Recently, NetEase's "Against the Cold" mobile game launched a set of top luxury fashion "Hades" series with a price of up to 150,000 yuan in the new season of 2.0, which is extremely luxurious and has the ability to change the current scene.

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

Although the price of 150,000 yuan is not something that our average players can afford, but on the first day of the service, standing on the Hongqiao, players found that the bigwigs who made this set of fashions never stopped, and rows of top luxury on the world page were made:

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile
150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

Even the flowing water with the cold water in the best-selling list is also rushing to the first:

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

The 150,000 fashion makes the big guys rattle and charge money, what superpower is there? In the face of everyone's doubts, a post-00s appeared to explain: Because this set of fashion of 150,000 is really worth it, this is the performance of "150,000 figurative"!

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

Although this costume is expensive, it does not add attribute combat power at all, it is simply an appearance style, and it has cool supernatural abilities such as "changing the heavenly phase" and "devouring starlight", which meets the pomp and circumstance of special players for "luxury".

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

When this costume releases its skills, it changes the sky of the entire scene, allowing players on all servers to watch the ancient gods descend on the world, which is extremely cool.

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

And it must be built with the power of the whole service, but it is not just 150,000 RMB, most of the money needs to be spent on the purchase of the prop "Galaxy Star Veil", which can only be synthesized from ordinary players who are lucky enough to pick up this prop.

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

Having said that, many players on social platforms said that they just swept the floor, rummaged through the trash cans, planted vegetables, and fought, and suddenly picked up the prop of the Galaxy Star Veil, and achieved financial freedom in an instant!

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

Let's take a look at this set of 150,000 luxury fashions, when the six wings are opened, the black and white light shines, Mom, this is the embodiment of angels!

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

Take a look at the young ladies who have made 150,000 fashions on social platforms and posted a group photo, which doesn't need a filter or P, just one action is extremely gorgeous, shining all over, it's really the goddess who came into the world.

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

There is also a young lady who dyes her hair in macaron rainbow color, with a shiny angel style, which perfectly matches the holy and noble sense of sight.

150,000 pieces of fashion sold tens of thousands of pieces in two days, post-00s: it's too worthwhile

Help, it's the first time I've seen such a figurative 150,000 fashions in the game, it's really gluttonous!