
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →

author:Bayannur News

Ladies and gentlemen, Bayannur

Big friends, little friends



Bayannur Rong Media Center

Hand in hand with the Youth Committee of the China National Film and Television Promotion Association

and Inner Mongolia Damai outdoor development

Carefully launched for everyone

Six unique boutique research tour routes

Let the kids be in this

Harvest knowledge, happiness and growth in summer!

Route 1: Mangu + Rice Fishing Space 2-Day Camp (Yinchuan)

In Yinchuan, children will appreciate the unique charm of Manpu, explore the magical ecology of rice fishing space, 2-day trip, full of surprises and discoveries!

Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →

Route 2: 21-day military transformation battalion

21 days of tempering, let the children forge a strong will, realize self-transformation, and become brave and confident teenagers!

Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →

Route 3: 5-day research camp with Beijing characteristics

Walking into the capital Beijing, children will have the opportunity to walk into Tsinghua University and experience the strong academic atmosphere and unique charm of a top university. In addition, you can deeply experience the unique cultural charm of Beijing, explore the magic of science and technology, and spend 5 days to let knowledge and happiness go hand in hand.

Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →

Route 4: Erudite Youth Jiangnan Research Summer Camp

The water town in the south of the Yangtze River is poetic and picturesque. Children will embark on a journey of erudition in the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan and absorb the nutrients of knowledge.

Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →

Route 5: Military Summer Camp (Yinchuan Yellow River Military Culture Expo Park)

In the Yinchuan Yellow River Military Culture Expo Park, children can feel the charm of the military, cultivate patriotic feelings, and exercise tenacity.

Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →

Route 6: Beautiful China Tour - Little Artist Study Tour (Zhangjiakou Station)

Zhangjiakou is not only beautiful and culturally profound, but also one of the venues for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. The Winter Olympics have brought the city to life, and the modern venues are impressive. In this little artist study tour, the children will feel its charm, get in touch with the Winter Olympic venues, understand the Olympic spirit, and record the beauty with art.

Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →
Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →

For more details

And register online?

Click on the Wisdom Hetao Youth Mini Program

Don't miss out! There are 6 study tour routes for you to have a summer →

Or contact a staff member

Teacher Li: 15334881019 (same number on WeChat)

Teacher Han: 18547880711 (same number on WeChat)

Let's be there for the kids together

Have a memorable and meaningful holiday!