
The coexistence of beauty and talent in the talented girl raises questions, and the school's response should be prompt

author:Yuchuan reads

Socialite Hilton was sexually abused at boarding school, does the logic of exchanging money for companionship work?

Written by Yuchuan

On June 26, local time, at a hearing in the U.S. Congress, Paris Hilton, a 43-year-old American socialite and one of the heirs of the Hilton Group, was invited to the House Ways and Means Committee to attend a child welfare-related hearing to testify about the sexual abuse she suffered in boarding school as a teenager.

Hilton said she was "forcibly drugged and sexually abused by staff" after being sent to a private juvenile correctional facility in Utah as a teenager. She revealed the horrific experience of being at boarding school at the time, saying, "I was violently restrained, dragged into the hallway, stripped naked and held in solitary confinement. ”

"[Boarding school] programs promise healing, growth, and support, but they don't allow me to speak, move freely, or even look out the window for two years."

She said that the situation in boarding schools and juvenile detention facilities in the United States has not changed much from 27 years ago, and she just heard that a 12-year-old teenager became pregnant after being sexually abused. She said that more than 50,000 children in foster care are housed in residential treatment facilities in the United States each year, and she hopes that by telling her story, she will persuade lawmakers to consider strengthening community resources to ensure that vulnerable children stay away from these facilities.

Hilton made the experience public for the first time in a documentary released in the fall of 2020. Since the documentary's release, children of celebrities, including Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris Jackson, have also opened up about their experiences of abuse at school. (Chengdu Business Daily reported on July 1)

The coexistence of beauty and talent in the talented girl raises questions, and the school's response should be prompt

Paris Hilton, as one of the heirs of the Hilton Group, has previously revealed that he was sexually abused at boarding school, and he has also been questioned.

One view is that the words of a celebrity and a wealthy second-generation like Hilton have questionable integrity, and there may also be exaggeration or even fabrication of facts. However, since Paris Hilton's public disclosure, the original management unit of the former boarding school has not actually denied the accusation, but only perfunctory on the grounds that it is difficult to verify the time.

It is not difficult to understand that Hilton must have some evidence in his hands and some witnesses can be found, but it is certainly not enough to hold the former boarding school and its management legally responsible - but if the management unit publicly denies it, the evidence in Hilton's hands to prove that what he said is true and not slanderous is likely to be sufficient.

Moreover, there are many children of celebrities who have shared their experiences of abuse at boarding schools. This also corroborates Hilton's allegations.

Hilton's words, of course, we can't just eat melons. The children of Hilton and many celebrities in politics, business, and entertainment circles in the United States have been sent to boarding schools by their parents who are very expensive and supposedly honorable, but they have been abused or even sexually abused, and as Hilton himself said, 27 years have passed, and the practice of abusing children in boarding schools has not changed in the United States, and the phenomenon of rich people sending their children to boarding schools has not changed.

The coexistence of beauty and talent in the talented girl raises questions, and the school's response should be prompt
The coexistence of beauty and talent in the talented girl raises questions, and the school's response should be prompt

It can't be said that rich people don't love their children. Although theoretically, the rich obviously have more resources to have more children, but not so many people actually make themselves stallions.

The logic of the rich loving their children, in China, in the United States and many other countries and regions, is to use money to solve problems, such as the problem of insufficient companionship, because as the parents of the rich, they have to take time to mainly deal with the maintenance of personal relations in the political and economic fields, and to deal with business and investment projects, because the rich often have a large number of information resources, so these information resources can often be intuitively transformed into money-making transactions. So, to put it simply, the rich who play the role of parents are short on time.

The net worth, the maintenance and expansion of wealth, and the development of social status of the wealthy often require large expenditures. In many cases, this kind of expenditure will obtain the corresponding expected return, and sometimes it will not be effectively realized due to the impact of uncertainty, so the money spent by the rich on their children, even if it does not exchange for the ideal change of the child, will not disappoint the former.

Rich people must create a better living environment for their children, and few rich people will treat their children as leniently as Gao Yu in "Water Margin", so whether they accompany their children or discipline them, they often use money in exchange for specialized manpower and institutions to provide services.

The main problem with this approach is that the specialized personnel and institutions chosen by the rich must have professional qualifications and provide very thoughtful services, and these institutions and personnel are very clear that if they blindly "lick" customers, including the rich and their children, the other party may not buy it, so the official business is more professional. Sometimes, institutions and personnel will deliberately be very strict and harsh, and treat rich children in a rigid and tough manner, and rich parents will often feel very satisfied.

This is also true on the mainland. Wealthy people often try to get their children from kindergarten to elementary and secondary schools with high fees and strict management, and the middle school section is called boarding school. But we are also well aware that there is bullying in boarding schools, and Eastern culture and social relations promote a person to learn to be introverted and express emotional feelings in a subtle way, so it is not easy to be exposed. When they arrive at university, the children of these wealthy people are sent to study abroad, and of course they are also in prestigious schools, but this is actually a continuation of the boarding experience to a large extent for children.

Of course, we can't say that in China there will be a very common phenomenon similar to the abuse of Hilton in boarding schools. More likely, boarding schools across the mainland are more strictly managed, and it is unlikely that there will be institutionalized scandals of connivance and abuse, but the children of wealthy families must have a luxury in receiving family warmth in such schools.

Some people say that rich children are more emotionally apathetic, and from the perspective of psychology and psychoanalysis, this means that they, they have been hurt more emotionally. In fact, this is largely because the parents have adopted a way of exchanging money for companionship when treating them and them, which itself is an alienation of parent-child relationship and family relationship.