
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article

author:Beijing News Network

Since July 1, Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang and other 60 cities have applied for the issuance of motor vehicle electronic driving licenses on a pilot basis, and the "Traffic Management 12123" APP has added a new "bright license" and "bright code" service for motor vehicles in pilot cities to facilitate the masses to handle the "separation of vehicle licenses" car-related business. How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? The editor will introduce you one by one.

Application for an electronic driving license

Personal vehicle application

Individual users log in to the "Traffic Management 12123" APP, click on the "Electronic Certificate Certificate" function on the home page, and enter the "Electronic Certificate" sub-function. If you have a motor vehicle under your user name, you can click the [Apply] button on the right side of the electronic driving license to apply for it.

How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article

Unit vehicle application

After logging in to the "Traffic Management 12123" APP and switching to the unit user version, the unit user clicks on the motor vehicle list item at the bottom of the home page, enters the "Motor Vehicle Details" page, and clicks [Electronic Driving License] to apply.

How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article

After receiving the user's application for an electronic driving license, the system checks the status information of the motor vehicle and informs the application result through the "Traffic Management 12123" APP.

Presentation of electronic driving license

Present it directly in person

Log in to the "Traffic Management 12123" APP, click on the "Electronic Document Certificate" function on the home page, enter the "Electronic Certificate" sub-function, and click the list item below to display the electronic driving license. After the unit vehicle is switched to the unit user version, click the motor vehicle list item at the bottom of the home page, enter the "Motor Vehicle Details" page, and click [Electronic Driving License] to view.

Presented by individual users

How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article

Presented by the unit user

How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article

Authorize another person to present it

If you need to use an electronic driving license for a vehicle that is not your own or a unit, you must be authorized by the owner of the motor vehicle or the legal person of the unit or the vehicle management personnel to present it.

Click the [Authorization] button at the bottom of the electronic driving license to enter the authorization list, click [Add Authorization] at the bottom of the page, fill in the ID number, name and validity period of the authorized person, select the purpose items, and submit the authorization. After submission, an item will be added to the list of authorized electronic driving licenses, and users can click to display the authorized electronic driving licenses.

The authorization is valid for up to 7 working days. The owner of the motor vehicle, the legal person of the unit, and the vehicle management personnel can click the [Cancel Authorization] button in the authorization list to cancel the authorization in the middle of the authorization, and the electronic driving license will be automatically invalidated after the authorization is lifted or the authorization expires, and the "Traffic Management 12123" APP of the authorized person will no longer be displayed.

How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article

Download and use

If the driving license needs to be submitted for online business, the user can choose to download the picture of the electronic driving license. The specific operation is: click the [Download] button at the bottom of the electronic driving license, and download the filled in purpose items and validity period directly presented by me, and download directly after authorized presentation. The downloaded electronic driving license is watermarked with the user, purpose and expiration date, and the validity period is up to 7 working days.

How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article

Electronic driving license verification

Users of the "Traffic Management 12123" APP can verify the electronic driving license by scanning the QR code. When the police are enforcing the law or handling business, they can also use the integrated command platform APP and law enforcement PDA to scan the QR code to verify and confirm the validity of the electronic driving license.

How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article
How to apply, present and verify the electronic driving license? Read it in one article

Source: Micro-release of the Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security

Process Editor: U032

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