
One dares to sell and one dares to buy! India's military aid to Israel has caused Netanyahu to suffer a big loss

author:铁血 Outpost

One dares to sell, and the other dares to buy, why is India's military aid to Israel causing Netanyahu to suffer a big loss?

Some time ago, there was a big contradiction between Israel and the United States, because Biden imposed restrictions on Israel's weapons and ammunition. This also forced Tel Aviv to think about getting ammunition from other countries. Immediately afterward, Spain denied a port of call to a cargo ship bound for Israel from India on the grounds that it was carrying a large amount of explosives.

One dares to sell and one dares to buy! India's military aid to Israel has caused Netanyahu to suffer a big loss

At that time, many people believed that India was a new channel for Israel to obtain weapons and ammunition, but some people retorted that India's ammunition and Israeli forces should not look down on it. Recently, Al Jazeera, a well-known global media, confirmed that India had indeed exported a batch of weapons and ammunition to Israel.

It is reported that among the weapons sold by India to Israel, drones, missiles, rockets and artillery shells are the mainstay. According to information given by international investigative agencies, the transport ship departing from India, in order to avoid being attacked by the Houthis, chose to circle Africa and enter Israel from the Mediterranean. This is a good explanation for why Spain refused to allow merchant ships to dock.

I have to admire that India is quite bold. You must know that Israel's military action in Gaza has been strongly condemned by the international community, and even its most hardcore ally, the United States, has been forced to temporarily suspend military assistance to Israel for a period of time. However, India actually dared to defy the wind and take the initiative to sell weapons and ammunition to India.

One dares to sell and one dares to buy! India's military aid to Israel has caused Netanyahu to suffer a big loss

Israel is not small, and it is not easy to choose anyone, but it chose India as a trading partner. You must know that although India claims to be one of the world's top military powers, it has never been famous for its military production capacity. Most of the weapons and equipment used by it itself are imported.

Someone has made a special calculation before, 70 percent of the weapons of the Indian army need to rely on Russia, once Moscow cuts off the arms trade with India, then more than half of the Indian army will be paralyzed. In addition, the quality of India's own weapons and equipment is not very reliable. Take the plane as an example, they can't even do basic maintenance, and the crashing of the plane has become famous all over the world, and all kinds of strange accidents are endless.

One dares to sell and one dares to buy! India's military aid to Israel has caused Netanyahu to suffer a big loss

One dares to buy, the other dares to buy! This is the true picture of the current relationship between Israel and India. No, not long after the news of India's military aid to Israel was exposed, Netanyahu suffered a big loss. According to foreign media reports, when the Israeli army was fighting with howitzers provided by India, the phenomenon of exploding occurred in the case, resulting in the death of three Israeli soldiers on the spot.

When an artillery soldier is killed by his own shells, it happens to the Israeli army, and Netania's face must be very ugly. But who is to blame for this? It was Israel itself that insisted on launching an attack on the Gaza Strip, and it was Israel itself that insisted on buying Indian artillery shells. This result can only be said to be self-inflicted, and no one can be blamed. (Defective)

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