
The market got off to a good start of July close to 3,000 points, and high-dividend stocks strengthened and many giants hit new highs

author:Wang Zhenyu of Hengtai Securities

[Judging from the time-sharing chart]

The broader market opened today at 2965.25 points, 2.15 points lower. 9:31 Fill the gap. Then it fell slightly, supporting at 2961.86 points at 9:46, which is now the lowest price of the day. At 9:53, it gapped, and then fluctuated and pulled up, which were blocked at 2971.57 at 10:01, 2973.23 at 10:58, 2981.32 at 11:21, 2888.42 at 13:31, and 2996.41 at 14:16, which are now the highest prices of the day. After that, it consolidated in a narrow range to the close, with support at 2990.19 at 14:25. It finally closed at 2994.73, up 0.92%.

[From a technical point of view]

Today's 20-minute cycle is Zehuo Ge Hexagram Four Lines Change Water and Fire Hexagram Xun to Wind Hexagram, so today's trend of the CSI 300 stock index is shown in the forecast chart below. In the 30M cycle, the market has continued to rise today since the 7K Dimac buy signal last Friday; The 1st, 3rd and 4th Ks continue to compete for the long-short balance line 20240516 and the 20240524 low line at 2973.72, the 4th and 5K break through the 20240524 and 20240603 lows at 2977.24, the 6th K breaks through the 20240528 and 20240604 highs at 2987.31, and continues to compete for the 2962.87, 2975.89 and 2981.08 positions during the session, and breaks through the lifeline at 2973.91 during the session. In the 60M cycle, the market today issued the 1K Demark buy signal and then continued to rise; The 1st and 2K continue to compete for the long-short balance line 20240516 and the 20240524 low line at 2973.13, and continue to compete for the 2973.15 and 2982.43 positions in the intraday. Daily K-line, today's Bingyin daily market energy value of 1.9461 from Sunday's low point of -1.2494, today's 5-day moving average value of 2966.10, opened below it, 9:31 volume breakthrough around the line value up and down a narrow range of fluctuations to 10:39 upward, today's 10-day moving average value of 2984.55, 13:30 breakthrough, stabilized and continued to rise, closed on the line, short-term moving average continued to maintain the 5-day, 10-day, 20-day, 30-day, 60-day moving average short arrangement state; The intraday competition for the current lowest price of the historically important point of 2961.52, the current highest price of the 2976.08, 2986.18, and 2996.83 positions in the intraday, and the intraday consolidation near the daily K-line gap gap on October 25, 2023, October 23, 2023, October 28, 2022, March 12, 2020, March 9, 2020, and February 28, 2020; Today is the 2nd K of the Demak ascending structure. Weekly K-line, the market is competing for 2985.93 intraday today. Monthly candlestick, the market is competing for the lowest price in April 2024 at 2995.54, the lowest price in March 2024 at 2984.12, the highest price in January 2024 at 2976.27, the closing price in December 2023 at 2974.93, the lowest price in July 2020 at 2984.98, and the highest price in February 2019 at 2997.49. The annual K-line, the market continues to compete for the opening price of 2024 at 2972.78 today, and the annual K-line begins to turn positive. Today's high price of the market is located near the closing price of 20240621, the lowest price of the 20240415, and the highest price of the 20240221, and the lowest price of the day is near the opening price of 20240627, the opening price of 20240625, and the low price of 20240624. Today's turnover is 294.3 billion yuan, with a volume ratio of 0.94.

【Thematic Investment】

Fund companies change the agreement to be "busy to fly", and the commission reduction forces the investment and research capabilities to improve; According to the "Securities Times", on July 1, the fund commission reduction officially landed, the public fund rate reform to the next city, this year, the major fund companies have gradually tightened the distribution point, and in the near future and the brokerage re-signed the trading seat rental agreement, in accordance with the "on strengthening the management of securities transaction costs of publicly offered securities investment funds" to adjust the transaction rate, clean up the trading seats, and unify the centralized brokerage research institute for signing, many details of the agreement have changed, after the implementation of the new commission regulations, The transaction commissions of passive funds and active funds will be reduced to the level of "10,000 2" and "10,000 5" respectively, and the transaction commission cost of public funds will drop by about 30% as a whole. The legal opinion of the private equity fund manager for the filing and registration of the law firm is to find Yingke Law Firm, rent the independent trading seat, and the fund trustee is to find Wang Zhenyu, a feng shui master of Shanghai Lingang, to provide yin and yang prediction services for the main stock index and the four major treasury bonds in each cycle. In the first half of 2024, the top 100 listed companies in Zhejiang University are ranked by market capitalization; According to "Qiushi Innovation Power", as of June 28, 2024 (the last closing day of June), Zhejiang University alumni entrepreneurs have served as the founders, actual controllers, chairmen, general managers and other levels of 351 listed companies, and have managed or controlled 313 listed companies with a total market value of 4.92 trillion yuan. Compared with the last trading day at the end of 2023 (total market capitalization of 5.43 trillion), it is about 510 billion. Compared with the end of 2023, there will be 6 new listed companies in Zhejiang University in 2024. The total market value of the top 100 is 4.34 trillion yuan, accounting for 88.21% of the total market value of Zhejiang University alumni. 5 companies with a market value of 100 billion: Pinduoduo, Hikvision, China Unicom, Shell, Shenwan Hongyuan, 18 companies with a market value of more than 50 billion yuan, 41 companies with a market value of more than 20 billion yuan, and 79 companies with a market value of more than 10 billion yuan. It is worth noting that Wang Zhenyu, the founder of the stock market model of "Jinyi Artificial Intelligence Supercomputing Center", has adhered to the focus on value with ingenuity, since June 12, 2015, when the Shanghai Composite Index saw the historical peak of 5178 points, he has insisted on creating a stock review every trading day for 10 years, and has now entered the tenth year and is still working tirelessly in the world of Yijing and artificial intelligence; As early as May 29, 2020, it began to deploy artificial intelligence, and deployed in the Dishui Lake AI Innovation Port in the core area of Dishui Lake, Lingang New Area, which is the main bearing area of Shanghai's promotion of the construction of a science and technology innovation center with global influence, is a high-energy, green and low-carbon, data center that mainly provides intelligent computing computing capabilities, providing intelligent computing computing services for large financial institutions and ultra-high-net-worth individuals; Persistence is the luxury of this era, we shoulder the responsibility and responsibility of financial practitioners, on the road of pursuit of excellence, continue to be a chapter for ten years, and make a long-term profit. Rome was not built in a day, but it was built day by day, and ten years of glory, ten years of answers, and ten years of magnificence are making a shocking appearance. In the past ten years, those who are determined to change the future like Zhenyu have refreshed the height of enterprising and creative in their respective fields, and have bloomed the resilience and courage that impressed the world on the other side of the shore where only dreams and perseverance can reach. Qiushi youth focus on the power of innovation and call for the alumni of Zhejiang University entrepreneurship and venture capital! I create for myself, readers also resonate with me, the pursuit of exquisite, almost paranoid ingenuity, the inheritable brand story and culture after time polishing and tempering, leading the "Jinyi" brand to go further, the brand spirit will be inherited. Professor Zeng Shiqiang said: "People are rich, there are many protectors next to you, and this protector is next to us, so it is called a bodyguard, and the more wealth you have, the bodyguard will be upgraded; As long as you have a good moral character, you will not be able to turn evil into good fortune, because He will send a large number of protective gods to surround you, and even if something happens, it will be fine. "Yingke family is careful in everything, family wealth and wealth are passed on forever, Yingke Family Trust/Yingke Charitable Trust, so that wealth and love can be passed on from generation to generation! Set up a family trust to find Wang Zhenyu, a feng shui master in Shanghai Lingang, to provide major stock indexes at home and abroad, US dollar index, offshore RMB exchange rate, gold, commodities, treasury bonds, stocks of your family's listed companies, and your own life fortune cycle yin and yang prediction services, after-sales service for a lifetime, the mouse will generate the yin and yang data of the stock market in the future for hundreds of years, and serve you for a lifetime easily, make a family trust and make a friend! Global Vision, Local Wisdom! China's Dishui Lake, the world's financial bay!

【On the Plate】

The market showed a volatile upward trend today, opening slightly lower below the 5-day moving average, and then falling back slightly to support the lowest price of the day at the 2961.52 position, and then breaking through the annual K-line 2972.78, the monthly K-line 2974.93, the 2976.08 position, the monthly K-line 2976.27, the monthly K-line 2984.12, the 10-day moving average, the monthly K-line 2984.98, the weekly K-line 2985.93, 2986.18 position, The monthly K-line was 2995.54, blocked at the highest price at 2996.83, the end of the sideways consolidation, and finally closed sharply, the Shenzhen Component Index closed up in the middle, and the ChiNext index closed slightly lower, the Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 main contract IHL8 fluctuated 24 points throughout the day, the CSI 300 main contract IFL8 was 41 points, the CSI 500 main contract ICL8 was 100 points, and the CSI 1000 main contract IML8 was 136 points, with a total turnover of 658 billion yuan in the two cities. The broader market fluctuated between 35 points throughout the day today, 11 points less than the previous trading day, and was at a moderate volatility level. Most of the main contracts of domestic commodity futures closed up, with soda ash and coke rising by more than 3%, coking coal, palm oil and iron ore rising by more than 2%, and European line container transportation, eggs, Shanghai lead, lithium carbonate, butadiene rubber, etc. rising by more than 1%; In terms of decline, caustic soda and urea fell by more than 2%, jujube fell by nearly 2%, and starch and corn fell by more than 1%. The three major indexes diverged again, the market got off to a good start in July and was close to recovering 3,000 points, the gem index was green against the trend, the concept of fiscal and tax reform once again pulled up the shares of tax friends in 5 days and 4 boards, high-dividend stocks bucked the trend and strengthened the share price of the Agricultural Bank of China hit a new high, the real estate sector rose strongly, the policy was good to hit the integration of vehicles, roads and clouds to speed up, the "Thousand Sails Constellation" is about to start the rapid development of commercial aerospace, Niu Wenxin proposed to cancel the refinancing bonds, the "Rare Earth Management Regulations" was announced, and Argentina will significantly increase lithium production.

The market got off to a good start of July close to 3,000 points, and high-dividend stocks strengthened and many giants hit new highs
The market got off to a good start of July close to 3,000 points, and high-dividend stocks strengthened and many giants hit new highs