
Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

author:Guangxi Meteorology
Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

Since 20 o'clock on June 29

Heavy to heavy rain occurred in northern Guangxi

Localized heavy to extremely heavy rain

From last night to this morning, Liuzhou and Guilin are two cities

Turn on the crazy "pour water" mode

24 hours before 18 o'clock today

The heaviest rainfall occurs in:

Liuzhou Sanjiang Peace Meteorological Observatory 244.5 mm

This was followed by 220.4 mm in the town of Meltwater

Meltwater Big Wave Town at 05:00 on July 1

The maximum hourly rainfall intensity was 94.5 mm

Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......
Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

These two days

Guinan has not been affected by the rain for the time being

But the weather was hot and humid

It's uncomfortable

Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

The intersection of cold and warm air "rubs" the low vortex and shear line

The low vortex is located at the junction of Hunan, Guizhou and Guizhou provinces, and the shear line enters northern Guangxi

The rain will spread throughout Guangxi tonight and tomorrow

The impact of heavy rainfall is about to expand

The superposition effect of heavy rain is obvious

The meteorological risk of heavy rain disasters is high

The Guangxi Meteorological Observatory has upgraded the blue warning for heavy rain to yellow today

The Guangxi Meteorological Bureau has made a Level IV emergency response to major meteorological disasters (heavy rain).

It has been upgraded to Level III emergency response for major meteorological disasters (heavy rain).

Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

Tonight to tomorrow

There will be a wave of torrential rain in Guizhong, Guibei

Localized heavy to extremely heavy rain

It is accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds

When the rain is strong

It is best to take shelter in a safe room

Try to go out as little as possible

When a rainstorm warning signal is received

It is best not to park in low-lying areas

so as not to be soaked in floodwaters

There was also some light to moderate rain in Guinan

Affected by localized heavy rainfall

Tonight to the 3rd

Nanning will also join the rain group chat

Everyone should pay attention to taking back the clothes that are dried outdoors in time

Bring an umbrella when you go out

Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

From the night of the 2nd to the day of the 3rd

Northern Guangxi, western Guangxi and coastal areas

There are heavy to torrential rains

It is accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds

Elsewhere, it will be cloudy to overcast

There are showers or thunderstorms, locally heavy rain or torrential rain

Low-lying areas in Liuzhou, Guilin, Hechi, Hezhou and other places

Rice, corn and most of the sugarcine areas of Liuzhou and Hechi cities

The risk of heavy rainfall and waterlogging is high

Ditches need to be dredged and drained early

Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

From the night of the 3rd to the day of the 4th

The big guy in the sunny field "shot" and intervened

Rainfall weakened

There is light to moderate rain and localized heavy rain in northwest Guangxi

Elsewhere, it will be cloudy to overcast

There are showers or thunderstorms, locally heavy rain

The maximum temperature in most parts of Guangxi will rise to 32~34 °C

There will be a high temperature of 35~36 °C in Guidong

The muggy sensation permeates throughout the day

Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

Weather forecast for the next three days

The Guangxi Meteorological Observatory issued a forecast at 17 o'clock on the 1st:

Yellow warning for heavy rain

From tonight to tomorrow day, Guilin, Liuzhou, Hechi, Baise, Laibin and other cities and the northern part of Hezhou, Nanning, and Chongzuo cities will have heavy rain, local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain, accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds and other strong convective weather, and other areas will have light to moderate rain and local heavy rain.

Nanning City: Tonight, cloudy with moderate rain, tomorrow during the day, cloudy with heavy rain, local heavy rain, southerly wind 2~3, the lowest temperature of 26 °C, the highest temperature of 30 °C.

From the night of the 2nd to the day of the 3rd, there were heavy rain to heavy rain, localized heavy rain accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds and other strong convective weather in northern Guangxi, western Guizhou and coastal areas, and cloudy to cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, localized heavy rain or torrential rain in other areas.

From the night of the 3rd to the day of the 4th, there was light to moderate rain and localized heavy rain in northwest Guangxi, and cloudy to cloudy skies with showers or thunderstorms and localized heavy rain in other areas.

Strong wind reports and marine weather forecasts

Sea surface of Beibu Gulf: from tonight to tomorrow day, moderate to heavy rain, local heavy rain to heavy rain, southerly wind 5~6, gust 8, thunderstorm accompanied by thunderstorm gust 8 or more; From the night of the 2nd to the day of the 3rd, light to moderate rain, local heavy rain to heavy rain, southerly wind level 5, gust level 6~7, thunderstorm accompanied by thunderstorm winds above level 8; From the night of the 3rd to the day of the 4th, it was cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, southerly winds of 4~5 and gusts of 6~7.

At typhoon warning stations along the coast from Hepu to Dongxing, the No. 1 Typhoon Signal of Strong Wind Signal will not change.

7-day weather forecast for some cities in Guangxi


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

River pools

Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

North Sea

Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......
Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

Editor|Yu Hairong

First Instance|Xie Haiyun

Second Instance|Yuan Lijun

Final Review|Gao Yujie

Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......


Widespread rainstorm is coming! From tonight to tomorrow, there will be heavy rain + local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain in Guibei, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds......

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