
What are the treatments for herpes zoster in summer? How can it be prevented early?

author:Happy little doctor
What are the treatments for herpes zoster in summer? How can it be prevented early?

With the arrival of summer, heat and humidity become the norm, which not only brings cosy beaches and cool cold drinks, but also quietly increases health risks. Among them, herpes zoster, as a common viral skin disease, is especially high in summer.

What is shingles?

Herpes zoster, commonly known as "loincloth" or "snake sore", is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. The virus causes chickenpox when a person is first infected, and the virus then latent in the ganglia. When the body's immunity is weakened, the virus may reactivate, causing shingles.

What are the treatments for herpes zoster in summer? How can it be prevented early?

Why is shingles frequent in summer?

1. High temperature and humidity: The high temperature and humidity environment in summer is conducive to the activity of the virus. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which is more likely to be active and multiply in warm, moist environments.

2. Weakened immunity: In summer, the weather is hot, people are prone to fatigue, and factors such as irregular diet and poor work and rest will lead to a decrease in immunity. When the immune system is suppressed, the VZV virus latent in the ganglia is prone to reactivation, triggering shingles.

3. Increased summer activities: In summer, people go out more and more, and they are susceptible to various stress factors, such as sun exposure, excessive exercise, etc., which will also weaken the body's immune function and increase the incidence of shingles.

4. Increased chance of virus transmission: Summer is the peak season for bacterial and viral transmission, and people gather and come into contact frequently, increasing the chance of virus transmission, although shingles itself is not contagious, but the chickenpox virus can be transmitted through the respiratory tract, causing new infections.

The frequent occurrence of herpes zoster in summer is related to a variety of factors such as environmental conditions, human immune status, and virus transmission.

What are the treatments for herpes zoster in summer? How can it be prevented early?

Where does shingles appear? What are the symptoms?

Possible locations:

1. Torso: This is the most common site and usually occurs on one side of the chest, back, or abdomen.

2. Face: Distributed especially along the trigeminal nerve, including around the eyes, forehead, and nose.

3. Neck: Distributed along the nerves in the neck.

4. Extremities: Occasionally on the arms or legs.

Key symptoms:

1. Pain: Often the earliest symptom of shingles, it may begin a few days before the rash appears. The pain can be burning, tingling, or severe.

2. Rash: Usually appears within a few days of the onset of the pain as red spots that then turn into small blisters. The blisters will gradually rupture, scab over, and then heal.

3. Itching: The area of the rash may be accompanied by itching.

4. Paresthesias: such as numbness, tingling, or allergic touch.

5. Fever, headache, fatigue: Some patients may have systemic symptoms such as mild fever, headache, and fatigue.

6. Swollen lymph nodes: Lymph nodes near the infected area may be swollen and painful.

Special Cases:

1. Ocular shingles (ocular shingles): If the virus affects the eyes, it can cause serious eye problems such as keratitis, iritis, and even vision loss.

2. Herpes zoster in the ear (herpes zoster in the ear): Known as Ramsay Hunt syndrome, it can cause earache, facial paralysis and hearing loss.

Symptoms of shingles usually resolve on their own within a few weeks, but some patients may experience long-term neuralgia (postherpetic neuralgia), especially older people or people who are immunocompromised. Early treatment can reduce symptoms, shorten the duration of the disease, and reduce the risk of complications.

What are the treatments for herpes zoster in summer? How can it be prevented early?

Precautions for shingles

1. Vaccination: Vaccination against shingles is recommended for seniors aged 60 and above, which can effectively reduce the risk of developing the disease.

2. Enhance immunity: Maintain a regular schedule, eat a balanced diet, exercise moderately, and avoid excessive fatigue and stress.

3. Pay attention to hygiene: wash your hands frequently and avoid close contact with people with shingles to prevent cross-infection.

4. Sun protection and skin care: Pay attention to sun protection when going out in summer to avoid sunburn and skin damage.

Treatment of shingles

1. Antiviral drugs, such as acyclovir and valacyclovir, can shorten the course of the disease and reduce symptoms.

2. Pain medications: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or analgesic drugs to relieve pain.

3. Topical care: Keep the affected area clean, avoid scratching, and use a dry dressing to protect the blisters.

4. Other treatments: Nerve block therapy may be considered for severe pain to reduce the duration of neuralgia.

What are the treatments for herpes zoster in summer? How can it be prevented early?

Precautions for the care of shingles

1. Rest and nutrition: Ensure adequate sleep and nutrient intake to enhance the body's immunity.

2. Keep the affected area dry: Sweating is easy in summer, and keeping the affected area dry can help heal.

3. Avoid irritation: Wear loose, breathable clothing and avoid rubbing the affected area.

Some patients may continue to experience pain after the rash has subsided, known as postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). This pain can last for months or even years, severely affecting quality of life.

Although shingles is common, with the right prevention and timely treatment, the pain and discomfort it brings can be greatly reduced. In summer, we should pay more attention to our own health, maintain good living habits and work and rest, and improve immunity to prevent the occurrence of shingles.