
More details of Zhang Zhijie's death were exposed, his uncle-in-law revealed the inside story, Lin Dan spoke first, and fans were sad

author:A San Kan Ball

As we all know, the Chinese badminton national team has recently received a news that has made many fans very sad. 17-year-old talented player Zhang Zhijie died unexpectedly when he was competing in Indonesia.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death were exposed, his uncle-in-law revealed the inside story, Lin Dan spoke first, and fans were sad

After Zhang Zhijie's death, many fans felt very heartbroken. On the other hand, they also questioned the unprofessionalism of the organizing committee of this competition, questioning that their first aid measures were not timely and professional enough, resulting in a delay in the best treatment period. As the turmoil continued to ferment, just recently, Zhang Zhijie's brother-in-law was also interviewed by the media and revealed more inside information, from which we can understand that Zhang Zhijie's unexpected death is indeed full of mysteries

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death were exposed, his uncle-in-law revealed the inside story, Lin Dan spoke first, and fans were sad

According to media reports, Zhang Zhijie's brother-in-law recently revealed some news about the family in an interview, he said that Zhang Zhijie's mother immediately fell ill and was admitted to the hospital after learning of her son's death.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death were exposed, his uncle-in-law revealed the inside story, Lin Dan spoke first, and fans were sad

On the other hand, Zhang Zhijie's uncle also made it clear that the family has no history of heart disease, and Zhang Zhijie's body is also very healthy. According to Zhang Zhijie's uncle, if Zhang Zhijie's normal game would not have happened at all, then what did Zhang Zhijie experience before he fell? I hope that the organizing committee and the national team coaching staff can give a clear answer and answer questions for fans.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death were exposed, his uncle-in-law revealed the inside story, Lin Dan spoke first, and fans were sad

Although the national team and the organizing committee have not yet given a reply to the specific reason for Zhang Zhijie's death, many fans and media people have speculated about it, suspecting that Zhang Zhijie has been too tired recently and the intensity of the game is too great, resulting in his body being unable to bear it. Regarding this point, Lin Dan also said in a previous interview, he said that in fact, badminton is more intense than tennis, and the test of physical strength is higher, because badminton matches are usually played back-to-back, and many times there is no day off.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death were exposed, his uncle-in-law revealed the inside story, Lin Dan spoke first, and fans were sad

And before the media reported that Lin Dan was at his peak, he had participated in five large-scale competitions within a month, basically playing every day, and also going back and forth in several countries, so it can be seen from this that in fact, Zhang Zhijie and these badminton players are very hard.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death were exposed, his uncle-in-law revealed the inside story, Lin Dan spoke first, and fans were sad

Of course, at present, these statements are only speculation from the outside world, and I believe that there will be a specific answer to Zhang Zhijie soon because of what happened. We hope that the passing of Zhang Zhijie this time can be paid attention to by the organizing committee of the competition and all the teams, and be equipped with professional first-aid equipment in future competitions, and at the same time, the team should also pay attention to rest during training to avoid overwork and accidents.

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