
The success of the "World Heritage Application" is only the starting point: commemorating the 20th anniversary of the successful application of the "One Palace and Three Tombs" for the World Heritage List (11)

author:Optimistic run silently

The success of the inscription is only the starting point

Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the successful application of "One Palace and Three Tombs" on the World Heritage List (11)


On July 1, 2004, at the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee, the Wunushan Mountain City, Shenyang Imperial Palace, Qing Yongling, Qing Fu Tomb and Qing Zhao Tomb of Liaoning Province passed the review and were officially included in the World Heritage List. This has brought a strong spiritual impetus to the revitalization of the old industrial base. But then there is a rise in tourism, and the rising tourism boom will not put pressure on the World Heritage Site, which is what many people are worried about. In order to protect the world cultural heritage, Diao Xinjian, a reporter from Liaoning Daily, organized and wrote a report entitled "After Wearing the World Heritage Crown", which was published in a full-page article by Liaoning Daily on August 2, 2004. This is part of this, and the success of the "World Heritage Nomination" is only the starting point.

On the day of commemorating the 20th anniversary of the successful inscription of Liaoning's "One Palace and Three Tombs" on the World Heritage List, I published a report written by reporter Diao Xinjian in the "Hear, See and Think" column run by Toutiao and WeChat, aiming to thank the news media for their long-term strong publicity of Liaoning's cultural heritage. Advocate that the guardians of cultural heritage should take this as a warning and truly fully assume the historical responsibility for the protection of cultural heritage.

July 2, 2024

The success of the inscription is only the starting point

Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the successful application of "One Palace and Three Tombs" on the World Heritage List (11)

The content comes from "Liaoning Daily"

Reporter Diao Xinjian wrote a report

On July 26, 2004, at the Provincial Department of Culture, Zhang Chunyu, deputy director of the department, and Wu Yanliang, deputy director of the cultural relics department, were interviewed by reporters. The topic was opened from the tourism fever brought by the world heritage - the reporter mentioned the phenomenon of the rapid rise of tourism in various world heritage sites in the past month after the successful application for the World Heritage Site, Zhang Chunyu believes that this is inevitable, and he cited the example of Huangshan and Pingyao: after Huangshan was rated as a world heritage, tourism revenue soared from millions to 200 million yuan; After the ancient city of Pingyao was included in the World Cultural Heritage List in 1997, the ticket revenue increased from 180,000 yuan to more than 5 million yuan in the second year. It can be seen how huge the tourism brand effect and social effect will be brought by the label of world heritage.

In this case, the Great Wall of Jiumen Water has already taken the lead and made it to the World Heritage List, why has the tourism industry been tepid? Wu Yanliang explained, the nine gates of the water Great Wall tourism is not very popular for many reasons, first of all, the traffic is not as convenient as Shanhaiguan, and the second is that the publicity is not carried out, originally the Nine Gates of the Great Wall of the water is included in the World Heritage List as an extension of the Great Wall, the popularity is far less than Badaling and Shanhaiguan and other places, the publicity is not in place, the natural knowledge of the people is less, in this regard we do not communicate enough with the Hebei side, has not been included in the Shanhaiguan tourist routes.

They believe that unlike the Great Wall of Jiumen Water, the tourism of the five "Xinke" World Heritage sites will continue to heat up and become the fist brand of Liaoning's tourism and the main economic growth point. Vice Governor Teng Weiping said after the successful application for the World Heritage that our province should take the World Heritage project as a very important scenic spot for tourism and economic development, and organize a series of world heritage tours. Our province should promote the development of other related industries through cultural tourism, and push the "Golden Triangle" tourism concept of the central Liaoning urban agglomeration to a higher level to serve the revitalization of the old industrial base in Northeast China. Previously, the Shenyang Municipal Government has launched the "root-seeking tour" activity connecting Shenyang and Fushun, and the tourism connection between the two places has been completed. At the same time, as the "ancestral root" of the Qing Dongling and Qing Xiling, the three tombs outside the Guanwai will also establish closer ties with them, and the entire Qing cultural industry belt will be formed.

While imagining a thriving tourism industry, Zhang Chunyu is thinking more about the protection of cultural heritage: what is the purpose of the "World Heritage Nomination"? It's for better protection! This is where we work. We inherit this legacy from our ancestors, and we need to pass it on even better. It is also necessary to properly handle the relationship between immediate and long-term interests, from the perspective of the scientific outlook on development, social benefits are more valuable, although we do not exclude economic benefits while protecting cultural heritage, but we must deal with this contradiction well, otherwise we will kill the chicken and take the eggs.

At present, a common phenomenon is that when we are not aware of the value of the heritage, we will arbitrarily transform and destroy it, and once we realize the huge economic benefits that the heritage can bring, we will develop and utilize it in a hurry. The first is tourism, and the impact of tourism on the continent's world heritage sites has been abounding.

So, what exactly is the relationship between conservation and utilization? The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics clearly states that the policy for the work of cultural relics in the new period is "protection first, rescue first, rational utilization, and strengthening management", which is the inevitable requirement and basic principle for doing a good job in cultural relics. The "16-character" principle is an organic whole, which clearly defines the focus of work and emphasizes the dialectical relationship between all aspects. In the work of cultural relics, "protection" is the core and premise, "rescue" is the top priority, "utilization" is the ultimate goal, and "management" is the key and guarantee. Cultural relics have the characteristics of non-renewable and irreplaceable, and at all times and under all circumstances, we must adhere to the principle of "protection first" and put the protection of cultural relics and their original environment in the main position, which is the basis for the existence and development of cultural relics. In view of the fact that the task of protecting cultural relics is arduous and the manpower and financial resources are very limited, the rescue of endangered cultural relics should be given top priority in the work. Protective and rescue measures should embody state actions and government duties, and when necessary, be enforced through the legal system. It is necessary to actively explore the rational use under the premise of protection, and all the ways that can preserve the original historical appearance, meet the essential requirements of the display and transmission of cultural relics to future generations, and realize the use of historical and cultural information are all rational use, and the value and function of cultural relics can be reflected through use, and the protection of cultural relics can be further promoted and promoted. It is necessary to conscientiously strengthen scientific and standardized management, raise the level of protection, rescue, and utilization, and provide a basic guarantee for doing a good job in the work of cultural relics. The "16-character" policy is an inseparable organic whole, which must be understood and implemented comprehensively, completely, and accurately.

Zhang Chunyu said that now we must keep a sober mind, although the "World Heritage application" has been successful, but it does not mean that our level of protection is world-class, this is just a new starting point, the road ahead is still very long, far from the time of self-absorption. The better and longer the World Heritage heritage is protected, the more our responsibilities will become. He said that in the near future, the Provincial Department of Culture will organize experts to investigate various heritage sites, find out the situation, and further explore the experience of reasonable and appropriate use, so as to do a good job in the protection of world heritage sites and the integration of cultural resources in the province. Governor Zhang Wenyue asked the cultural department to integrate cultural resources, including cultural relics, expand foreign exchanges, create a cultural environment in Liaoning, and inject a strong spiritual impetus into the revitalization of the old industrial base. This is the direction of the next step of cultural work in our province.

Originally published in Liaoning Daily, August 2, 2004, page 10

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