
Deng Weiqiang: Strive to be a high-quality Communist Party member and promote the high-quality development of Baisha

author:White sand media

On the morning of July 1, the Party Branch of the County Party Committee Office held the 2024 "July 1st" Party Member Conference in the conference room on the third floor of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee to further study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions, and lead Party members and cadres to enhance political awareness, recognize the situation and tasks, broaden their work horizons, and improve their professional capabilities in various forms.

Deng Weiqiang: Strive to be a high-quality Communist Party member and promote the high-quality development of Baisha

Deng Weiqiang, secretary of the county party committee, and Li Feng, deputy secretary of the county party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee, attended the meeting as ordinary party members.

Deng Weiqiang: Strive to be a high-quality Communist Party member and promote the high-quality development of Baisha

At the meeting, Deng Weiqiang gave a special party class on party discipline study with the topic of "How to become a qualified Communist Party member in the new era". In his speech, Deng Weiqiang stressed that in the new era and new journey, members of the Communist Party of China are facing more complex challenges and more severe tests. Both the situation and the tasks have put forward new requirements for Communist Party members to take up their responsibilities. This requires our party members and cadres to establish the consciousness of "looking at the overall situation, seeking the general trend, thinking about the long-term, and having long skills", and have the courage to train the iron shoulders that dare to take responsibility, dare to show their swords in the face of major rights and wrongs, dare to face difficulties in the face of contradictions, and dare to resolutely struggle in the face of unhealthy tendencies.

Deng Weiqiang demanded that we should strive to be a high-quality Communist Party member, always adhere to diligent study and courageous practice, and constantly improve the comprehensive ability level of good work. In today's information age, where new knowledge and new technologies are emerging one after another and the cycle of knowledge updating is constantly shortening, we must always tighten the string of learning, firmly establish the concept of lifelong learning, and regard learning as a political responsibility, a way of working, and a spiritual pursuit. It is necessary to work hard and seek practical results with a new spiritual outlook, focus on problems, advance in the face of difficulties, perform duties and responsibilities for the party and the people with the spirit of active responsibility, and contribute to the high-quality development of Baisha to achieve new results.

Deng Weiqiang: Strive to be a high-quality Communist Party member and promote the high-quality development of Baisha
Deng Weiqiang: Strive to be a high-quality Communist Party member and promote the high-quality development of Baisha

Deng Weiqiang and other county leaders reviewed the oath of joining the party as ordinary party members and paid party dues in a centralized manner

◎ Source: County Party Committee Office

Deng Weiqiang: Strive to be a high-quality Communist Party member and promote the high-quality development of Baisha