
Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

author:White sand media

On the July 1st Party Day, Baisha specially launched three red party building theme routes, walked into Baisha together, immersed themselves in Baisha, felt the strong red cultural atmosphere of Baisha, relived those years that shone with glorious history, and went on a bloody journey through time and space

Line 01

Follow the footsteps of the martyrs and immerse yourself in the historical heritage

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Route recommendation: Fulong Baojia Battle Memorial Park→ Baizhun Village Red Army Well→ Baizhun Village Tongxin Island

Fulong Baojia Battle Memorial Park

In Baojia Village, Fulong Township, Baisha, there is a hidden check-in place with a super sense of history - that is, the land of Fulong Baojia Battle Memorial Park, which was once the final destination of the martyrs cemetery of Baojia Village, which carried countless heroic martyrs

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

In August 2013, the Baishali Autonomous County Party Committee and the county government carefully renovated the martyrs' tombs and erected monuments to commemorate the martyrs who died bravely, and in 2015, it was renamed the Baojia Battle Memorial Square, with majestic monuments, quiet martyrs' tombs, propaganda monuments and pavilions and other facilities on the square


Baizhun Village is located in Fulong Township, Baishali Autonomous County, where the mountains are stacked and green, the fields are vast, as if it is a beautiful picture of nature, along the clean and winding road into the village, every step is like stepping into the paradise of the new era, which makes people feel refreshed and happy

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!
Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!
Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!
Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Baizhun Village in the depths of the mountains is still the old revolutionary area, with a deep red heritage, the Qiongya Column once stationed in the village of the "Red Army Well", now is still gushing clean water, the local Li compatriots have been grateful for this rare love of fish and water for generations, and now they are with respect and love for the red culture, and strive to explore and inherit this precious red gene, injecting new vitality and vitality into this land

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Tongxin Island in Baekjoon Village

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Walking into the Tongxin Island of Baizhun Village, it is like stepping into a dream land where red memories and green ecology are intertwined, where there is not only the red imprint of the old revolutionary area, but also the natural scenery of green mountains, green bamboos, and idyllic green mountains, where the red culture is precipitated and inherited, which makes people's hearts surge

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Standing on this land, you can deeply feel the heavy sense of historical responsibility, the admiration and nostalgia for the ancestors, and the surrounding green mountains and dense bamboo forests bring you a tranquility and harmony, so that you can forget the worries of the world, and your mood is like washing

Line 02

Unlock red memories and taste the rhyme of tea

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Route recommendation: Baisha Exhibition Hall→ Memorial Park of the First Shot Site of Baisha Uprising→ Wuli Road Tea Yun Sharing Farm

Baisha Exhibition Hall

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

The Baisha Exhibition Hall is located on the first floor of the new building of the County Cultural and Sports Center Cultural Center, and the exhibition hall has set up a visitor center area, an immersive experience area and a cultural exhibition area

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Memorial Park at the site of the first shot of the Baisha Uprising

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Going back to 80 years ago, in this sacred land, the Li and Miao compatriots in South China blew the horn, armed with powder guns and other rudimentary weapons, and fired the "first shot of the Baisha Uprising", creating conditions for the establishment of the revolutionary base in the center of Wuzhishan and the liberation of Hainan...... Every corner is filled with a sense of history, as if people have traveled back to that war-torn era

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Wuli Road Tea Rhyme Sharing Farm

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Wuli Road Tea Yun Sharing Farm is located 2.5 kilometers away from the crater impact point in Baisha County, the mysterious and unique tea plantations are full of volcanic lava blocks, which contain rare substances from the sky, as if they are a gift from nature

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

In the early morning, the morning mist surrounds the tea garden, like an ink painting, the beauty is intoxicating, here is the best place to grow alpine cloud tea, every piece of tea is full of the essence of heaven and earth, come to Wuli Road Tea Rhyme Sharing Farm, you can not only feel the magical charm of nature, but also taste the longevity and purity of tea rhyme, every moment here is the baptism of the soul, every bite is the carnival of taste buds

Line 03

Explore rural revitalization and inherit red genes

Route recommendation: Bajiao Village, Bangxi Town→ Bangxi Water Courtyard, Nanya Village

Basho Village, Bangxi Town

Bajiao Village, hidden in the Nanban Village Committee of Bangxi Town, is a shining example of rural revitalization in Baisha County, which continues to innovate rural business formats and accelerates the development of rural revitalization by virtue of its unique rural resources

Walking into Basho Village is like stepping into a green dream, where the plantain tree and various other trees are intertwined into a sea of greenery, as if it is a beautiful picture of the land gifted by nature

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Here, you can experience the characteristic rural accommodation and food, taste the most authentic farmhouse taste, whether it is a road trip, a bicycle on the greenway, or a leisurely fishing Basho Village, you can satisfy all your imagination of a leisure vacation

Bangxi Water Courtyard in Nanya Village

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Nanya Village, Bangxi Town

Under the guidance of party building, Nanya Village continues to innovate and closely combine agriculture and tourism, promote the deep integration of rural tourism and rural revitalization, draw a grand blueprint for rural revitalization, and show a magnificent picture full of vitality and vitality

Stepping into Nanya Village is like stepping into the landscape painting of the poem, the green mountains are like daisies, the trees are verdant, and each small house is arranged in an orderly manner, as if whispering their own stories, the golden rice fields outside the village are gently swaying in the wind, as if nature has put on a golden dress for Mother Earth, and the clear stream is like an elegant musician, babbling and playing the music of nature, attracting people to stop and listen

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Located in Nanya Village, Bangxi Town, Xueer Mountain House Bangxi Water Courtyard has only nine rooms, but it exudes a strong Chinese style everywhere, and the B&B is located in a verdant forest, as if quietly blooming in the embrace of mountains and rivers

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!

Over here

You can escape the hustle and bustle of the city for a while

Immerse yourself in the lap of nature

Listen to the birdsong in the mountains

Listen to the sound of flowing water passing under your feet

Enjoy a time in harmony with nature

Find the long-lost peace and ease

Don't forget the history, don't forget the way you came

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention

Let's come to Baisha to feel the "red romance"

Let's pursue that magnificent history together

Experience a journey of heart and spirit

◎Source: Baisha Tourism and Cultural Affairs Bureau

Red heart to the party, do not forget the original intention! Let's come to Baisha to experience the red journey!