
Wei Min: What is the intention of putting "accidental incidents" on the platform?

author:Red Culture Network

There have been two recent incidents: one in Jilin, where one Chinese and four Americans were injured; One occurred in Suzhou, where one Chinese was injured and killed, and two Japanese were injured. These were originally two criminal cases, and the police could find out the truth and deal with them in accordance with the law. However, because it was a "foreign-related incident," for a time, it was in an uproar, and some people were like a treasure and labeled Chinese "hatred of the United States and Japan," "populism," "Boxers," "patriotic hooligans," "patriotic thieves," and so Chinese on......

Wei Min: What is the intention of putting "accidental incidents" on the platform?

All this, this heavy hat overwhelmed the Chinese, as if I am in China, there are "thugs" everywhere, and it seems that in the future, we Chinese will not be able to raise our heads when we see foreigners.

But is that really the case?

Returning to these two cases, the injured were all Chinese, which shows that the perpetrators were not just targeting foreigners. Judging from the facts of the case announced, in the Jilin case, the two sides collided due to an accident, and it was impossible for the perpetrators to know the nationality of these foreigners in advance, and these Americans did not have nationality cards, and the people with white faces could also be Europeans, Russians, Latin Americans, and Australians. In this case, how can it be inferred that the perpetrator must be "hateful of the United States"? In the Suzhou case, the assailant embarked on the road of no return to retaliate against society because of the unfair treatment he received in his former company, and his crimes were not necessarily specifically aimed at the Japanese, so it is too early to arbitrarily judge him as "hating Japan." Even if the people around him were Chinese or other foreigners on the day of the crime, he would most likely have behaved similarly.

In fact, the vast majority of Chinese have received normal patriotic education, and since childhood, they have been told to separate imperialism from the civilians of their host countries and conduct historical education in the War of Resistance and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, in order to learn from history and face the future, and never to perpetuate hatred. Even if hatred is spoken, it is the US imperialists and Japanese militarists who are hated, not their civilians. If some people deliberately portray the education of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea as an education that hates Japan and the United States, they have ulterior motives.

As for populism, it is originally a foreign product, and in the Western context, it originally refers to a political program or action to defend the interests of the common people, usually in opposition to elitism, with the goal of opposing the interests of big business and big finance. However, in recent years, this concept has been seriously generalized by some media and public knowledge and influencers, and it has been a disguised attack on patriotism and the behavior of safeguarding the interests of the people. Of course, we do not deny that there are certain radical and impatient words and deeds in society, which need to be correctly understood and properly handled, but the vast majority of these situations belong to contradictions among the people, and if they are negated, ostracized, and cracked down on indiscriminately as "populism," they will only intensify contradictions and are not conducive to the stability and development of mainland society. The perpetrators in the Jilin and Suzhou cases probably would not have thought of such a distant goal as "opposing big business and big finance", and what does it have to do with "populism"?

Over the years, as long as there is a foreign-related incident, many people often accuse the Chinese people of being "Boxers", such as the Suzhou case, some bloggers named their WeChat articles with sensational titles such as "The Boxers Killed from Online to Offline". I can't help but ask this blogger: "What is the Boxer Rebellion?" What was the role of the Boxer Rebellion? "The Boxer Rebellion was an anti-imperialist patriotic movement that arose at the end of the 19th century during the imperialist frenzy of the imperialists to carve up China, when the imperialists rode on the heads of the people on the mainland to make a fortune, trying to carve up Africa and the Americas, and the Chinese nation was facing an unprecedentedly serious national crisis Chinese...... The partition is really the next policy", then the fate of the later Chinese is likely to be similar to that of the American Indians...... Although the Boxers had the limitations of blind xenophobia, after all, the Boxers did not go to the Eight Nations to kill people and set fires, but the Eight-Nation Coalition went to the mainland to kill people and set fires, and the Boxers resisted aggression, which was generally a righteous action. What does the recent incident have to do with the Boxer Rebellion more than 120 years ago?

What's more, who will dare to be patriotic in the future by ingeniously creating words like "patriotic hooligan" and "patriotic thief", and linking such a positive word as "patriotic" with such a derogatory term as "hooligan" and "thief"?! A hooligan is a hooligan, a thief is a thief, and he can't get along with "patriotism" in any way, and as for being a traitor in the name of patriotism, he is not patriotic at all. In recent years, some people have often criticized patriotism by paraphrasing the British royalist literati Samuel Johnson's phrase "patriotism is the last refuge of hooligans". In fact, Samuel Johnson is not referring to sincere patriotism for the country at all, but to that kind of patriotism in disguise. Therefore, this phrase is not, as it is now commonly quoted, and is not a critique of patriotism. Therefore, there is only the theory of traitors and traitors, and there is no such thing as "patriotic hooligans" and "patriotic thieves" at all. The perpetrators in the Jilin and Suzhou cases have indeed committed crimes, and they will be dealt with in accordance with the law, but they may not be worthy of such big hats as "patriotic hooligans" and "patriotic thieves."

As for some radical remarks with nationalist overtones in online public opinion in recent years, it is indeed urgent to correctly guide and deal with them, but the premise is to seriously analyze the complex reasons for their formation. "There is no love without a reason, and there is no hate without a reason", these statements are rooted in a long period of "reverse nationalism". Reverse nationalism is a trend of thought that dwarfs the country and the nation itself, and its core idea is that foreigners, especially Europeans, Americans, Japanese, and even all foreigners, are superior to their own nationals, that it is normal for foreigners to enjoy privileges, and that they do their best to curry favor with foreigners, artificially create inequality between natives and foreigners, and advocate national nihilism. This trend of thought has led to many foreigners being arrogant and domineering on the mainland, lawless, violating public order and good customs, and doing all kinds of absurd things that humiliate, humiliate, and chill the hearts of the Chinese people. In July 2019, a foreign student repeatedly pushed the traffic police in Fuzhou, with an arrogant attitude, violently resisted the law, and shouted "I am a foreigner and do not understand Chinese laws and regulations" in public, not taking mainland laws into account at all; In April 2020, three foreigners directly cut into the queue when they did nucleic acid testing in Qingdao, and shouted "Chinese get out"; A foreign patient refused to comply with epidemic prevention regulations in Guangzhou, and unreasonably beat and bitten a female nurse in the face; In July 2020, an Indian student tampered with the display screen on campus to make it openly display anti-China slogans; In June 2021, a foreign teacher at Ningbo Institute of Technology brutally killed a female college student; In April 2023, in the BMW mini ice cream incident, two Chinese staff members treated Chinese people as cold as ice and treated foreigners with a flattering smile; Over the years, many foreign scumbags have regarded the mainland as a "paradise" for pleasure and wildness, wantonly lured mainland girls, and even posted intimate videos on the Internet to spread them everywhere, openly calling mainland girls "easy girls", and even worse, knowing that they were suffering from AIDS, they deliberately spread it everywhere......

Wei Min: What is the intention of putting "accidental incidents" on the platform?

In April 2020, a nurse in Guangzhou who was injured and bitten by a foreigner

Wei Min: What is the intention of putting "accidental incidents" on the platform?

In June 2021, a female college student was brutally killed by a foreign teacher

Wei Min: What is the intention of putting "accidental incidents" on the platform?
Wei Min: What is the intention of putting "accidental incidents" on the platform?

The true face of a foreign scumbag

All kinds of indications show that the fermentation of the trend of reverse nationalism has seriously hurt the national self-esteem and self-confidence of the mainland people, seriously violated the party's original mission of "seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation and happiness for the Chinese people", and will inevitably lead to certain extreme remarks with nationalist overtones in Internet public opinion, which is a stress reaction. In order to correctly solve this problem, we must first completely eradicate the reverse nationalist trend of thought that "foreigners should enjoy privileges and foreigners should be given priority", and truly realize the all-round equality of natives and foreigners.

In short, we sympathize with the victims in the Jilin and Suzhou cases and hope that they will be dealt with impartially according to law, but the overwhelming majority of Chinese people are very friendly and not hostile to law-abiding foreigners in China, and we cannot use these two incidents as an excuse to generalize and go online indefinitely, putting on many malicious hats for the 1.4 billion Chinese people, and rising to the level of scandalizing the majority of the Chinese people. That is not at all in line with the facts, and it also seriously tarnishes the international image of the mainland, and the 1.4 billion Chinese people will never wear these hats......