
Who is more powerful, Rulai or Zhenwu Emperor? Why is Sun Wukong not afraid of Rulai, but he is in awe of Zhenwu

author:Academy of Literature and History

Rulai and Emperor Zhenwu are both the top gods in the Journey to the West world, and they both have unfathomable mana cultivation, but it is worth mentioning that Sun Wukong's attitude towards them is completely different.

Sun Wukong seemed willful in front of Rulai, not only was he not afraid of him, but even dared to speak out.

In the original Lion Camel Ridge, Sun Wukong went to Lingshan to ask for help from Rulai to subdue the three demons of Lion Camel Ridge, when Rulai comforted him with rest, and when he knew the goblin, Sun Wukong suddenly thought that the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle was the disciple of Rulai's godmother Peacock, and he shouted angrily at Rulai: "Rulai! I have heard people say that the fairy is related to you! ”

This shouting made Rulai very embarrassed, so he had to admit that he and the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle did have some kinship, but the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle did not do evil, but it was not his instructions.

Who is more powerful, Rulai or Zhenwu Emperor? Why is Sun Wukong not afraid of Rulai, but he is in awe of Zhenwu

On the other hand, in the face of the Zhenwu Emperor, Sun Wukong suddenly became a polite monkey, and he was in awe of the Zhenwu Emperor.

In the original Huangmei Monster, Sun Wukong asked the Zhenwu Emperor to surrender the Huangmei Monster, and when he saw Wudang Mountain from afar, he immediately pressed the cloud head gently, for fear that the movement of the cloud was too big and disturbed the Zhenwu Emperor. After coming to the Taihe Palace, the residence of the Emperor Zhenwu, he did not rush straight into it with a big grin like asking for help from other immortals, but first politely warned the gatekeeper.

After seeing Emperor Zhenwu, Sun Wukong's performance was even more respectful, first bowing respectfully, and then respectfully making his request.

Speaking of which, everyone must be very curious, who is more powerful between Rulai and Emperor Zhenwu? Why is Sun Wukong not afraid of Rulai, but he is in awe of Emperor Zhenwu?

In terms of strength, Rulai should be better than Emperor Zhenwu.

Who is more powerful, Rulai or Zhenwu Emperor? Why is Sun Wukong not afraid of Rulai, but he is in awe of Zhenwu

In the seventh chapter of the original work, after Rulai pressed Sun Wukong under the Five Elements Mountain, the Jade Emperor was overjoyed and specially held an antiy conference to celebrate his achievements.

After a while, the Yuqing Yuan Shi Tianzun, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, Taiqing Daode Tianzun, Wuqi Zhenjun, Wudou Xingjun, Sanguan and Four Saints, Jiuyao Zhenjun, Zuo Fu, Right Bi, Tianwang, Nezha, Xuanxu should be well-informed, on the pair of flags, double banner covers, all holding pearls and treasures, longevity fruit flowers, to the Buddha to worship and say: "Feel the immeasurable mana, ambush the demon monkey."

At the Antiy Conference, Yuan Shi Tianzun and other Sanqing actually led the immortals to worship Rulai, which shows that Rulai's status is by no means lower than Sanqing, and may even be slightly higher, otherwise Sanqing will never lead the immortals to bow to him.

And we know that Emperor Zhenwu, as a Taoist god, is obviously under the Sanqing as the supreme god of Taoism, so he is naturally inferior to Rulai. In the mythical world, the strength of the great god is often proportional to the status, the higher the status, the stronger the strength, in this case, the strength of Rulai is of course stronger than the Zhenwu Emperor.

Who is more powerful, Rulai or Zhenwu Emperor? Why is Sun Wukong not afraid of Rulai, but he is in awe of Zhenwu

As for Rulai's strength is obviously stronger than that of Zhenwu Emperor, why Sun Wukong is not afraid of him, but is afraid of Zhenwu Emperor, first of all, Sun Wukong is not afraid of Rulai because he has no fear, he knows that Rulai is compassionate, and he needs him to escort Tang Seng to learn scriptures, and offending Rulai will not have any serious consequences.

Secondly, Sun Wukong is jealous of the Zhenwu Emperor, which is related to the other identity of the Zhenwu Emperor.

Emperor Zhenwu, also known as the Nine Heavens Demon Patriarch, was ordered by the Jade Emperor and Yuan Shi Tianzun to kill the demons of the Three Realms who committed murder and evil, so that all the demons of the Three Realms were terrified of him. Although Sun Wukong has cultivated to Taiyi Heavenly Immortal, he is born as a monster after all, so he has a kind of awe for Emperor Zhenwu in his bones. In addition, Emperor Zhenwu is not as merciful as Rulai, and he has always been as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, so Sun Wukong is naturally in awe of him. What do you think?