
【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

author:Look at China

Since its birth, the Communist Party of China has become the core force leading the Chinese nation to rejuvenation. With firm conviction and selfless dedication, the communists have created one glorious historical moment after another.

Today, we would like to introduce you to a few documentaries that aim to delve into the great journey of the Communist Party of China and understand the tenacity of our ancestors. Through these documentaries, we can not only look back on the eventful years engraved in the national memory, but also appreciate the new atmosphere and new responsibilities of the communists in the context of the new era.

【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

Red snow is flying

The ten-episode large-scale documentary "Red Snow Flying - A Hundred Years of Red Harbin" is based on a century-old history, which is divided into 10 episodes, each episode is 25 minutes, namely "Revolutionary Baptism", "Pioneer Footprints", "Ambition to Reward the Country", "Young Pioneer", "Blowing the Horn", "Rear Base", "Southbound Torrent", "CPPCC Set Sail", "Qianmo Watch" and "Forge Ahead".

Through the sincere narration of dozens of experts and witnesses and the new interpretation of audio-visual means, the documentary fully demonstrates the struggle of the people of Harbin and the vicissitudes of the city's appearance from the initial spread of Marxism-Leninism to the strides of the new era.

【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

Taihang Anti-Japanese War Code

An inch of mountains and rivers and an inch of blood. "The Code of the Taihang War of Resistance" has a total of 9 episodes, each episode is 15 minutes, selecting the most classic stories and characters of the Anti-Japanese War, going deep into the smallest details of the event, looking for the most direct witnesses and parties, searching for the most authentic archives, and visiting the original place where the incident occurred.

The crew lasted half a year, traveled all over Taihang Mountain, restored the truth with details, made history flesh and blood, and interpreted the most authentic story of the Anti-Japanese War for us.

They once spilled their blood on the territory of the motherland. Now, many years later, their bloody story has been eroded by the years, and even many versions have appeared......

Who are they? The heroes of the Motherland should not be forgotten!

【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

Red cradle

The documentary "Red Cradle" comprehensively shows the historical process of the establishment, development and growth of the Central Soviet Region during the Agrarian Revolutionary War, comprehensively reviews the glorious course of the CPC uniting and leading the Chinese people to fight tenaciously to realize the tasks of the new democratic revolution, and vividly displays the original mission of the Chinese Communists condensed in ideals and practice, struggle and sacrifice in an artistic way, thus profoundly revealing the truth that "the people are the rivers and mountains, and the rivers and mountains are the people", which has been repeatedly proved by history and reality. The film was selected as the first batch of key documentaries in the "14th Five-Year Plan" of the State Administration of Radio and Television, and was selected into the list of key documentaries of the State Administration of Radio and Television to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

Red International Agent

The film tells a little-known and important page in the history of Chinese espionage, and the top secret archives of Japan's Kanto region were disclosed for the first time. Dozens of relatives and experts told the story of the story, through the fog, uncover the special identity that has been buried for decades, recreate the unknown hidden history, and recreate the thrilling and little-known battles of international intelligence fighters on the hidden battlefield.

【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

Red Memory

In the magnificent century-old historical process, the Communist Party of China closely united and relied on the people, overcame countless difficulties and obstacles, won one great victory after another in revolution, construction and reform, and created brilliant achievements in the history of the development of the Chinese nation, the history of world socialism, and the history of the development of human society, and the Chinese nation ushered in a great leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong.

【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

The Battle for Liberation

"The War of Liberation" takes the historical longitudinal line of the Liberation War that lasted for four years as the axis, takes the liberation of cities as the fulcrum, comprehensively covers the five stages, seven major battlefields, and various field armies during the Liberation War, focusing on the strategic background, campaign determination, decision-making insider, battle process, and character stories of the liberation of large and medium-sized cities, objectively and truly reflecting the historical process of the Liberation War, profoundly revealing that the Liberation War determined the future and destiny of the Chinese nation, and realized the national independence and people's liberation that the Chinese nation has dreamed of for generations. The foundation and guarantee for carrying out socialist revolution and construction have been laid.

【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

Today in history

"Today in History: Vivid Scenes" vividly reflects the major events, important figures and brilliant achievements made in the growth of the Republic, tells the great achievements since the founding of the People's Republic of China from the political, economic, cultural, educational, diplomatic and other aspects, and is produced by collecting precious historical video materials from all aspects. It has declassified a large number of undisclosed historical archives, recorded the turbulent years of the Republic in detail, and truly reproduced the rise of New China.

【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

The banner of the fathers

The documentary series "Flags of the Fathers" completes the leap from listening to dissemination for the first time through carefully planned and subtle perspectives. The children dictate the unforgettable impression of their parents, and restore the true stories that have never been made public in the beacon years. It will allow you to witness the urgency of rescuing red historical materials, and the joint efforts of red heirs and media people. Their remembrance and gratitude to their fathers provide insight into the current political ecology and social environment in China. Through it, not only will you be in awe of your ancestors, but also more humanistic attention will be cleansed, inspiring people to stick to the original intention of perseverance and seek the power of red faith.

【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

Memories of home and country

The Communist Party of China is determined to achieve the great cause of the Chinese nation for a thousand years, and it is in its prime for a hundred years! The creative team of "Memories of Home and Country" chooses a rare perspective, introduces a large number of unpublished archival images, extracts many precious historical materials, and tells the past of the family and country through nearly 100 people, the events span a hundred years, reflecting the grand background of the times at that time, depicting and imitating a magnificent and colorful historical picture, recording and presenting the glorious course of the party leading the Chinese people to continuously forge ahead and create brilliance.

【Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party】Forge ahead to reflect the original intention, and write a glorious history and a new chapter of the times

Expedition to the West

"Expedition to the West" focuses on this division and brigade-level unit with the TV documentary technique of on-the-spot interviews and the TV narrative method of interlacing time and space, telling the story of their formation of troops in the Bohai Old Area of Shandong during the Liberation War, fighting in the Northwest Battlefield, and reclaiming and garrisoning the border in Xinjiang after the founding of New China, highlighting the theme of "obeying the party's command and selfless dedication" of the soldiers of Bohai in Shandong, discovering and supplementing a large number of historical materials, which not only updated people's understanding of the revolutionary historical contribution of the Bohai Old Area of Shandong, but also excavated and interpreted the "Yimeng Spirit" It provides a new visual evidence, and is a TV work with realistic educational significance and strong artistic appeal. Standing at a new historical starting point, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is shouldering new missions and challenges to lead the country towards a more prosperous and powerful future. These documentaries are not only a tribute to the glory of the past, but also an expectation for the future. It reminds us that every era has its own unique mission and responsibilities. Let us join hands to support and participate in the great cause of the Party with practical actions, and jointly create a new era that belongs to us. Because the story of the Communist Party of China will continue forever, and each of us is a witness and participant in this great era.

The above documentaries are distributed by Jingshang Media.