
Dog days in 2024 are not ordinary, and the old man has summed up three major characteristics, which are different from previous years

author:A small water in the countryside

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"One year old is sad, only dog days", dog days are the hottest time of the year in the mainland, during the dog days the air humidity is high, the wind speed is low, the temperature is high, the yin is forced by the yang to hide in the ground, after entering the dog days, the mainland enters the sauna mode, steaming and cooking, people are prone to lack of energy, the phenomenon of declining appetite, it can be said that this is the most difficult time period of the year in the mainland. Many people may feel that dog days are not a big deal, but in ancient times, there were no refrigeration equipment such as air conditioners and fans, and there were no refrigerators and other equipment for storing food, so it can be said that dog days were very tormenting.

So which dog day is in ambush this year? How many dog days are there this year? The old man said that this year's dog days are not ordinary, and there are three major characteristics in summary, let's find out about it as soon as possible.

Dog days in 2024 are not ordinary, and the old man has summed up three major characteristics, which are different from previous years

Time flies so fast, now it has entered July, we will soon usher in the small summer solar term, "summer" means hot, the temperature rises significantly after entering the small summer, there is no longer a trace of cool breeze on the earth, all the winds have heat waves. As the old saying goes, "When the summer comes, the day comes; The weather is over, the summer is coming to an end", which means that the weather is getting hot, which means that the dog days are coming, and the dog days are over, which means that the heat is about to subside.

There are "three heats" in the 24 solar terms, which are the small heat, the big heat, and the summer heat, and the dog days are between the small heat and the summer heat. Dog days include the first volt, the middle volt and the last volt, the first volt and the last volt are fixed 10 days, and due to the different morning and evening of the ambush, the middle volt has 10 days in some years, and 20 days in some years, so the dog days are divided into 30 days and 40 days.

Dog days in 2024 are not ordinary, and the old man has summed up three major characteristics, which are different from previous years

So how is the exact time of dog days determined? There is a folk proverb called "the summer solstice three Geng will count the volts, and the autumn will be the end of the one Geng", which means that the third "Geng day" after the summer solstice is the time of ambush, and the first Geng day after the beginning of autumn is the time of the end of the ambush.

The summer solstice is on June 21 this year, and the third Geng day after the summer solstice is on July 15, which is the "Gengchen Day", so it falls into ambush on July 15 this year. August 7 this year is the beginning of autumn, the first Geng day after the beginning of autumn is August 14, this day is the "Gengxu day", so this year August 14 into the end. Both the first and last volts are 10 days, and between the first and last volts is the middle volt.

Dog days in 2024 are not ordinary, and the old man has summed up three major characteristics, which are different from previous years

The 2024 dog days schedule is:

From July 15th to July 24th, it is the head of the volt, a total of 10 days;

July 25 to August 13, for the middle volt, a total of 20 days;

From August 14th to August 23rd, it is the last month, a total of 10 days.

This year's dog days have a total of 40 days, which is an extended version of dog days, and all those who enter before July 16 will have 20 days in the middle of the dog days.

Dog days in 2024 are not ordinary, and the old man has summed up three major characteristics, which are different from previous years

This year's dog days have three major features that are different from previous years

Feature 1: This year is "late ambush"

Affected by the leap month of the lunar calendar, the time of ambush each year is either in the fifth month of the lunar calendar or in the sixth month of the lunar calendar. If it is in ambush in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, then it is "early ambush"; And if it is ambushed in the sixth month of the lunar calendar, then it is "late ambush".

On July 15 this year, this day is the tenth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, and the time of the ambush is in the sixth month of the lunar calendar, which is obviously a "late ambush".

So what is the meaning of "early ambush" and "late ambush"? As the old saying goes, "the rain ripples in the morning, and the dry field in the evening", if it is early, then it indicates that there may be more rain in the future; If it is a late arrival, it indicates that there may be less rain in the future. The words "rain ripples" and "dry fields" here are contrasting expressions that aim to highlight the relative amount of rainfall.

Dog days in 2024 are not ordinary, and the old man has summed up three major characteristics, which are different from previous years

Special 2: This year is "Mother Volt."

"Fu" is not only divided into morning and evening, but also male and female, and its division method is carried out according to the lunar date. According to the ancients, if the lunar date of the ambush is an odd number, then it is "gongfu"; If the lunar date of the ambush is an even number, then it is the "mother of the ambush".

At the beginning of June this year, the tenth is an even number, and it is obvious that this year is the "mother volt".

So what do you say about "male" and "female"? As the old saying goes, "the male is fierce, the mother is cool", if it was "male volt", then according to the experience of our ancestors, this indicates that the dog days will be relatively hot; If it was the "Mother Dog" back then, then according to our ancestors, it indicates that the "dog days" will be relatively cool. This year is the mother volt, which indicates that the dog days of this year may not be unusually hot, which is good news for people.

Dog days in 2024 are not ordinary, and the old man has summed up three major characteristics, which are different from previous years

Feature 3: The heat is in front of the volcanic out

The folk proverb says that "after autumn, a Geng enters the end of the sun", and a solar term has 15 days, so the time of the ambush is either before or after the heat.

This year, the time of summer is on August 22, and the time of the last summer is from August 14 to August 23, and August 23 is the time of the sunset, so it is obvious that the summer is before the sunset.

According to our ancestors, if the summer heat is in front of the "ambush", then it indicates that the cold weather will come early, and the crops will be prone to failure; And if the heat is behind the "out of the bush", then it indicates that the crops are easy to harvest.

Dog days in 2024 are not ordinary, and the old man has summed up three major characteristics, which are different from previous years

In summary, there are 40 dog days this year, and we must be prepared for heatstroke. The above are the 3 characteristics of this year's dog days, do you think the agricultural proverb is still accurate? Feel free to leave a message.