
Always stay sober and cautious in rushing for the exam

author:Zhangjiajie in the palm of your hand

2024-06-29 19:12:33 Views: 1.662 million

Source: Xinhua News Agency


With the approval of the Party Central Committee, Party discipline study and education will be carried out throughout the Party from April to July 2024. This study and education on party discipline is an important measure to strengthen the party's discipline building and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party to develop in depth.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that in the face of new challenges and tests on the new journey, we must be highly vigilant, always maintain the sobriety and prudence of catching up with the examination, and unceasingly promote the strict management of the party strictly, so that the century-old party will continue to be vigorous in self-revolution and always become the most reliable and strongest backbone of the Chinese people.

Always stay sober and cautious in rushing for the exam
Always stay sober and cautious in rushing for the exam
Always stay sober and cautious in rushing for the exam
Always stay sober and cautious in rushing for the exam
Always stay sober and cautious in rushing for the exam

Co-ordinator: Wu Weiling, Zhang Guilin

Choreographer: Dong Linna

Reporter: Zhao Xiaoshuai, Yang Zhennan, Li Aibin

Production: Xinhua FM Studio

Jointly produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency and Chongqing Branch

Strengthen the construction of party style and clean government, and improve the quality of party members and cadres.

Adhere to the party's leadership and take the road of scientific development

Continuously cultivate the cultural soil of honesty and integrity.

Only by continuously strengthening the building of a sound party style and a clean government can we ensure the country's long-term peace and stability.

Comprehensively and strictly administering the party is always on the road, which is the foundation of our party's self-revolution, continuous progress, and eternal purity! Strictly administering the party is in line with the will of the party and the people!

Strengthen the construction of party discipline and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth.

In the face of new challenges and new tests on the new journey, only by staying sober and cautious can we cope with changes.

Conscientiously study and comprehend, and strengthen the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of comprehensively and strictly governing the party and abiding by rules and disciplines.

I hope that every party member can keep in mind the original mission and move forward bravely on the new journey.

I hope that all party members and cadres can take this opportunity to deepen their self-cultivation.

We will continue to promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party

Serve the people wholeheartedly!

We support the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and I believe that our country will get better and better.

Don't forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, and forge ahead!

I hope that everyone can keep their mission in mind and strive on the new journey.

We should always be sober and cautious, and work the new journey.

Only by keeping the original intention can we go far, I hope everyone can keep this in mind.

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Always stay sober and cautious in rushing for the exam

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Always stay sober and cautious in rushing for the exam

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