
What every engineer has to face – an engineer's midlife crisis!

author:CNC programming multiplication

I have been an engineer for more than ten years, and I personally feel that the fate of middle-aged engineers is even more worrying. So I wrote this article in the hope that it can inspire middle-aged engineers, and at the same time give young engineers some experience!

The so-called middle-aged engineer here refers to an engineer who is over 35 years old and is still mainly engaged in specific technical work. Like young people who have just graduated, they are writing software and debugging circuits, and some of them are even gray.

At this age, wives and children have to be supported, and parents have to be filial, and the burden is quite heavy. If you mix well, get a department manager and project team leader to do it, the boss is more important, the income will be good, life is naturally not worried, we people can have such a day, we should be satisfied! It's not good to mix, mixed with young people who have just left school, the knowledge is aging, and some aspects are not as good as the young man, the boss values your old experience, and when the young man around you learns, you should get out.

It's not easy to find a job at this age, bosses generally like to use young people, honest and obedient, positive, willing to learn, can stay up late, good management, low salary, unlike those old fritters, many bad habits, difficult to manage, and high treatment requirements. Many units recruit engineers to clearly state that they are under the age of 35.

What every engineer has to face – an engineer's midlife crisis!

Years of technical career have made middle-aged engineers deep, it is really difficult to completely remove toxins, with obvious personality and psychological defects, and there is a gap from society. They are kind, sincere, wooden, sensitive, timid, like to drill the horns, dogmatic in their behavior, high-minded, look down on others and even their kind, and have no close friends...... For the future, they no longer have as many fantasies and hopes as young people, they just want to live their lives smoothly and steadily.

If you have been able to study hard and constantly update your knowledge over the years, and always be able to stand in the position of a technical leader, then congratulations, you can at least live without worry, meet a kind boss with information, and maybe make a small fortune, but you need to be reminded that many technical masters are often deceived by unscrupulous primary school graduates, why? The heart is too soft, easy to believe in the promise, thinking that others are as important as us, in fact, many people in the society are betrayed for the sake of profit, let alone you, an outsider? Scammers often say: the higher the education, the easier it is to deceive. Although this is not always the case, it is an indisputable reality that people who read too many books are simple.

What every engineer has to face – an engineer's midlife crisis!

If your knowledge has aged and the young people around you have begun to show disdain for you, then man, you should think about whether you have become annoying, whether you are trying to support your family, or whether you are resigning with your eyebrows raised. But where do you go after you quit your job? Isn't it the same for changing units? Looking for a job at this age, the supervisor may be younger than you, and people may show pity when they look at your vicissitudes of life, don't mind, at least it's much better than despising it, for the sake of life, you can endure it, take a step back and open the sky!

Life is so impermanent, many technical masters take it for granted that they are also masters in doing business and getting along with others, but this is actually very wrong. Most technical masters do not have a harmonious interpersonal relationship, they are very high in their bones, they despise others, and they think that they know technology and they are empty-eyed, in fact, the production formula is just one of the countless skills needed in this life, there is nothing bullish, it is better to brag, afraid of sycophants is more practical, no way, this is society, this is life!

What every engineer has to face – an engineer's midlife crisis!

As soon as the technical master walks into the business, he often looks empty, and soon feels very uncomfortable, which is completely different from what he imagined, you have to not say what you think is very immoral, and you have to do very immoral things, if you can't adapt, I'm sorry, waiting for you is only failure.

Intellectuals are prone to go to extremes, and when they encounter a setback, they are immediately pessimistic and disappointed, and they doubt themselves, and this is a manifestation of their immature psychological quality. Dealing with social problems with the thinking of solving technical problems is often a big one! Although many veteran engineers have gradually realized this problem, it has been too long and it is so easy to change their personality and thinking inertia.

This is the dilemma of middle-aged engineers, some people may be able to change in struggle, but most can only sink in sadness.

What every engineer has to face – an engineer's midlife crisis!

For those engineers who work in universities, large state-owned enterprises or research institutions, they are lucky, the research conditions are better, there is no need to think about so many troublesome things, and it is okay to concentrate on catching up with the frontier of technology, although it can not be developed, at least life is worry-free, and if you get it well, you can also get an X and other science and technology awards, evaluate a senior engineer, professor or researcher and other titles, neighbors, including Zhang Gou, who sells fruit and is worth millions, will be very polite when you see it, and you will still have face, don't we engineers just care about face?

If you work in a company, you will have to worry a lot, and the sense of crisis will become more and more serious, especially in private or foreign-funded enterprises, pure market economy, pure economic interest-driven research or R&D environment is difficult to make a reputation, and you are facing the danger of being fired at any time. Of course, the bosses want to hire the best engineers with the least amount of money, and you don't blame others, if you are your own boss, maybe it will be even darker, who is willing to spend their own money.

What every engineer has to face – an engineer's midlife crisis!

Do it yourself! - This is a harsh thing that many people said after complaining. That's right! You can do it yourself, but you have to see if you are this piece of material first! Even if you are a technical master, there are still many things that are lacking, and even the advantage in front of the elementary school boss is not obvious. People have extensive social connections, are ruthless enough, and are bold enough, and this alone is stronger than you!

Yes, you understand technology, he doesn't, but is it difficult to find someone who understands technology in today's society? How many masters who wear highly myopic glasses are waiting for the boss who appreciates him to appear. Wouldn't it be smarter to let others bury their heads in development than to work hard to debug and program yourself?

Changing your thinking, changing your mentality, and putting yourself on the same level as the illiterate boss who sells fast food is the first step to your entrepreneurial success! It's useless to change just lying down and thinking, just daydreaming! Put down your computer and oscilloscope and help out at your country cousin's vegetable stall and see how your elementary school graduate cousin greets people, introduces products, negotiates prices, and retains regular customers...... The first few months of the internship guarantee a lot of knowledge, and it is guaranteed to make you deeply reflect on yourself! THESE KNOWLEDGE ARE NOT INFERIOR TO YOUR JAVA, AND THEY ARE WORTH IN-DEPTH STUDY TO ENSURE LIFELONG BENEFITS!

What every engineer has to face – an engineer's midlife crisis!

Have the courage and courage to gamble, when you start a business, a lot of investment and decision-making need to make your own determination, unlike when you used to work, these by the uneducated boss you looked down on to make decisions, people take risks, and you drought and flood income, now it is different, lose money is your own hard-earned money, hesitation and caution is inevitable, but at the critical moment to dare to gamble, without this courage and courage can not become a big thing. At this time, many engineers are just like the bosses they despised at the beginning, and they look forward and backward, why? It was someone else's money that was spent at the beginning, but now it's your own money!

What every engineer has to face – an engineer's midlife crisis!

Engineers are kind and frank, which is an advantage, but business is like a battlefield, and it takes a lot of scheming! Textbooks, business experience and successful entrepreneurs have taught us to win customers with integrity, but the reality is that you will be calculated everywhere, and you will lose customers, you must know that your customers are not necessarily good, you need to fight wits and courage, often he is satisfied, you will lose money, of course, if you are really kind enough to give your money to others, then it is another matter.

But remember, people are still laughing at you for being stupid behind your cheapness, and you can accept it and be happy? Good intentions in business may not be rewarded! This is not alarmist, people with a little business acumen and experience know it in their hearts, but will not say it! The most untrustworthy people talk about honesty all day long, why? If I'm honest, how will I calculate you next time? Will it foolishly make you smart to guard against him? Is business all about deception? Of course not, but you need to identify it rationally, so as not to make a big mistake in the future and lose all your money!

What every engineer has to face – an engineer's midlife crisis!

The market is a dynamic and complex science, and it is worth a few years for engineers to leave their computers behind! Understanding and judging the market is the key to business success.

Understanding the market cannot be obtained only from newspapers or television, and that knowledge has already changed like beef infused with water, and many know-how and insider information cannot be obtained from these sources. Want to engage in real estate? Do you know how developers conspire with property agents to temporarily hire a large number of fake home buyers to create a scene of panic buying, attracting and luring real home buyers to take the bait? Do you know how to make up a home buyer to scam a bank loan? Hehe, in fact, there are a lot of unspoken rules and mysteries in every industry, which outsiders don't understand! If you rush into the business with a little knowledge of books and newspapers, the beginning of entrepreneurship is the beginning of failure! Use more effort to understand and dig into the secrets and know-how of the industry, and make friends with industry veterans to ensure that you will benefit a lot!

In life, many senior engineers and professors go to the sea with projects, the ideas are really good, and the projects are indeed good, but it is precisely because of their own problems that most of them end dismally, and in the end, they will only resent others (especially investors), but they have not reflected on their own shortcomings.

These engineers who never make it will make the same mistake and fail the next time! Technology is not equal to the market, let alone success. The market conversion rate of patented technology is not even 1%, and many of these pitiful 1% are failures. A clear understanding of the current situation can give you a better grasp of your future.

What every engineer has to face – an engineer's midlife crisis!

Hehe, so much nonsense is actually some of my own perceptions and experiences over the years, I hope to inspire us middle-aged engineers!

Here are some additional personal notes:

Since three years ago, I have basically detached myself from specific technology, and have successively engaged in management, market planning, etc., striving to change myself and improve my overall quality, and have worked as chief engineer, vice president, general manager and other positions. Then he started his own business, and after several years of hard work, although he didn't dare to say that he was developed, the overall situation was not too bad, at least he lived according to his own ideas.

Technology is indeed getting more and more rusty, but this is irrelevant, with more than ten years of technology accumulation, it is no problem to grasp the direction of the product, let young people bury their heads in research and development, debugging is not better? That's how we came back in the first place

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