
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!

author:Green Qingpu
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!

Poetry and painting praise the party's grace

Don't forget the original intention and take responsibility

Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!

"Centennial Symphony • New Journey" Art Party Class

Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!

July 1, 2024 marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. On the same day, an art party class with the theme of "Poetry and Painting to Praise the Party's Grace and Don't Forget the Original Intention and Bravely Responsibility" and "Centennial Symphony, New Journey" was vividly "lectured" at the Hongmiao Art Center in Xujing Town, Qingpu. The activity will show the party's policy theories and revolutionary stories through various cultural and artistic forms such as "literature and poetry, music and dance, art and painting", carry forward the great spirit of party building with red culture, and cultivate new people of the era with bacon.

Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!

Zhu Mingfu, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, delivered a speech

Zhu Mingfu, secretary of the leading party group and director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, pointed out in his speech that the 103 rd anniversary of the founding of the party is not only a glorious milestone, but also a brand-new starting point. It is necessary to continue the red blood and absorb the strength of spiritual progress. Pay attention to strengthening the education of party members, make full use of the resources of the community party and mass service positions, guide the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, inherit the red gene, continue the spiritual bloodline, and drum up the spirit to enter a new journey and a new era; It is necessary to adhere to the guidance of party building, and build a solid foundation with concentrating on the soul. Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, actively integrate into the overall situation of the center, give full play to its leading advantages, promote the integrated development of party building business, focus on improving the effectiveness of party building, and realize the important role of party building in helping development and benefiting people's livelihood; It is necessary to adhere to the strict governance of the party, move forward bravely and resolutely, interpret and take responsibility. Take loyalty to the party as the most important political discipline, abide by due diligence and responsibility, consciously combine personal struggle with the accelerated development of Xujing, and truly reflect the firmness of ideals and beliefs in the vivid practice of "dynamic Xujing" that strives to build the integrated development of industry and city people.

"Centennial Symphony, New Journey" is a group of poems written by the famous poet Ou Zhen to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Based on the course of more than 100 years from the early days of the founding of the party to the new journey of the present, the important nodes of the party in various periods, such as the "red boat" in the early days of the party's founding, the "Yuhuatai" during the period of the White Terror, and the "Great Wall" built by flesh and blood during the Anti-Japanese War are selected as the images expressed in poetry to eulogize the party's centennial glory.

Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!

Chen Jianguo, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, and Li Fangming, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, awarded the commemorative medal of "50th Anniversary of Glory in the Party" to the representatives of old party members

The art party class of the day was based on the group of poems "Centennial Symphony and New Journey", focusing on the three chapters of "Torrent of Revolution", "Poems of Struggle" and "Striving for a New Journey", which were performed by famous poets, recitation artists, music performers, professional dancers and party members and cadres of Xujing. At the scene, there are not only classic poems, beautiful melodies, and moving dances that bring a high sense of experience to the "sound" immersion, but also the exhibition of red-themed oil paintings created by teachers and students of the China Academy of Art, Professor Zhao Jun of the School of Painting and Art of the China Academy of Art incarnated as a "commentator" to explain the background and significance of each painting for the party members and cadres on the spot, "The Founding Ceremony", "Zunyi Conference", "Flying Luding Bridge", ...... The magnificent and majestic pictures portray the magnificent epic of the motherland vividly.

Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!

Zhang Yan, deputy head of the district, and Qin Minghua, secretary of the party group and acting chief procurator of the district procuratorate, issued letters of appointment to the honorary lecturers of the "root-seeking lecture hall" propaganda group in Xujing Town

A unique "art party class" encourages the majority of party members and cadres to inherit the red gene and continue the red blood. What's more worth mentioning is that Xujing Town also has a grassroots theory preaching brand "Root-seeking Lecture Hall" propaganda group that has been established for more than five years, and the team actively explores the roots of red, culture, and civilization, so that the party's innovative theories "fly into the homes of ordinary people".

Over the years, it has not only cultivated a team of professional lecturers, but also innovated and created a series of characteristic courses, such as: online micro-classroom "Xu Jing Half Moon Talk" - "The Pursuit of Faith" scenario classroom, "The Time of Tea Bowl" classic interview, "Mortal Glimmer" special column, etc.; The special project of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, "Stage Classroom", stimulates the development of theoretical preaching at the grassroots level, spiritual endogenous force and belief cohesion in rich forms such as "digital classroom, question and answer classroom, micro object classroom, light and shadow classroom, and rhythm classroom", and plays the strongest voice of grassroots theoretical preaching in the new era.

On the same day, Chen Hu, professor of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Ou Zhen, a famous poet, Zhao Jun, professor of the School of Painting Art of the China Academy of Art, Cai Jian, CEO of Shangxiang Entertainment, Li Xiangye, chairman of Hongmiao Art Center, Hu Ping, a famous host and director, Xu Jian, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai World Foreign Language Education Group, and a number of "big names" in the cultural and artistic circles were hired as honorary lecturers of the "Root-seeking Lecture Hall" propaganda group in Xujing Town, Qingpu District, to enhance the cultural "soft power" of this team.

Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!

"July 1st", the party's birthday, on this special day, Xujing Town awarded a commemorative medal to the old party members of "50 years of glory in the party", 50 years, they stick to their respective posts, among them are old secretaries, old principals, retired policemen, entrepreneurs, enthusiastic building team leaders...... They have interpreted the original intention and mission of the Communist Party members with practical actions, and have contributed outstanding strength and devoted their lives to the development of the community and various undertakings. Now, this "baton" has been passed to the hands of party members and cadres in the new era of Xujing: "Looking back on the party's struggle process, it is a profound baptism and tempering of the hearts of our party members and cadres in the new era, and it also makes us more firm in our ideals and beliefs, and more clear about our responsibilities and missions." ”

Reporter: Yuan Danfeng (famous grassroots)

Photographer: Yuan Danfeng (Famous Grassroots)

Editor: Lv Bin

Editor in charge: Sun Chen (chief)

Final review: Zhao Lan

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of "Green Qingpu".

Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!
Poetry and painting praise the party's kindness, do not forget the original intention and bravely take responsibility, Xujing Town's immersive "art party class", take the "new" and "heart"!

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