
【Longjiang Political and Legal Practice】Improve the multi-level mediation mechanism to improve the effectiveness of conflict and dispute resolution

author:Ping An Heilongjiang
【Longjiang Political and Legal Practice】Improve the multi-level mediation mechanism to improve the effectiveness of conflict and dispute resolution

Since 2023, the Political and Legal Committee of the Baoqing County Party Committee of Shuangyashan City has adhered to and developed the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, thoroughly implemented the concept of "prevention first, mediation first, mediation in accordance with the law, and substantive mediation", continued to improve the working mechanism, consolidated the position of dispute resolution, strengthened coordination and linkage, and effectively improved the level of rule of law in the mediation and resolution of contradictions and disputes.

Relying on the grid platform

Improve mechanisms for mediating conflicts at the grassroots level

The Political and Legal Committee of the Baoqing County Party Committee actively explores the working model of "full-time (part-time) grid member + expert grid member + people's mediator" on the basis of the county's existing 573 grids and 573 full-time (part-time) grid members, coordinates 10 functional departments that are closely related to the daily life of residents, such as housing and construction, health and health, and civil affairs, and dispatches 198 people to sink into the grid as professional grid members; In accordance with the "Heilongjiang Provincial Mediation Regulations", 172 people's mediation committees have been established, with 474 people's mediators. Since 2023, through daily investigations, centralized investigations, and block investigations, a total of more than 800 conflicts and disputes such as land, neighborhood, marriage and family, etc., have been accepted and resolved, giving full play to the role of grid social governance in serving the masses at zero distance and the first line of defense for people's mediation.

【Longjiang Political and Legal Practice】Improve the multi-level mediation mechanism to improve the effectiveness of conflict and dispute resolution

Recruit a professional team

Improve the industry dispute mediation mechanism

In view of the contradictions and disputes in key areas such as land requisition and demolition, labor relations, doctor-patient conflicts, marriage and family, and traffic accidents, 14 professional mediation organizations with demand and characteristics have been established, and 42 experienced mediation experts have been selected from the administrative departments, lawyers, and grassroots legal service workers, and mediators with professional characteristics and industry expertise have been encouraged to join the county's people's mediation expert database, and further standardize the procedures for dispute acceptance, notification of rights and obligations, organization of mediation, agreement making and return visits. Since 2023, professional people's mediation committees in various industries have mediated a total of 232 disputes, with a mediation success rate of 95.7%, realizing that professional people rely on professional mediation organizations in the industry to resolve professional matters in accordance with laws and regulations.

Multi-sectoral cooperation

Improve the mediation mechanism for administrative disputes

The political and legal committee of the county party committee, the county court, the county procuratorate, and the county judicial bureau jointly established a pre-litigation mediation center for administrative disputes, established a "1+X" joint meeting, risk assessment, consultation and cooperation and other working mechanisms, insisted on mediation first, and could be mediated, and the administrative division of the county court was responsible for the pre-litigation review work, and if it was found that pre-litigation resolution could be carried out, the case filing division would be transferred to the pre-litigation mediation procedure after registration in accordance with law. Actively strengthen the interpretation of the law and reasoning for lawful and reasonable administrative acts, actively strive for parties to settle litigation and stop litigation, and promote administrative organs to actively correct errors through procuratorial suggestions and judicial recommendations for problematic administrative acts, so as to achieve positive interaction between political and legal organs and administrative departments, and superimpose efficiency. Since 2023, a total of 61 administrative disputes have been resolved, effectively promoting the transformation of administrative disputes from terminal adjudication to prevention at the source.

【Longjiang Political and Legal Practice】Improve the multi-level mediation mechanism to improve the effectiveness of conflict and dispute resolution

Gather political and legal forces

Complete pluralistic rule of law mediation mechanisms

We will make every effort to implement the "four institutes, one court, and one center" linkage work mechanism, with grassroots political and legal committee members taking the lead in grasping the general and overall coordination, with the comprehensive management center as the "headquarters", giving full play to the respective functions of public security police stations, judicial offices, law firms, grassroots legal service offices, and people's courtrooms, increasing the ability and level of promoting the resolution of contradictions and disputes with rule of law thinking and rule of law methods, and forming a joint force that complements each other's advantages and is organically connected. Through linkage mediation, 55 difficult and complex disputes were properly resolved before entering the litigation procedure, which not only greatly reduced the cost of litigation, but also made the masses of people feel the temperature of political and legal work, won unanimous praise, and effectively built the last line of defense to resolve contradictions and disputes.

【Longjiang Political and Legal Practice】Improve the multi-level mediation mechanism to improve the effectiveness of conflict and dispute resolution

Editor: Lu Jingye

Review: Jia Yongzhe

Producer: Fan Delong, Cui Dongkai