
Mother and son climbed the mountain and went around on the barren mountain near Myoko-ji Temple... Lost

author:8099999 the streets and alleys
Mother and son climbed the mountain and went around on the barren mountain near Myoko-ji Temple... Lost

Climbing the mountain often can strengthen the body and mind, but some less familiar mountains, you should pay special attention when climbing, the following mother and son because they climbed an unfamiliar mountain, lost in the mountain, and finally had to ask the police for help.

After receiving the report, the police of the fourth team of the special police immediately drove to Myoko Temple and added the WeChat of Ms. Wang, the informant, to obtain the location information of the mother and son.

Auxiliary police officer Lu Tiancai of the No. 1 Squadron of the Fourth Special Police Brigade: "She can only tell the general direction, the specific location is not clear, the mobile phone signal is not very good, and the shared location also has a certain deviation. ”

Mother and son climbed the mountain and went around on the barren mountain near Myoko-ji Temple... Lost

According to Ms. Wang, the mother and son were located on a mountain near Myoko-ji Temple, but the road was so dangerous that they had already lost their way and walked around the mountain for nearly an hour.

Auxiliary Police Officer Lu Tiancai, No. 1 Squadron of the Fourth Special Police Brigade: "We identified by sound, and then found the person who called the police from the woods. ”

Mother and son climbed the mountain and went around on the barren mountain near Myoko-ji Temple... Lost

Police Dialogue with Ms. Wang:

"How's your health?"

"It's okay, we won't be able to get there."

"You guys take a rest here first, and make sure you recover your strength."

"I'm sorry for your trouble."

"It's okay, recover your strength first."

After two and a half hours of searching, the police finally found the mother and son in the forest, although the two were physically good, but they were already embarrassed.

Mother and son climbed the mountain and went around on the barren mountain near Myoko-ji Temple... Lost

Police Dialogue with Ms. Wang:

"Slow down, the road is slippery on a rainy day."

"It's not right for us to go to the left, it's not right to go up to the top of the mountain, and we're going here all the time."

Mother and son climbed the mountain and went around on the barren mountain near Myoko-ji Temple... Lost

Policeman: "They were covered in grass, some plants stuck to their bodies, their shoes were full of mud, the plants on them had thorns, and they all had traces of branches scraping on their hands. ”

Mother and son climbed the mountain and went around on the barren mountain near Myoko-ji Temple... Lost

After finding the two, the police escorted them all the way down the mountain, but the mountain road was rugged and steep, and the group walked very hard.

The police talked to Ms. Wang: "You wait a minute, let's go ahead, you don't have anything, I don't know if the road is solid or soft, slow down, let's try the road first, be careful that there is a vine here, don't trip." In the future, I suggest that you two still don't go down the path you don't know. ”

In the process of descending the mountain, the police found that this is a barren mountain that is almost inaccessible, and there is no road for tourists to walk on the mountain, so it is extremely difficult to go up and down the mountain.

Mother and son climbed the mountain and went around on the barren mountain near Myoko-ji Temple... Lost

And the mother and son also came here for the first time to climb the mountain, but they didn't expect to get lost as soon as they entered the mountain. Under the escort of the police, after the mother and son went down the mountain smoothly, the police sent the two to the parking place.

Mother and son climbed the mountain and went around on the barren mountain near Myoko-ji Temple... Lost

Source: 8099999 Streets and Alleys

Editor: Li Yingna

Editor: Li Jing

Final review: Zhao Wen