
Jinjialing Sub-district in Laoshan District has carried out red propaganda activities to strengthen national defense awareness and arouse patriotic enthusiasm

author:Qilu discovered

On the evening of June 27, in the Kangcheng Community, Jinjialing Street, Laoshan District, Qingdao City, a red propaganda activity kicked off in the community square, attracting many residents to participate. The purpose of this event is to strengthen the residents' awareness of national defense and stimulate everyone's patriotic enthusiasm through red propaganda, and at the same time celebrate the birthday of the party.

At the event, Lin Fengqian and Xie Xiaofei, two senior lecturers of the Dream Chasing Deep Blue Lecturer Group, used their affectionate and professional language to bring a meaningful speech to the residents. As the former political commissar of the Shijiazhuang Navy and a member of the National Committee for Young Workers, Lin Fengqian reviewed the party's glorious history, and used pictures, videos, and stories to show everyone the importance and urgency of national security, and guided residents to establish a correct view of national security. The whole report is simple, vivid and wonderful, with strong pertinence and guidance, so that residents have a deep understanding of the international and domestic situation and national security, and it is of positive significance to enhance residents' national security awareness, improve residents' ability to prevent risks, and enhance patriotism.

Jinjialing Sub-district in Laoshan District has carried out red propaganda activities to strengthen national defense awareness and arouse patriotic enthusiasm
Jinjialing Sub-district in Laoshan District has carried out red propaganda activities to strengthen national defense awareness and arouse patriotic enthusiasm

Immediately afterwards, Xie Xiaofei, former director of the command post of the Qingdao Navy Base, combined his personal experience and professional knowledge to depict in detail the historical picture of the People's Navy under the leadership of the party, which has gone through ups and downs and forged ahead.

Jinjialing Sub-district in Laoshan District has carried out red propaganda activities to strengthen national defense awareness and arouse patriotic enthusiasm

During the presentation, a photo exhibition of "Ten Thousand Miles of Sea and Red Frontier" was also set up on the spot. The exquisite pictures show the heroic demeanor of the People's Navy and the magnificent picture of maritime defense, bringing a visual feast to the residents.

After the event, a veteran party member with 50 years of party experience, dressed in a military uniform, walked to the front of the stage and shook hands with the propaganda teachers, expressing his high appreciation for the event. He said that this event made him deeply feel the greatness of the party and the prosperity of the country, and strengthened his determination to fight for the party's cause all his life. Residents also said that they benefited a lot from this event, which not only enhanced their awareness of national defense, but also stimulated patriotic enthusiasm. They look forward to more such activities in the future, so that the red gene can be passed on from generation to generation and contribute to the prosperity and strength of the motherland.

(Source: Weijinjialing)

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