
To build a drug-free living circle, Huaqiangbei Street entered the mall under its jurisdiction to carry out the theme activities of the International Anti-Drug Day
Zhang Weiwei, chief reporter of Shenzhen Business Daily and reading and innovation client, correspondent Li Weijun and Zhou Yangfan text/photo

With the arrival of the 37th International Anti-Drug Day, Huaqiangbei Street, Futian District, Shenzhen entered the Yuanwang Mall in the jurisdiction on June 26 to carry out the anti-drug offline Q&A publicity activity of "Anti-drug Propaganda into the Mall to Build a Drug-free Life Circle", with more than 300 people participating. The purpose of this activity is to enhance the awareness of drug prevention among mall operators and consumers in the jurisdiction and create a drug-free business environment through a more interesting and interactive form.

To build a drug-free living circle, Huaqiangbei Street entered the mall under its jurisdiction to carry out the theme activities of the International Anti-Drug Day
To build a drug-free living circle, Huaqiangbei Street entered the mall under its jurisdiction to carry out the theme activities of the International Anti-Drug Day

What are the characteristics and harms of drugs? How can we protect ourselves from drugs? Before the start of the answering activity, the anti-drug staff held the anti-drug KT board to preach the dangers of drugs to the mall practitioners and consumers, popularize anti-drug laws and regulations, and advocate strict law-abiding operation. At the same time, anti-drug volunteers incarnated as cute "Yuehu" dolls shuttled through various stalls to distribute leaflets, guiding the masses to have an in-depth understanding of the harm of drugs in a relaxed and happy interactive answering atmosphere, learn to identify drugs, refuse drugs, improve self-protection awareness, and build a drug-free life circle.

To build a drug-free living circle, Huaqiangbei Street entered the mall under its jurisdiction to carry out the theme activities of the International Anti-Drug Day
To build a drug-free living circle, Huaqiangbei Street entered the mall under its jurisdiction to carry out the theme activities of the International Anti-Drug Day

Huaqiangbei Street said that it will continue to deepen the full-coverage drug prevention education system in the jurisdiction, carry out the "Seven Advances" activity of anti-drug propaganda and education in entertainment, and actively mobilize anti-drug volunteers and other social groups to participate extensively, work together to build an anti-drug defense line, and truly achieve that everyone knows drugs, consciously prevents drugs, and firmly rejects drugs.

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