
Reading丨Together, we will protect our common home

author:Contemporary Guangxi

In front of the village is the national gate of China, and behind the village is the national gate of Vietnam. There are 7 tuns in the village, 5 of which border Vietnam, and many villagers have the border in front of their homes.

Hulong Village, Longbang Town, Jingxi City, Baise is located in such a special geographical location.

Reading丨Together, we will protect our common home

In Hulong Village, Longbang Town, Jingxi City, five-star red flags are planted on the residential buildings of every household. Photo courtesy of the Party Committee of Longbang Town, Jingxi City

Walking into this border village, the shops on the street, the party and mass service centers, and the roofs in front of every household are displayed with five-star red flags in the wind. Seeing this "red" in the border area is really heart-wrenching.

Hulong Village is also the location of the Longbang International Port. On the day of the reporter's visit, it coincided with the polder day in the village, and cars with foreign license plates were parked from the head of the village to the end of the village. Villager Wang Guimeng is taking stock of the day's business, greeting tourists who enter the store from time to time.

"Hello, boss, I saw the five-star red flag hanging on the roof of your house and other houses in the village, which is very spectacular!"

"Of course, what do you want to hang if you don't hang the five-star red flag, only with a country can you have a home, and with a strong motherland as a backing, business will get better and better!" Wang Guimeng's words were full of pride.

In Hulong Village, the national flag is hung on the roof in front of every house. Whether it is the merchants who do border trade here or the tourists who come to play, they are deeply impressed by this exciting and exciting scene, and this border village has become a well-known "national flag village".

Ma Yuanbo, secretary of the general branch of the village party, said: "Hulong Village has a special geographical location, and the villagers are not much different from neighboring countries in terms of language. In recent years, the border trade has made the villagers' lives more and more nourishing, taking advantage of the east wind of the 'national flag project' in the whole region, we have vigorously promoted patriotic education and propaganda and education on national unity and progress, and now not only the villagers and neighbors are more harmonious, but also the patriotic enthusiasm of everyone is getting higher and higher. ”

Concentrating on forging the soul and cultivating and practicing the core socialist values is an important measure to promote the construction of a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation. In recent years, Hulong Village has taken the "National Flag Project" as the starting point, grasped the lesson of patriotism education, set up a flag protection team and a monument protection team for grassroots party members and young pioneers, and organized party members and cadres, police, border residents, school teachers and students to carry out the theme education of "patriotic flag protection monument" on a regular basis.

In the past, due to the lack of arable land, many villagers chose to go out to work. Nowadays, as the country's door is opening wider and wider, the trade between Guangxi and ASEAN countries is getting closer and closer, and the people in the village have come back to eat "border trade rice". Taking advantage of the preferential policies given by the state, the villagers have independently operated Vietnamese small commodities, such as cutting boards, kitchen knives, coffee, nuts, tropical dried fruits, and other Vietnamese specialties are widely welcomed by tourists. In 2023, the per capita income of Hulong Village will be more than 15,000 yuan.

"When life is good, everyone's sense of national identity and national pride is deeper and deeper." Liao Xiaole, member of the Propaganda Committee of the Longbang Town Party Committee, said that in recent years, the patriotic education activities of "raising the national flag, singing the national anthem, patrolling the borders, and protecting boundary monuments" carried out by the autonomous region have fully aroused the enthusiasm of the villagers to love, protect, and consolidate the borders.

The train runs fast because of the headband. In Hulong Village, the village party branch will not only regularly replace and maintain the national flag for each household, but also incorporate patriotic border education, ethnic policies and regulations into the "three meetings and one lesson", and carry out the "three ones" theme party day activities of raising the national flag once a month, singing red songs, and carrying out patrols, so as to strengthen the role of grassroots party organizations and establish the sense of responsibility of party members and cadres to protect the security of the motherland's southern Xinjiang.

Ma Yuanbo said that they also opened the party class next to the boundary monument, and invited retired veterans to tell those unforgettable years in the form of "border chiefs attending party classes", and talked freely about the touching stories of patriotism and border defense, so as to enhance the sense of national pride and pragmatic responsibility of party members and cadres.

Under the promotion of the village party branch, it took only 3 months for Hulong Village to complete the demolition and relocation work involving the expansion, renovation and upgrading of the national travel inspection building...... Some villagers were touched and submitted applications to the party organization to join the party, and Huang Linde was one of them.

As a border patrolman, Huang Linde often patrols the deep mountains with high mountains and dense forests, infested with snakes and insects, at least 15 days a month. During the pandemic, he also experienced emergencies.

It was the early morning of March 25, 2022, and Huang Linde found a suspicious person carrying a sack on his back during his patrol. Seeing this, Huang Linde reported the situation to the police station and followed closely with his colleagues. In the end, they cooperated with the police station to arrest a total of 5 illegal immigrants. He recalled that at that time, he also thought that these people might carry the virus and threaten his life, but he was not nervous and just hoped to protect the common home with everyone.

When asked where the motivation to persist in guarding the border over the years came from, Huang Linde bluntly said that only by doing so can he live up to the five-star red flag fluttering in the wind on the roof in front of every house in the village.

Ma Yuanbo introduced that in recent years, more than 10 new party members have been developed in the village, and they have played a pioneering and exemplary role in rural revitalization.

In the seven tuns of Hulong Village, more than 1,000 villagers are all Zhuang people. After life became prosperous, there were more and more folk activities such as throwing hydrangeas and singing songs in the village, and everyone helped and loved each other in getting along day and night, and the production and life and cultural and entertainment exchanges between the villagers became closer.

In the village, you can often see the villagers singing and dancing together and helping each other, and these exchanges have enhanced the understanding and trust between the villagers, so that the villagers can really hug each other like pomegranate seeds.

The village also organizes a series of theme activities such as "border residents study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" and "national defense education in front of boundary monuments" by building a cultural corridor of national unity and progress, relying on various festivals and festivals, and integrates the party's latest theoretical achievements and related content such as ethnic unity and rural revitalization into literary and artistic programs such as singing and dancing, mountain songs, and allegro, so as to continuously forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

Reading丨Together, we will protect our common home

Longbang Town, Jingxi City, has incorporated patriotic theme education into its daily teaching routine. The picture shows the teaching point of Lane Pass in Damo Village, Longbang Town. Photo by Zhang Youhao

In recent years, Hulong Village has successively won the honors of the National Model People's Mediation Committee, Guangxi Ethnic Minority Characteristic Village, Autonomous Region Ethnic Unity and Progress Demonstration Village, Autonomous Region Xingbian and Rich People Demonstration Village, and Autonomous Region Harmonious Village.

"To forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and promote the construction of a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, we must start from the baby." Huang Lito, mayor of Longbang Town, introduced that through the normalization of red classic reading on campus, "I have an agreement with the boundary monument" and other patriotic education activities to strengthen national defense, stabilize the border and secure the border, Longbang Town has made every effort to guide the students in school to establish patriotic feelings of guarding the safety of the southern gate of the motherland from an early age.

In recent years, from the Longbang Central Primary School to the teaching points in various villages, the monument has become a vivid practical lesson in patriotic education. On the eve of this year's Dragon Boat Festival, the students of the Langguan Teaching Point in Damo Village, Longbang Town, under the leadership of the teacher, painted the 741 boundary monument in red. Standing in front of the boundary monument, 9-year-old Tao Hong said movingly: "Only by studying hard can we protect our family and the country when we grow up, and can we protect our family behind us." I wish the motherland better and better! ”

[Reporter's Notes]

The first time I came to Hulong Village, like most visitors, I saw the bright five-star red flag, and a surging and peaceful force rose in the bottom of the reporter's heart.

On the walls of the small buildings on both sides of the main road of the village, slogans such as "national unity" and "rejuvenating the border and enriching the people" are very eye-catching. The faces of the villagers are filled with happy and bright smiles, as if to tell us: living here, it is really happy.

In the border areas, border stability is the top priority. As a border village inhabited by ethnic minorities, Hulong Village has achieved remarkable results in building a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation.

To consolidate the border, we must prosper the border, and to rejuvenate the border, we must first enrich the people. In recent years, Jingxi City has comprehensively implemented the action of rejuvenating the border areas and enriching the people, and earth-shaking changes have taken place in the production and living conditions in the border areas. It is under such policy dividends that Hulong Village has eaten "border trade rice" and its life has become more and more prosperous.

The standard of living has improved, and the ideological realm of the villagers has also been improved. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the "National Flag Project" in the whole region, Hulong Village has carried out a series of patriotic theme education activities in combination with the actual conditions of border areas and ethnic areas. From guarding the border to consolidating the border to the village rules and regulations, from revisiting historical stories to grasping basic education, every villager in Hulong Village is deeply aware of his identity and responsibility to defend the land.

In Hulong Village, patriotic feelings are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and loving the party, the country, and the family has become the villagers' action consciousness. Just as villager Wang Guimeng said: "Only when there is a country can there be a home." "This identity, this emotional connection, is rooted in the nourishment of thousands of years of excellent traditional culture. It is precisely because of the love of the family and the country like Wang Guimeng that the many people who have jointly built the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation.

At the same time, we should also see that in the context of the pluralism of ideological trends, in order to further build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, we must take the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, continue to enhance the people's sense of happiness, gain and security, promote all ethnic groups to establish the historical outlook of the Chinese nation, jointly practice the core values of socialism, enhance the "five identities", and unite to gather majestic spiritual strength for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.