
Research report on the market status, key enterprise analysis and investment direction of Chinese assisted reproduction industry

author:Zhiyan Consulting

In order to deeply interpret the development status of the human assisted reproduction industry and judge the future trend, Zhiyan Consulting has carefully compiled and launched the "2024-2030 Chinese Human Assisted Reproduction Industry Market Panorama Survey and Investment Potential Research Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). This report is not only a comprehensive and detailed review of the Chinese assisted reproduction market, but also the crystallization of Zhiyan Consulting's continuous tracking, on-site visits, in-depth research and accurate analysis over the years. It aims to help industry elites and investors grasp the pulse of the market more accurately, gain insight into industry trends, and provide strong support for future decision-making.

The report mainly studies the development of human assisted reproduction industry in Chinese, involving the number of human assisted reproduction cases, price, market size, key demand groups for assisted reproduction, regional distribution of assisted reproductive medical institutions, and medical institutions approved to set up human sperm banks.

The report analyzes the development of the human assisted reproduction industry in an all-round way from the aspects of domestic and foreign economic environment, domestic policies, and development trends, and provides corresponding suggestions and decision-making support for industry manufacturers to grasp industrial dynamics and future innovation trends.

Research report on the market status, key enterprise analysis and investment direction of Chinese assisted reproduction industry

Assisted reproduction refers to the use of medical technology and methods to artificially manipulate human eggs, sperm, fertilized eggs or embryos to achieve the purpose of conception, human assisted reproduction includes artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer technology, as well as various derivative technologies.

Affected by factors such as the accelerated pace of life, late marriage and late childbearing, artificial abortion, bad living habits and diet, the infertility rate of couples of childbearing age in mainland China is rising year by year, as the last guarantee of the family of "want to give birth but not give birth", assisted reproduction has been attracting attention and has been highly anticipated, in recent years, the relevant departments of the mainland have issued a series of policy support to encourage the development of the industry, with the blessing of market policies, the rapid development of the assisted reproduction industry in the mainland, In 2023, the market size of the human assisted reproduction industry in mainland China will reach 55.844 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.2%.

Research report on the market status, key enterprise analysis and investment direction of Chinese assisted reproduction industry

The upstream of the human assisted reproduction industry mainly includes suppliers of medical materials, providing drugs and consumables necessary for the realization of assisted reproduction. Functionally, assisted reproductive drugs cover several categories such as downregulation, ovulation induction, and luteal support; Consumables mainly include testing reagents, egg retrieval needles, cryophiles, deferens and other medical instruments. At this stage, the detection reagents have been basically localized, while drugs and other medical consumables are still basically dependent on foreign manufacturers, and domestic suppliers have a long way to go in increasing market share; The midstream is the main body of assisted reproductive service institutions; With the increase in the prevalence of infertility, the overall ability of residents to pay has improved, and with the improvement of relevant medical insurance policies in the future, the demand for patients in the downstream of the assisted reproduction industry chain in mainland China will be released rapidly.

Research report on the market status, key enterprise analysis and investment direction of Chinese assisted reproduction industry

The assisted reproduction industry in mainland China has strict approvals and high license barriers. There are five main types of assisted reproduction licenses in mainland China: artificial insemination (AIH), artificial insemination by donor sperm (AID), first-generation test-tube baby (IVF-ET), second-generation test-based fertilization (ICSI) and third-generation test-effect fertilization (PGD/PGS). The mainland stipulates that five types of assisted reproduction licenses need to be applied for in order. To apply for an IVF-ET license, you need to have an AIH license. To apply for PGD/PGS, you need to have held a first-generation and second-generation IVF license and have been in normal operation for 4-5 years. Due to the strict license application, it is rare for mainland assisted reproduction institutions to obtain PGD/PGS licenses, therefore, at present, public hospitals of human assisted reproductive medical institutions in mainland China occupy the mainstream position, and their market share is also higher than that of private medical institutions. By the end of 2022, there were 559 medical institutions approved to carry out human assisted reproductive technology in mainland China, covering 31 administrative regions, and 29 medical institutions approved to set up human sperm banks.

Research report on the market status, key enterprise analysis and investment direction of Chinese assisted reproduction industry

The research team of Zhiyan Consulting conducted an in-depth analysis on the scale, industrial structure, key enterprises, and industrial development trends of Chinese's assisted reproductive industry, and put forward suggestions for the problems existing in the development of human assisted reproductive industry, providing reference for local governments, industrial chain related enterprises, and investment institutions.

Research report on the market status, key enterprise analysis and investment direction of Chinese assisted reproduction industry
Research report on the market status, key enterprise analysis and investment direction of Chinese assisted reproduction industry

Data Description:

1: The core data of this report has been updated to December 2023 (the relevant financial indicators of non-listed companies in the report are affected by corporate credit approval, and there may be a certain lag), and the forecast period of the report is 2024-2030.

2: In addition to the first-hand research information and data, authoritative data sources such as the National Bureau of Statistics, China Customs, industry associations, and public reports of listed companies (prospectuses, transfer prospectuses, annual reports, inquiry reports, etc.) also constitute the data sources of this report. The first-hand data comes from the first-hand information data obtained by the research team from interviews with key enterprises in the industry, and the main interview subjects include corporate executives, industry experts, technical leaders, downstream customers, distributors, agents, distributors and upstream raw material suppliers. Secondary sources mainly include relevant industry news, company annual reports, non-profit organizations, industry associations, government agencies and third-party databases from around the world.

3: The core data of the report is based on the strict data collection, screening, processing, analysis system and independent calculation model of the Zhiyan team to ensure the accuracy and reliability of statistical data.

4: The data used in this report are all from compliance channels, and the analysis logic is based on the professional understanding of the Zhiyan team, which clearly and accurately reflects the research views of analysts.

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