
It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

author:Zheng Er's Eight Classics


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Speaking of which, this Magnolia TV series awards ceremony really set off an uproar.

Zhou Xun, the former goddess, actually won the Best Actress with a little-known "Imperfect Victim", which is really surprising and exclaiming.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

Think about it, the popular drama series "Flowers", starring Tang Yan, was actually defeated by a niche work, which has to make people question: What is the standard of this Magnolia Award? Zhou Xun rekindled the public's enthusiasm for discussion this time, and also pushed himself to the forefront.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

Let's talk about the competition for Best Actor.

Hu Ge, a powerful actor, finally won the trophy.

But to be honest, many viewers are actually more optimistic about Fan Wei's brilliant performance in "The Long Season".

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

It's a pity that Fan Wei couldn't be at the scene in person, which can't help but make people think: Is there something hidden? At the same time, the absence of Fan Wei and Yang Zi has also sparked a flurry of speculation.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

In particular, Yang Zi's fans revealed that she was absent because of the work arrangement in Paris, which is even more speculative.

Speaking of Zhou Xun, I have to mention her 2018 "The Legend of Ruyi".

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

Back then, Zhou Xun was complained by the audience because he changed the script privately in the play and his overly exaggerated acting skills.

But when it arrived, a large number of negative comments and videos about "The Legend of Ruyi" were taken off the shelves, and it was said that it was a copyright complaint made by Zhou Xun's team.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

As soon as this incident came out, netizens exploded, and Zhou Xun's public image was greatly discounted.

After the award ceremony, Fan Wei's failure to win the award made many fans dissatisfied.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

They spoke out on the Internet, expressing their appreciation for Fan Wei's acting skills and feeling that he was fully worthy of this award.

And the fans of Wang Yang and Wang Yibo are also arguing over who deserves the best actor.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

Although Wang Yang was finally shortlisted, his response - "I am down-to-earth filming, actions speak louder than words", did not seem to calm the dispute, but made the discussion more intense.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

This Magnolia Award Ceremony not only attracted much attention because of Zhou Xun's unexpected award, but Fan Wei's absence also added a lot of suspense and highlights to this award ceremony.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

The whole incident can be described as controversial and hotly discussed, which makes people have to start thinking about the fairness of the award ceremony and what the selection criteria are.

The aftermath of the Magnolia TV series awards ceremony has not subsided, and Zhou Xun's sarcastic remarks caused by two consecutive awards - "Magnolia changed its name to Magnolia" caused an uproar on the Internet.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

At this ceremony, in addition to the awards themselves, the red carpet looks and stories behind the actors have also become a hot topic after dinner.

Especially the fan controversy between Wang Yibo and Wang Yang, it was really lively.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

Here's the thing, the introduction of Wang Yang's role in the introduction of the TV series "Wind Chaser" doesn't seem to be prominent enough, and as a result, his nomination for Best Actor looks a bit unworthy of the name.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

This Wang Yibo's fans, and fans on both sides began a fierce war of words.

On the other side, Chen Xiao made a stunning appearance with a bald head, attracting countless eyes.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

He said that this is to prepare for the upcoming filming of the costume drama, and this kind of dedication and professionalism to the role is really admirable.

Although he didn't appear on the red carpet, his unique look and low-key appearance still made him the center of attention.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

By the way, rumors of his private life have also become the focus of everyone's attention.

On the red carpet, Liu Yifei wore a pink dress and celebrated the success of the TV series "The Story of Rose" with other leading actors.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

Her appearance is really eye-catching.

Although there are comments that the dress makes her look plumper, her temperament still attracts countless eyes.

In addition, Wan Qian's green hair ends have also attracted a lot of attention.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

Some netizens interpreted that this may be a response to the rumors of her husband's cheating in her personal life.

However, it didn't seem to affect her much.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

There is also Wang Ou, the red and blue color dress she wears with a high slit design has also caused a lot of discussion on the Internet.

There is an opinion that this retro style is slightly outdated.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

Although she was a little worried about the slit of her skirt on the red carpet, after changing into a white dress in the infield, her elegant demeanor was really admirable.

The Magnolia Award ceremony is really evocative and topical.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

From the controversy between fans to the image of the actors, to the public's perception of the awards themselves, these are all examples of the multi-dimensional and complex nature of the entertainment industry.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

This is not only a celebration of performing arts, but also an in-depth analysis of contemporary celebrity culture, reflecting the public's continued interest and changing response to entertainment events.

It is difficult to comment on the 50-year-old Zhou Xun After the second seal, there was no applause, only group ridicule, netizens: I can't argue

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