
How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

author:Pili No
How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

Hi, I'm Pilino, welcome to open this article, have fun!

What is Aesthetic Photography? Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of beauty, and it is also an extension of fine art. When we say aesthetic images, we mean those that are pleasing to the eye and make the viewer feel tasteful.

In this regard, we always use the term "Photoshop-processed" or "monotonous" to describe Photoshop-treated images because it makes them look more powerful and intuitive. Aesthetic photography will be discussed further in this article.

How to understand aesthetics in photography

Aesthetics is a heavy word, and it's hard to define with one definition. Some say that aesthetics is the subject of a photograph, and some say that aesthetics is composition. Others say that aesthetics has to do with light.

Just like there are some grammar rules you should know before writing anything (there are exceptions), every professional photographer or amateur photography enthusiast, should know some general rules of aesthetics in order to create your own.

Aesthetics & Style

Aesthetic photography

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

照片由 Ionut Comanici 在 Unsplash 上拍摄

Aesthetic photography is a branch of fine art photography. These aesthetic photographs are not posed, but artificially created by the subject's interaction with their surroundings and how the camera captures that interaction.

Style photography

Stylistic photography is all about creating images that match the photographer's artistic vision. It involves many elements, some of which are modified and others distorted to get exactly the image effect that the photographer wants.

The 21 best tips on how to take beautiful photos

Have you ever been in a situation where you need to take a photo at the last minute? Or maybe your boss wants it right away, so the opportunity to photograph a stunning sunset slips away.

Here are the photography tips for taking beautiful photos under pressure:

Use natural light sources

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

照片由 Pascal van de Vendel 在 Unsplash 上拍摄

There's nothing better than taking a portrait with natural light. It's free, and you can use it whenever you want, as long as it's not too dark outside. Whether it's by a window or outdoors, natural light is the best choice for aesthetic photos.

Most photographers prefer to take photos through windows because then they can control the amount of light in the photo.

Don't over-edit

The most serious pitfall faced by true amateur photographers is over-editing. While photography is incomplete without post-editing, most people over-edit on Photoshop or Meitu software, which ends up ruining the original beauty of the image.

Not only does this photo look fake and unprofessional, but it also takes away the otherwise good-looking qualities of the photo

In post-processing, the photos are processed in a simple and natural way. Slightly adjust exposure, contrast, sharpness, etc.

Angles to get creative

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

Photo by Craig Bradford on Unsplash

Try different shooting angles. For example, try taking a photo from above or below the subject instead of shooting it directly – this will make your photo instantly more exciting and unique.

Try the rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a common technique used by many professional photographers to take appealing and eye-catching photos. The balanced composition created will naturally please the viewer with your own aesthetic.

Consider lighting

Shoot in natural light and avoid using flash as much as possible, especially with people. Flashing can leave unsightly shadows around the eyes. In addition, it will flatten the face, making it look plastic.

Capture emotion

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

Kate Solid Green/Black Foldable Background Photography

The purpose of this is to ensure that the subject feels relaxed and comfortable so that they can bring out their best in front of the camera.

That's why professional portrait photography is the cause; People rarely take posing photos because the rest of the photos are candid photos.

Candid photos are more realistic because you can capture real emotions without the intervention of other photographers.

Attention to detail

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

照片由 Roksolana Zasiadko 在 Unsplash 上拍摄

The best way to take beautiful photos is to pay attention to details. When it comes to photography, you need to pay attention to even the tiniest detail of your subject and capture it in the most beautiful way possible.

Fill the frame

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

照片由 mahdi chaghari 在 Unsplash 上拍摄

Filling the frame is one of the wonderful ways to make your photos look absolutely fantastic. Instead of photographing a subject and leaving a lot of space around it, fill the frame with only the subject as much as possible.

Use guide lines

Guide lines can be used to create depth of field in a photo. This technique allows you to select compositional elements such as trees, arches, windows, or just a horizon line as a guide line to compose the subject. This really makes them stand out and the composition is much more interesting.

Use natural elements as backgrounds

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

Photo by Fineas Gavre on Unsplash

What's behind the subject is crucial because it can make or break your photo. Therefore, you should pay careful attention to what exactly is the space directly behind the subject.

Combine repetitive patterns, colors that accentuate and emphasize the theme and harmonize with the theme, while also including textures that make the theme stand out.

Create unique stories

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

Kate 5x7ft 抽象纹理冷黑色喷漆背景

When it comes to choosing camera settings, it's easy to get lost in the tiniest details – composition, lighting, colors. But keep in mind that you're creating images for a purpose, so always keep the big picture in mind.

Most importantly, ask yourself what unique story you want to tell with your photos.

Keep it simple

If you decide to use stock photos, make sure they have enough detail to make them look like the real thing. For example, an umbrella on the beach not only sticks out of the sand, but its bottom is surrounded by sand dunes.

If you're using photos, avoid using too many elements. The fewer props, the better, as they ensure that your photos don't lose the impact or clarity of the story you want to convey.

Try to make your images express a clear idea or mood – for example, if they're portraits, try not to use too many different elements.

Use textures and patterns

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

Kate 5x7 feet hand drawn abstract texture dark green and black background

In this photograph, a textured pattern is used to highlight the subject and have a lot of meaning.

A change in perspective

When you change the perspective, you can get some exciting results. Another great example of changing perspective is looking down on your subject.

Neutrals are safe and traditional

When you're just starting out with photography, traditional neutral colors are suitable for most subjects and for almost any photography style. It doesn't have to be boring, though.

Look in the mirror

First, look in the mirror and look at it for a while. This may sound strange, but the purpose of the first step is for you to know which side of the face is the "good" side.

If you can clearly realize this, then everything will be fine from now on. Whenever you take a picture of yourself, make sure the camera is pointing in the opposite direction to your good side and thus your bad side.

Blur the background

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

The yellow photographic background in Kate's spring orchard was designed by Lisa Grandon

The most important part of the photo is the subject, and the background should be more blurry. This will make the subject of the photo stand out more and add a professional touch to the photo taken

Get as close to the subject as possible

The rule for photographing any object is to get as close to it as possible, but not too close so as not to look weird. Being close enough ensures that the photo is well-framed and maintains a professional feel.

Look for color stories

Choose a color scheme for your feed. Stick to one color scheme and it will make your feed look consistent.

Choose your "Editing Style"

One thing that fosters a unique aesthetic is the unique style used when editing your work. If you like bright colors, then what makes your photos beautiful could be that the colors are brightened.

Shoot in the sun

How to do aesthetic photography: 21 best tips to create your own aesthetic

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Shooting in front of the sun is one of the surefire ways to take beautiful, aesthetically pleasing photos. It also inspires you to create dreamy images with soft lines and no hard shadows.


Aesthetic photography focuses more on beauty and appearance than on traditional photographic procedures.

These aestheticist images often capture a particular mood or idea that some viewers are able to relate to and appreciate them. Sometimes, believers in aestheticism are labeled as "hipsters" (although this is a common stereotype).

However, there are also a lot of people who prefer a more subtle approach to photography that makes photography fun even if the photo itself isn't the most exciting subject in the world. These photographs always have more depth and feel than other types of photographs, which always strive for a more traditional purpose, such as documentary photographs, whose purpose is always to capture events in order to accurately record history. #头条创作挑战赛##我要上头条##妙笔生花创作挑战##中国手机摄影##镜头下的生活美学#

That's all for today's sharing~ I hope you get inspired. If you need more inspirational art and design inspiration, follow me and I don't get lost! See you next time~

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