
As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

Reading Literature and History

2024-07-02 11:06Creators in the cultural field

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With the arrival of the summer solar term, the hot dog days that attract much attention every year are also coming. So, when is the hottest year in 2024?

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

In this regard, the people have summed up a lot of experience.

For example, the ancestors predicted: "The small summer is hot, and the big summer is cold."

So, what exactly does this mean? When is it hottest this year? Let's take a look.

1. The interpretation of "the small summer is hot, and the big summer is cool".

As the saying goes, "the heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool in the summer" seems to be somewhat contradictory in the literal sense.

Xiaoxiao, as the fifth solar term of summer, indicates that the weather is starting to get hot; And the Great Heat, as the last solar term of summer, should theoretically be the hottest time.

However, this proverb tells us that if the weather is unusually hot during the summer season, it may feel cool during the summer season.

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

Why? It turns out that behind this proverb is a deep understanding of the laws of climate change by the ancients.

The reason why the summer heat feels cold is because the heat of summer is not continuous, but has a process of turning from weak to strong and then weak. If the heat has reached the extreme, it means that the hot weather has arrived early.

Later, during the summer season, due to the southward shift of the direct sun's point, the balance of heat accumulation and dissipation on the ground, and the possibility of increased rainfall, the temperature will drop relatively slightly, so it gives people a cool feeling.

Of course, this proverb also reflects traditional Chinese philosophical thought to a certain extent. In traditional Chinese philosophy, the theory of the five elements of yin and yang holds that everything in the world is composed of yin and yang and is constantly changing. Summer is yang, yang is at the extreme, yin is born, the heat of the summer is penetrated, it is the time when the yang energy is at the extreme, indicating that the yin energy is about to rise, and the coolness of the summer heat is the sign of the beginning of the yin energy.

However, it is worth noting that the saying "the heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool in the summer" is not applicable to all regions.

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

As we all know, the continent is vast and has a diverse climate, and there are significant differences in the climatic characteristics of different regions. In the southeast coastal areas, due to the influence of the oceanic climate, the summer is often hot and humid and rainy, and there may not be a significant temperature difference during the small and heavy summer heat.

However, it is more pronounced in inland areas, especially in the northwest. Due to the obvious continental climate and the large temperature difference between day and night, if the small heat is already extremely hot, it is indeed possible to feel a little cool under the influence of rain and cold air during the big heat.

2. So, when is the hottest time this year (2024)?

To answer the question of when is the hottest this year, we have to mention dog days.

Dog days are the general name of the hottest period of summer in China, which is divided into three stages: the beginning, the middle and the end.

The first and last days are 10 days each, and the number of middle days is not fixed, sometimes 10 days, sometimes 20 days. The specific dates of dog days, calculated by the combination of the 24 solar terms and the dates of the Ganzhi period, generally appear between the small summer and the summer heat.

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

So, when is the dog day of the year this year?

The date of ambush is July 15 (the first date of ambush is July 15 to July 24), which marks the beginning of the dog days (10 days in total);

The mid-dog days are from July 25 to August 13, which is the hottest phase of the dog days (20 days in total);

The date of the last season is from August 14th to August 23rd, and the heat will gradually subside as the end of the last season (10 days in total).

This year's dog days, with a total duration of 40 days.

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

According to the saying "the heat is in the dog days, the hottest in the middle of the volts", we can preliminarily judge that the hottest time period of the year should occur during the middle volts, that is, from July 25 to August 13. During this time, the solar radiation is strong, the ground temperature continues to rise, and the air humidity is high, and the human body feels unbearably hot.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that, according to the forecast of the World Meteorological Organization, the likelihood of an El Niño event this year is also increasing, which may also exacerbate the heat of the summer.

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

Overall, climate change is a complex process that is affected by a variety of factors. Although dog days are the traditional Chinese folk perception of the hottest time in summer, in the context of global warming, extreme weather events are frequent, and the traditional climate law may be challenged to a certain extent. Therefore, while doing a good job in preventing heatstroke and cooling down, it is still necessary to pay attention to the new trends and characteristics of climate change.

3. The folk customs of the small summer and the big summer solar terms

In traditional Chinese culture, each solar term has its own unique customs and cultural connotations. The small summer heat and the big summer heat are no exception.

In the summer season, the folk have the habit of eating yellow eel, honey lotus, mung bean soup and other summer foods. In the northern region, there is a custom of eating dumplings in the summer season, which means to cool off the heat and appetize; In the southern region, more attention is paid to heat stroke prevention and cooling, dampness and detoxification.

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

In the summer season, there are traditional customs such as burning incense, drinking tea, and drying ginger. These customs not only reflect the wisdom of the ancients in coping with hot weather, but also enrich the cultural life of summer.

4. Suggestions for dealing with hot weather

In the face of the upcoming hot weather, we should take precautions against heat stroke in advance.

(1) Arrange work and rest time reasonably

Try to avoid going out during the hottest part of the day, especially at noon, to avoid heat stroke, which may cause physical discomfort, etc.

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

(2) Keep the room ventilated

Open windows for ventilation and use natural wind to reduce the indoor temperature. At the same time, electrical appliances such as air conditioners or fans can be used to regulate the indoor temperature.

(3) Eat a light diet

In the hot summer, it is easy to lose appetite, and the diet is mainly light and healthy, and eat more fruits and vegetables to replenish water and nutrients.

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

(4) Pay attention to the weather forecast

Pay attention to the weather forecast information issued by the local meteorological department and adjust your life and work plans in time to ensure health and safety.

Fifth, the reader said

In general, the formation and development of the 24 solar terms are closely related to the agricultural civilization of ancient China. The ancients finally formed this unique calendar system by observing the annual movement of the sun and recognizing the changes in season, climate, and phenology of the year. In the process, a wealth of meteorological knowledge and agricultural experience have been accumulated, and many sayings and proverbs related to solar terms have been formed.

As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

As one of them, "the heat is hot in the small summer, and the cool in the big heat" not only reflects the accurate grasp of the ancients on summer climate change, but also contains rich cultural and historical connotations. It reflects the ancient people's deep understanding of nature and the philosophy of life that conforms to nature, and also embodies the essence of the idea of "the unity of heaven and man" in traditional Chinese culture.

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  • As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?
  • As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?
  • As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?
  • As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?
  • As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?
  • As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?
  • As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?
  • As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?
  • As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?
  • As the old saying goes, "The heat is hot in the summer, and the heat is cool", what is the omen? What time is the hottest of the year?

Personal opinion, for reference only

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