
The more you eat fruits in the summer and wet season, the weaker your body becomes? Two "small food recipes" to save the day!

author:Guangdong Satellite TV is healthy and good
The more you eat fruits in the summer and wet season, the weaker your body becomes? Two "small food recipes" to save the day!

In the hot summer, a large number of seasonal fresh fruits are on the market, and the foodies who are ready to move open their cheeks early.

Presumably, like Healthy Jun, you have scavenged a wave of plums, peaches, mangoes, lychees and other fruits, which are rich in vitamins, fresh taste, and sufficient moisture to make your index finger move, and you can't stop eating them.

The more you eat fruits in the summer and wet season, the weaker your body becomes? Two "small food recipes" to save the day!

However, most fruits are cold and prone to dampness, and if the spleen and stomach want to fully absorb them, they must consume yang energy.

In particular, people with insufficient yang qi in the spleen and kidney are prone to cause symptoms such as diarrhea, mouth ulcers, stomach pain, and stomach cold.

So, how to eat summer fruits?

Eat fruits healthily

  • Prunes are used to stew sugar water

Sweet and sour plums are a good fruit to eat in summer. Plums have a high content of fruit acid, and eating more can easily hurt the spleen and stomach and cause bloating.

Recommended way to eat: In order to reduce the acidity of plums, you can add sugar and stew it into sweet and sour sugar water to drink.

The more you eat fruits in the summer and wet season, the weaker your body becomes? Two "small food recipes" to save the day!
  • Peel the peaches and cook them to eat

Peaches contain a lot of dietary fiber and are relatively high in sugar, so eating more can easily cause indigestion, bloating, abdominal pain and other discomforts, and even lead to dehydration of the intestinal mucosa, which in turn causes constipation.

Recommended way to eat: hard peaches, it is recommended not to exceed two a day, scrub and peel with salt before eating, cook it before eating.

The more you eat fruits in the summer and wet season, the weaker your body becomes? Two "small food recipes" to save the day!
  • Do not eat mango alone

Mango is high in sugar, and also contains irritating ingredients such as fruit acids and amino acids, which can easily cause redness and swelling of the lips and face, and itchy skin if eaten more. Patients with damp weight and diabetes should not eat more.

Recommended way to eat: If the fruit is eaten after a meal, it can be cut into small pieces and eaten, or it can be eaten with chicken, tomato, onion and other foods, which has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing qi and blood, enhancing immunity, and shengjin liquid.

  • 荔枝看着量来吃

The sugar content of lychee is quite high, eating more can easily lead to obesity, and eating lychee on an empty stomach will lead to excessive insulin secretion, resulting in low blood sugar and dizziness, sweating, pale complexion and other symptoms.

Recommended way to eat: The amount of one time is controlled at about the size of a fist, and if there are uncomfortable symptoms, a certain amount of sugar water should be supplemented in time and rest, and severe cases should seek medical attention in time.

The more you eat fruits in the summer and wet season, the weaker your body becomes? Two "small food recipes" to save the day!

In addition to the above-mentioned fruits, watermelon should also be careful not to be greedy, and it will not be iced if it can be frozen (although it is delicious).

According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", watermelon and melon are all raw and cold, and the world thinks that they are enlightened, and the nectar is sprinkled with heart, taking it as fast as it is, and not knowing the harm of hurting the spleen and helping dampness.

The more you eat fruits in the summer and wet season, the weaker your body becomes? Two "small food recipes" to save the day!

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" says: The five fruits are helping, which means that the five fruits can assist the body to replenish and dredge the essence. However, those with yang deficiency physique will become more and more weak if they eat more; On the contrary, if you have a hot constitution, eating too much will deplete the qi and blood in the body.

In summer, you can add sugar to seasonal fruits (not too much, otherwise it is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach) and cook them, and use the effect of "sweetness can ease" to alleviate the cold bias of fruits. Alternatively, you can cut the fruit into cubes and sprinkle some cinnamon or tangerine peel powder before serving.

The more you eat fruits in the summer and wet season, the weaker your body becomes? Two "small food recipes" to save the day!

In summer, "fruit diseases" are common, and Healthy Jun recommends these two sweet soups.

熱性水果小食方 ——沆(hàng)瀣(xiè)饮

Hot fruits are easy to catch fire, causing mouth ulcers, acne, yellowing of the tongue coating, etc., and the drink is a small food recipe recorded in the "Mountain Family Qing Offering", which has the effect of clearing the stomach and intestines and clearing the fire.


200g of sugarcane, 150g of white radish, appropriate amount of water.


  1. Wash the white radish (do not peel it) and cut it into cubes, peel the sugarcane and cut it into small pieces;
  2. Put the ingredients into the pot, add water, boil on low heat for about 30 minutes, and the white radish will soften and the soup can be taken out of the pot.

Efficacy: Sugarcane white radish has the effect of clearing stomach heat and clearing fire.

The more you eat fruits in the summer and wet season, the weaker your body becomes? Two "small food recipes" to save the day!

Cold fruit snack recipe - cardamom cooked water

Eating too many cold fruits can easily cause diarrhea and other symptoms. Cooked cardamom water was called a "summer drink" by the ancients, and it can dispel cold and dampness in the body.


豆蔻5g 、石菖蒲5g 、甘草10-15g。


  1. cardamom, calamus slightly ground;
  2. Put it in a pot with licorice, cover it and brew for a while before drinking.

Efficacy: Cardamom dries and strengthens the spleen, calamus nourishes the heart, and licorice protects the spleen and stomach.

The more you eat fruits in the summer and wet season, the weaker your body becomes? Two "small food recipes" to save the day!

While enjoying the moist and sweet taste of seasonal fruits, you should also think about your health and eat it correctly~

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