
Calculation in Love (Micro Novel)

author:Little dream love


"My dear, I want to get a new game skin, but the money on hand is a little insufficient......" Cao Wei looked at his girlfriend Shu Lejia with a look of hope, and the meaning was very clear before he finished speaking.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't play games?" Shu Lejia didn't seem to understand the meaning of his words.

"We met in the game, and then we fell in love in reality. Every time I play the game, I feel like it's a retrospective of how we got to know each other. Don't you want me to remember the bits and pieces between us? Cao Wei hugged Shu Lejia's neck and rubbed it, like a cute kitten.

"Alright, alright. I'm really scared of you. I transferred you 2,000 yuan, so I saved some money. As soon as Shu Lejia's words fell, Cao Wei kissed her on the cheek.

Shu Lejia was dizzy by this sudden happiness, and she wanted to chat with her boyfriend again. only to find that this "culprit" has been concentrating on picking out the game skin on the computer.

Calculation in Love (Micro Novel)

"Dude, that's amazing! Got a new skin so quickly? It can't be a rich woman, right? ”

Cao Wei's teammates sent "envy, jealousy, hatred" emojis and remarks.

Cao Wei's vanity was greatly satisfied. He was indeed a lot younger than Shu Lejia. But he didn't think it was a big deal. It's just a relationship, and I don't plan to marry her. Not only can you enjoy the joy of love, but also accept each other's gifts and money, why not? And although Shu Lejia is a little older, she can wear makeup and maintain her to look at most a year or two older than him.

After Cao Wei counted the advantages of Shu Lejia in his heart, he suddenly remembered that she hadn't come to find herself since she transferred 2,000 yuan to herself.

"Won't it be to blame that I haven't been looking for her lately? Angry, right? Cao Wei chuckled in his heart, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed Shu Lejia's number.

"Do you remember me? I thought you had forgotten that I was the number one? Shu Lejia spoke sarcastically, as if he was angry.

"I'm sorry, dear. Recently, the new season has just started, and I want to sell some equipment to buy you a gift. Isn't your birthday coming soon? I want to buy you a nice gift. I've ignored you all this time, it's all my bad ......" Cao Wei cautiously said good things and apologized in a low voice.

"Then you should work hard." After speaking, Shu Lejia hung up the phone, and there was no longer the warmth of the past for him.

"Dear ......" Cao Wei wanted to say a few more words, but only got a busy sound in response.

"Alas, what a pity." Cao Wei sighed and fell back into his seat. He has been dating this kind of woman for a long time, and he knows that even if he goes to the other party to redeem it, he has little chance of winning. Instead of wasting time on her, it is better to sort out your mood and find another wronged one.

"This time, I blamed myself for being too careless, thinking that when the fish was caught, I didn't need to feed the bait." While summarizing the lessons learned, Cao Wei searched for suitable new partners on the Internet.

Calculation in Love (Micro Novel)

Cao Wei's house.

"Come on...... Come...... Come. Divide the eggs, free eggs! Two eggs per person, two eggs per person! Shu Lejia walked around with a basket of eggs, shouting as she went.

Residents and passers-by were attracted by her actions. A fashionably dressed woman carrying a basket of eggs to be delivered for free on the side of the road. What is this operation? Do you do performance art?

Soon someone asked, "You don't seem to live with us, do you?" How did you run our eggs? ”

"I have a happy event in my family, and I can't hide my joy. That's why I share the eggs here. Shu Lejia answered with a smile, but her eyes always glanced at Cao Wei's house.

"If you really want to share the joy, you might as well send us red envelopes, it's more practical!" Another good deed coaxed.

"Hey, you're right! I'll be here tomorrow for the red envelope! Do you have to wait for me at home? Shu Lejia smiled even more.

"Girl, you said that there is a happy event at home, what kind of happy event is it?" The do-gooders picked up the topic again.

"Well, it's not a happy event. Me, I'm talking to someone, eleven years younger than me......" Shu Lejia deliberately paused and stopped talking.

"That's not a happy event, is it? Are you married? Someone asked.

"I'm not married, but it's ......," Shu Lejia wanted to continue.

A figure rushed out and shouted, "What are you doing at my door in the morning? Don't go to work, don't go to school? ”

"Oops, Mom Williams. Divide the eggs at the door, why did you come out, the eggs are all divided. Someone she knew was clear, and there was some regret in her tone that she didn't get the eggs.

Calculation in Love (Micro Novel)

"It's okay, I'll be back tomorrow for the red packet. You come out early. Shu Lejia stared at Cao Wei's mother with a smile.

I could see a flurry in her heart. His son himself knows that he hooked up with a woman more than ten years older than him for a little money. If it's uploaded locally, how will your son find a partner in the future? But now that there are so many people, she can't call Shu Lejia into the house. I could only watch Shu Lejia leave.

"Little ancestor, your ex-girlfriend has come to the door. Look at that posture, it's going to publicize you and her affairs in our streets. Shu Lejia had just walked not far when Cao Wei's mother called her son in a hurry.

"If she is not afraid of losing face, she will say it, am I still afraid of her as a man? Besides, if she dares to make up something unfavorable to me, I will call the police and arrest her! "Cao Weizhen had a hot fight with the new object, and he didn't bother to care about it at all.

"She came to the door, and she was afraid of what ugliness. The most important thing is that she doesn't know what to say about you, but her eyes and language are hinting at others. This kind of indescribable thing is scary, who knows what people think? The more the words spread, the more chaotic it became, do you still want to find a partner to marry! Cao Wei's mother was so anxious that she slapped her thigh.

Cao Wei began to panic after his mother's dial, and he hurriedly dialed Shu Lejia.

"I don't ask for much, you can just pay back the money I spent for you." After Shu Lejia sat down at Cao Wei's house, he immediately took out an account book, on which every expenditure was clearly recorded.

"No, the house you rented is mine?" Cao Wei skimmed for a moment and shouted.

"Do you live in the house? I paid a year's rent for you. You and I have been in prison for three months. You said that I live in this rental house, and I always think of you, and I can't get back the rent. Troublesome? Shu Lejia was so stunned that Cao Wei had nothing to say.

"Then you can't count it all on my son, a discount. We'll give you half of it! After you take the money, you write a note, and you can't show up near my house in the future. Cao Wei's mother was very thoughtful, she was afraid that the woman would take the money and toss again.

"Okay." The woman was extremely happy, took the money and tapped it skillfully, and signed her name on the note written by Cao Wei, and then walked out gracefully.

As soon as the woman arrived at the door, she saw a motorcycle whizzing towards her, and the person in the car slowly took off her helmet to reveal a face that was about as young as Cao Wei and even more handsome than him.

Naturally, the woman got on the motorcycle and walked away. Cao Wei, who was standing in the same place, did not recover for a long time.

Calculation in Love (Micro Novel)

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