
Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities

author:Volunteer Yimeng
Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities

On the eve of the July 1st Party Day, the Party Branch of the Mingde Volunteer Association of Yihe New District went deep into the streets of Meijiabu on June 30 and organized a volunteer service activity with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st, Feeling the Party's Kindness, and Sending Care". Visited a total of 31 households of old party members and people in need in Zhanghe Village and Nanzhuangzi Village.

The purpose of this activity is to carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, and to express deep concern and respect to the veteran party members and comrades who have made outstanding contributions to the cause of the party and the people in need.

Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities

Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities

On the day of the event, the party members and volunteers of the Mingde Volunteer Association of Yihe New District were divided into multiple groups and visited a total of 31 veteran party members and comrades and people in need in Zhanghe Village and Nanzhuangzi Village. The volunteers first came to Zhanghe Village, and they visited many old party members one by one with condolences, condolences and care. At the homes of the veteran party members, the volunteers had cordial conversations with the veteran party members, inquired in detail about their physical condition and living conditions, and listened carefully to their opinions and suggestions on the work of the party and the government. Veteran party members said one after another that they felt warm by the concern and support of the party and the government all along, and that they would continue to support the work of the party and the government.

Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities
Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities

Subsequently, the volunteers came to Nanzhuangzi Village and visited the people in need. They have sent daily necessities to the people in need, encouraging them to strengthen their confidence, overcome difficulties, and live a better life with the help of the party and the government. The arrival of the volunteers made the people in need feel the care and warmth of the party and the government, and they expressed that they would actively face the difficulties and challenges in life and strive to create a better future.

Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities
Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities

The volunteer service activity of "welcoming July 1st, feeling the party's kindness, and sending care" not only made the old party members and the people in need feel the care and warmth of the party and the government, but also further enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the party organization. In the next step, the Party Branch of the Mingde Volunteer Association of Yihe New Area will continue to go deep into the grassroots and serve the masses, actively play the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and make new and greater contributions to promoting the economic and social development of Yihe New Area.

Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities
Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities
Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities
Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities
Volunteer Yimeng | "Welcome July 1st, feel the party's kindness, send care" volunteer service activities

Source: Love Yimeng

2024 No. 469 | Total 4715548 issue

Editor: Wu Yangchen

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