
World of Warcraft nostalgic clothing at this stage, what professions are those 24=1 and so on

author:The Stars of the Falling Stars

World of Warcraft is positioned as a large-scale team game.,Its core gameplay is still the major group books.,The copy at this stage is too simple.,So when the group of people, the head of the group generally doesn't have too many requirements.,Nor does it strongly pursue any configuration.,Basically, as long as you can play.,By the way, bring a few bosses.,If there is no boss.,Half of the equipment dropped by the team has to be decomposed.。

Warlocks seem to be the biggest winners at the moment

When you are not particularly pursuing configuration, there is still 24 = 1, so it may be that there is not a single warlock in the group at present, and there must be a warlock who pulls people and sends candy or something. Warlocks were not too many in the 80s, but the player base of Warlocks was really small, and today we will discuss why everyone knows that Warlocks are strong but are not very willing to play.

This version of the warlock basically has two talents.,One is the pain technique that hits the output.,The other is the demonic spell that fights the tool man.,As for the destruction technique.,Basically, it can't hit damage and doesn't have much auxiliary function.,So it's very few.。 Whether it's pain or demonic magic, there are several DOTs that are stationed, corrosion, pain curses, ghosts, and staring at the buff of life diversion, single-line combat may be reluctant, and multi-line combat is inevitably dazzling, and its high operational difficulty really dissuades a large number of players. At the same time, warlocks also have to take care of idle tasks such as sucking soul fragments, sending sugar, tying soul stones, and pulling people, which is indeed more tiring than other output professions.

The warlock's equipment is the French cloth armor, as we all know, the price of the French cloth armor is relatively high, mainly the mage and the priest of the two large populations, as the so-called, take the most expensive equipment, play the most tiring output, do the most miscellaneous work, and there is no subsidy. So although everyone knows that warlocks are strong, there are very few people who play them.

World of Warcraft nostalgic clothing at this stage, what professions are those 24=1 and so on

Both the precept and the dark shepherd can come

Due to the peculiarity of the boss of the Naxx Shaman Instructor, the team generally needs at least two priests, so the priests at this stage are also scarce, of course, even in the Ulduar or Crusader trial stage, the ring priest and the dark priest are still very popular professions. The precept of the herd's no CD set looks,It's really simple and strong to operate.,Entering the book began to go from the head of the team framework to the end to the end to the end of the tail set.,So the cycle.,A copy of the CD is finished.,Everything's good.,It's just a little boring.。 As for Darkherd, the player base is too small, and Darkherd boosts the team's Shadow Vulnerability and Spell Hit bonuses, and can also help heal teammates. Teams that play anywhere don't mind bringing one, and it's better to bring one.

World of Warcraft nostalgic clothing at this stage, what professions are those 24=1 and so on

Shaman's milk ride is also lacking

The shaman profession can basically enter the group in the three departments.,Yesterday the trumpet shaman wanted to find a lying corpse group.,I found several of them and there were war hunting sa consumption conflicts.。 I entered a group in the back, and I was also forced to open my business, and the team didn't have an element, as a totem tool man, I still helped insert the Heavenly Fury Totem throughout the whole process, after all, the faster you play, the sooner you get off work. As a ramen master, Milk Sa still has a strong ability to replenish the group, and by the way, he can also hang a shield of the earth on the tank, which can also improve the survivability of the tank to a certain extent. The Augmentation Sa itself is not strong, but the boost he brings to melee is very large, so the Shaman at this stage is quite popular. Especially in the 10-person group, there is often a situation of 9=1 shaman, which is in addition to the shaman's own promotion of the team, mainly because only the shaman can be bloodthirsty or heroic.

Due to the reason that the national uniform has just returned, it may be that part of the original fixed or semi-fixed team, there is still a lack of tanks, and after a period of time, the tanks are basically the cronies of the regiment commander, so there are fewer people who call tanks on the world channel, after all, the profession of tanks is too important, and a new tank is simply a nightmare for the team, so the world channel also calls T, and this time the anti-riding is not worried about entering the group. As for the milk ride, it is always a rigid need, and only the tank that has been assigned the milk ride treatment can stand, and the milk ride is not a group without milk, so the milk ride is often a key role in 24=1.

World of Warcraft nostalgic clothing at this stage, what professions are those 24=1 and so on

The worst are the hunters and mages

Observed in the past few days, basically a team full of more than 15 people, especially a team of more than 20 people, none of them called the hunter or mage, we mentioned earlier, now the most practiced trumpet is the hunter, you can imagine how fierce the competition of the hunter behind is, so the hunter player either finds a fixed group as soon as possible, or goes online early to see the team that has just opened the group to enter the group quickly. But the experience of the hunter profession is really good.,Although there are many people, but the equipment is not expensive.,Basically, the competition within the profession.,As for the enhancement of Sa,It's negligible.,Even if you accidentally kill the group.,It's still possible to survive.,You can also have a variety of single brushes.。

Mage may be a sentimental profession that belongs to a large number of players, and the Iron Triangle of the 60s is also strong for the whole version, and the mages of the 70s and 80s are more mediocre, not particularly strong nor weak. Mages should be one of the few professions that can be played in addition to dungeons, with strong AOE abilities and agile operations, and various main city teleportations. The player base is too large, and the demand for dungeons is not so much, so mages should also go online early and join the group early.

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