
How big is the "open ten fingers" in normal delivery? A picture tells you the answer, and I feel sorry for my mother after reading it

author:Big fruit and small fruit mother


Pregnancy in October and childbirth in one day is a sacred journey that every mother must go through. However, many people don't know much about the process of "opening ten fingers". Although the technique of cesarean section is very mature, natural childbirth is still the choice of most mothers, and "opening ten fingers" is an inevitable part of natural childbirth.


What does it mean to open ten fingers?

Ten finger opening is when the opening of the cervix gradually expands from a small hole to about ten fingers wide so that the fetus can be delivered smoothly. It has been measured that the width of the ten fingers is about 9-10 centimeters, which is about the diameter of the baby's head.

How big is the "open ten fingers" in normal delivery? A picture tells you the answer, and I feel sorry for my mother after reading it

The process of dilation from "one finger" to "ten fingers" refers to the expansion of the cervix from the width of one finger to the size of a baby's head in a few hours. As you can imagine, what a painful experience this was for moms.


From opening "one finger" to opening "ten fingers", what is the process of childbirth?

First stage of labor: open fingers

The first stage of labor consists of an incubation phase and an active phase, which usually takes 6 to 12 hours. When the mother first feels the labor pain, the contractions are about every 20 minutes, and each time lasts for half a minute to one minute, which is the incubation period. The incubation period is the most "mild" stage of labor, and the cervix gradually expands to about four fingers.

During the incubation period, pregnant mothers can move around appropriately and eat some light food to conserve physical strength for the next stage of labor. When the cervix is dilated to four fingers, the mother will enter the active phase, which is also the most painful stage. At this point, the uterine opening will dilate at a rate of 1 cm per hour, accompanied by more intense contractions and pain. Many women will request a cesarean section at this stage because of the excruciating pain.

During the active phase, mothers need to adjust their breathing, stabilize their mood, and drink plenty of fluids. After surviving this stage, the doctor will inform you that the uterine opening is fully open and you can enter the delivery room, which means that both the mother and the baby are ready.

Second stage of labor: open roof

It takes about 1-3 hours from the time the uterine opening is fully open to the baby's head being exposed. At this time, the mother lying on the delivery bed has only one task: to follow the doctor's instructions. The doctor tells you to inhale and inhale, let you exhale and exhale, and force when you force it. At this point, it is crucial to remain calm and cooperate with the doctor.

The baby is also trying to cooperate in the mother's belly, rotating and descending in one direction, gradually revealing the head. Although the pain of the second stage of labor is not as painful as that of the active stage of the first stage of labor, when the fetus descends to the pelvis, it puts a lot of pressure on the mother's back. Mothers only need to maintain their physical strength and actively cooperate with the doctor to get through this labor process safely.

How big is the "open ten fingers" in normal delivery? A picture tells you the answer, and I feel sorry for my mother after reading it

Third stage of labor: delivery

The third stage of labor is the complete delivery of the fetus and placenta, which usually takes about 30 minutes. When the baby's head comes out, the doctor will use professional techniques to support the baby's head and signal the mother to push hard again to let the baby come out completely.

At this time, mothers need to give the baby the last "thrust", and after the baby is born, the mother can finally breathe a sigh of relief. After a short rest, with a little force, the placenta will also be delivered, and the delivery process is complete.


As you can see from the comparison chart below, mothers have made great sacrifices in order to give birth to their babies.

How big is the "open ten fingers" in normal delivery? A picture tells you the answer, and I feel sorry for my mother after reading it

The bones were expanded from the size of a blueberry to the size of a watermelon with ten fingers, just to allow the baby to be born. And this is just the pain of opening the fingers, and mothers will also face various unexpected situations:

· If the fetus is too large, it may cause tears in the lower body;

· After the genital incision, mothers need to endure the pain of stitching;

· Some mothers are unable to deliver the placenta and can only be removed with tools without anaesthesia.

"Women are weak, mothers are strong", the process of mothers giving birth to new lives is very difficult, and the test for them is unprecedented. Therefore, I hope that every mother can get the encouragement and support of her family, and I also hope that every child can be more grateful and dependent on their mother.

How big is the "open ten fingers" in normal delivery? A picture tells you the answer, and I feel sorry for my mother after reading it

During childbirth, the support of family members is the strongest support for the mother. The companionship and comfort of the husband and the encouragement and care of the family will bring great psychological comfort and strength to the mother. Childbirth is not only a mother's business, but also a family's business. The care and support of family members can help mothers better cope with this difficult time.

A message from Guo's mother

Opening the ten fingers is a process that every mother who chooses to give birth naturally must go through, and it is a painful but sacred process. Every mother has put in great effort and sacrifice for the arrival of a new life.

Therefore, as children, we should be more grateful and cherish our mother's love. At the same time, as family members, we should also give more care and support to mothers to help them get through this difficult time. I hope that every mother can welcome the arrival of a new life in a healthy and safe way.

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About author:Guo Ma, a family education instructor, focuses on sharing parenting knowledge, parent-child education experience, marriage and family insights, welcome to pay attention.