
Enjoy quality medical care without leaving the camp

author:Learn the Legion
Enjoy quality medical care without leaving the camp

Visit the First Affiliated Hospital of the Army Medical University and the Military Internet Hospital——

Enjoy quality medical care without leaving the camp

■Chen Xiaoxia, Huang Qiao, People's Liberation Army Daily reporter Sun Xingwei

"It's so convenient, it turns out that I have to go to the system hospital every month for a follow-up, and the round trip is at least three or four hours. Nowadays, with just a mobile phone, you can consult with experts from well-known tertiary hospitals, and the medicines you need can be delivered to the camp by courier. Recently, Xiao Wei, a soldier at a border post of the Tibet Military Region, said excitedly after seeing a doctor in the Military Internet Hospital of the First Affiliated Hospital of the Army Medical University.

As one of the pilot units of the whole army, the First Affiliated Hospital of the Army Medical University has completed more than 16,000 consultations since it opened online in November last year.

What are the characteristics of the military Internet hospital? What are the benefits? What are the conveniences for officers and soldiers to receive medical treatment...... With these questions, the reporter visited the hospital.

"I'll see how well I recover......" At 9 o'clock in the morning of that day, the reporter came to the consultation room of the military Internet hospital in the military clinic area of the hospital, and saw Zhang Zehua, deputy director of the Department of Orthopedics, communicating with a border guard through video. More than two months ago, the fighter accidentally fractured his left tibia during training.

After learning about the recovery situation, Zhang Zehua issued an electronic prescription and gave detailed instructions on the relevant precautions. He said that after the electronic prescription is sent to the pharmacy for review, the relevant personnel will send it by courier according to the address left by the patient when registering.

On the other side of the video, the soldier told reporters that the army's Internet hospital has made it more convenient for them to see a doctor, and although they are in the snowy plateau, they can also enjoy the expert services of the big hospital.

"If you receive medical treatment in the military Internet hospital, you can also enjoy the preferential treatment policy for military personnel." The reporter walked into the hospital next to the consultation room for the military service office, and the person in charge, Zhou Yan, said that the main targets of the military Internet hospital service are returning patients and patients with chronic diseases. Before the comrades-in-arms go to the doctor, they need to pay attention to the official account of "hospital microservice", use the ID card or electronic health card to create a file, and the system compares the database to automatically identify the identity of the soldier.

Zhou Yan demonstrated to reporters while speaking, only to see that the Internet hospital has opened online functions such as "appointment registration", "online consultation", "online consultation", "appointment examination", "express delivery of medicine" and "electronic hospitalization certificate", which basically covers the whole process before, during and after diagnosis.

"The patient needs further testing, what should I do?" The journalist asked.

"If the patient's location is not far from the hospital, he can issue an examination order through the military Internet hospital, make an appointment for the examination, and conduct offline medical treatment. If it is inconvenient for the patient to come, the doctor will recommend the patient to go to a nearby hospital for examination according to the patient's symptoms, and then send the results. Zhou Yan replied.

In another Internet clinic of the hospital, Tang Peng, deputy chief physician, was talking to Xiao Zhang, a soldier from a certain Xinjiang border defense department, through the screen. Tang Peng told reporters that before that, Xiao Zhang had consulted him many times for thyroid problems. Under Tang Peng's careful guidance, Xiao Zhang's condition has improved greatly. During this consultation, Tang Peng inquired in detail about Xiao Zhang's recovery and instructed her to continue taking medicine for 3 months. "With the Internet hospital, the officers and soldiers will have health care experts around them, and we can enjoy intimate services without leaving home." Interviewed Xiao Zhang afterwards, she said gratefully.

"It is convenient and fast to see a doctor in an Internet hospital, how to ensure the quality?" When meeting Director Chen of the hospital's medical department, the reporter asked a question.

Director Chen introduced that there is no difference between Internet hospitals and offline hospitals in terms of management standards and requirements, and there are strict restrictions on the access of doctors. At present, more than half of the doctors who are "admitted" to Internet hospitals have associate senior professional titles. They also regularly organize satisfaction evaluations of officers and soldiers, and include online service performance in doctors' performance evaluations.

"The opening of the military Internet hospital is an important exploration to deepen the service for soldiers and wars." The leaders of the hospital said that they will continue to expand the functions of the hospital and improve the quality of service according to the feedback from the hospital, so as to bring more sense of gain and happiness to the vast number of officers and soldiers.

Enjoy quality medical care without leaving the camp

▲Published in the 8th edition of the People's Liberation Army Daily on July 2

Source丨Liberation Army Daily, Learning Corps (ID: xuexijuntuan)

Enjoy quality medical care without leaving the camp

Producer丨Ou Can, Hou Dawei, Editor丨Liu Jianwei, Yan Shan, Qian Zongyang, Editor丨Li Chen, Zhou Zhou

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