
Food recommendation: stinky tofu roasted pork ribs fragrant pot, pepper mullet, old vinegar jellyfish production method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: stinky tofu roasted pork ribs fragrant pot, pepper mullet, old vinegar jellyfish production method

Stinky tofu roasted pork ribs fragrant pot


Soft and spicy, deostensed and slag.


400 grams of pork ribs, 200 grams of stinky tofu, 5 grams of dried chili pepper, 2 grams of dried Sichuan pepper, 10 grams of bean paste, 10 grams of glutinous chili pepper, 20 grams of chili peppers, 30 grams of celery, 5 grams of ginger and garlic slices, 30 grams of red oil, 100 grams of broth, 3 grams of refined salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of Sichuan pepper noodles, 10 grams of cooking wine, 20 grams of water starch.


1. Chop the pork ribs into 2 to 3 cm segments, wash them, use cooking wine and refined salt for 15 minutes, and cook them into braised flavor for later use.

2. Cut the stinky tofu into triangular pieces and put it in an oil pan that is boiled to 7 percent oil temperature, and fry until the skin is golden brown for later use.

3. Put oil on the heat in the wok, fry the ginger and garlic slices, dried peppercorns, fry the glutinous pepper and bean paste in turn until the fragrance is excellent red, inject the broth, adjust the refined salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine and remove the slag after slightly boiling, and put in the fried stinky tofu, pork ribs, sharp pepper knots, and celery to burn into the flavor, thicken, bright red oil, put it into the earthen bowl, put it on the charcoal fire to keep warm, and serve it when eating.

Food recommendation: stinky tofu roasted pork ribs fragrant pot, pepper mullet, old vinegar jellyfish production method

Pepper mullet


A black fish, potato flour, shredded tofu skin, enoki mushrooms, soaked black fungus, fresh green peppercorns, homemade pepper and sesame soup.


1. The black fish is slaughtered clean, the fish meat is cut into slices with an oblique knife, the fish bones are cut into pieces, mixed with cooking wine, salt and monosodium glutamate respectively to marinate and taste, the fish bones are padded into the plate, the fish fillets are added to the egg white, corn starch and then coded into the plate, and the green peppercorns are placed on the plate for later use.

2. Heat the oil from the pot, the oil temperature is 7 into the heat, fry the pebbles over high heat, remove the oil and put it into the copper plate; After the pepper is boiled, pour it into the copper kettle for later use; Blanch the potato flour, tofu skin, fungus, and enoki mushrooms until they are broken and then dry, and put them in a bowl for later use.

3. When serving, put the fish fillets, fish bones, and fresh peppers into the copper plate, quickly mix well with the stones, wait for the fish fillets to change color and curl slightly, rush into the hot pepper soup, pour in the hot potato flour, fungus and other ingredients, stir evenly, and sprinkle in the green and red pepper rings and minced leeks on the table.

4. Homemade pepper and sesame soup: put rapeseed oil in the pot and heat it, add green millet pepper, ginger, garlic, parsley, and green pepper to make fragrant, add an appropriate amount of water and seasonings to make soup, and filter the residue to get pepper and sesame soup.

Food recommendation: stinky tofu roasted pork ribs fragrant pot, pepper mullet, old vinegar jellyfish production method

Old vinegar jellyfish


1000 grams of jellyfish in water.


280 grams of rice vinegar, 200 grams of Donghu Yipinxian, 200 grams of sugar, 50 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 30 grams of sesame oil, 25 grams of minced ginger, 25 grams of garlic, 5 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 slices of lemon, 30 grams of millet spicy.


1. Put the salted jellyfish into a container after cutting, add an appropriate amount of water to submerge and soak, after soaking, wash off the excess salt, clean it, control the moisture, and set aside.

2. Put the processed jellyfish into a container, add 280 grams of rice vinegar, 200 grams of Donghu Yipinxian, 200 grams of sugar, 50 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 30 grams of sesame oil, 25 grams of minced ginger, 25 grams of garlic, 5 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 slices of lemon, 30 grams of millet spicy and marinate overnight, and set aside.


1. This method belongs to the brewing method, and it will not be bad if it is refrigerated for a few days.

2. When eating, you can add some side dishes such as cucumber shreds, coriander segments, and green bamboo shoots according to your preference.

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