
Celebrate July 1st, multi-form activities to praise the party's grace, and recall the new chapter of the original heart

author:Good place for Gashi

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China

A variety of celebrations are held in Jiashi County

Review the glorious course of the party

Carry forward the party's fine traditions

Encourage the broad masses of party members, cadres and the masses

Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

Contribute to the practice of Chinese-style modernization

On July 1, Jiashi County held a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the national flag-raising ceremony officially began, and the heroic national flag guards took sonorous and powerful steps to escort the national flag away from the flag-raising platform. With the solemn national anthem sounded, the bright five-star red flag was rising, at the same time, the same mood, in different places in the county, the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups under the national flag stood solemnly, with high respect and incomparable pride, to the national flag to pay attention to the salute.

Celebrate July 1st, multi-form activities to praise the party's grace, and recall the new chapter of the original heart
Celebrate July 1st, multi-form activities to praise the party's grace, and recall the new chapter of the original heart
Celebrate July 1st, multi-form activities to praise the party's grace, and recall the new chapter of the original heart

Jiangbazi Township, Jiashi County

A variety of activities were carried out in Jiangbazi Township, Jiashi County, to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The vast number of party members and cadres participated in the national flag-raising ceremony to express their high respect and affectionate blessings to the party. Under the banner of the party, solemnly solemnly took the oath to join the party, remember the glorious history of the party, and inherit the party's fine traditions. The commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" was awarded to party members who have been in the party for 50 years to express their high respect and deep concern. Organize the viewing of red movies, review the party's struggle through video materials, and encourage the majority of party members and cadres not to forget their original intentions and keep their missions in mind. Carry out visits and condolences activities, deepen the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the masses, and convey the warmth and care of the party. Organize party members to carry out volunteer service activities, practice the party's purpose with practical actions, and do practical things and solve problems for the masses. (Contributed by Jiangbazi Township, Jiashi County)

Celebrate July 1st, multi-form activities to praise the party's grace, and recall the new chapter of the original heart

Jiashi County and Shaawati Township

All party members and cadres in Jiashi County and Xiaawati Town participated in the national flag-raising ceremony. In the majestic national anthem, the five-star red flag rose and fluttered in the wind. Party members and cadres stood solemnly and paid tribute and expressed their infinite love for the great motherland with lofty praise. After the flag-raising ceremony, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party. Under the banner of the party, he solemnly swore to fight for the cause of communism for life. (Contributed by Jiashi County and Shaawati Town)

Celebrate July 1st, multi-form activities to praise the party's grace, and recall the new chapter of the original heart

Baren Town, Jiashi County

The Guaxiang Road Community, Baren Town, Jiashi County, carefully organized party members and cadres to carry out a series of colorful and far-reaching celebrations, reviewing the glorious history of the party, inheriting the party's fine traditions, and reviewing the party's glorious history, inheriting the party's fine traditions, and jointly celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China by watching red movies, holding party history knowledge competitions, and carrying out themed party day activities. (Contributed by Baren Town, Jiashi County)

Celebrate July 1st, multi-form activities to praise the party's grace, and recall the new chapter of the original heart

Party School of Jiashi County Party Committee

More than 180 students from the National Common Language Training Course of the Party School of Jiashi County Party Committee gathered together and expressed their love and respect for the party through songs and dances. The classic red songs "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" and "I Love China" were affectionately interpreted by the students, showing the sense of responsibility and mission of party members and cadres in the new era. (Reporter of Jiashi County Rong Media Center Amutjan Musa)

Celebrate July 1st, multi-form activities to praise the party's grace, and recall the new chapter of the original heart

Jiashi County Central Kindergarten

Jiashi County Central Kindergarten held a theme activity of "Relay of the Party Flag, Youth Heart to the Party". The song and dance "Childlike Heart to the Party", the children used their immature singing voices and smart dancing postures to show their deep feelings for the party and sincere blessings to the motherland. In the "childlike painting of the party flag", the children sketched the solemn image of the party flag with innocent brushes, further expressing their reverence for the party. The teachers' impassioned dedication and solemn review of the oath of joining the party demonstrated the firm determination of the educators to make unremitting efforts for the party's educational cause. The whole activity not only enriched the cultural life of the campus, but also sowed the seeds of love for the party and the country in the hearts of the children, laying a solid foundation for their future growth. (Contributed by Jiashi County Central Kindergarten)

Celebrate July 1st, multi-form activities to praise the party's grace, and recall the new chapter of the original heart

Jiashi County Yingmaili Town Center Kindergarten

The party branch of the central kindergarten of Yingmaili Town, Jiashi County, carried out the theme activity of "concentrating on the party to welcome July 1st and forging ahead together", I took a photo with the party flag, visited the Kashgar Centennial Museum, painted the party flag, special party classes, volunteer services, etc., recalled the past eventful years, showed the future flowers, and encouraged all party members and teachers to vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, continue the red gene, and gather the strength to forge ahead. (Contributed by Yingmaili Town Center Kindergarten in Jiashi County)

Celebrate July 1st, multi-form activities to praise the party's grace, and recall the new chapter of the original heart

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