
Consolidate the party's organizational foundation in minority areas

author:Tongzhou Group Workers

During his inspection in Qinghai, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we should adhere to the main line of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, extensively carry out the work of building national unity and progress, and promote all-round embedding and extensive exchanges and exchanges among all ethnic groups. The sense of community of the Chinese nation is the foundation of national unity. In recent years, Haibei Prefecture of Qinghai Province has taken the lead in creating a national demonstration state for ethnic unity and progress, clearly put forward the goal of deepening national unity and progress and creating a leading state in the province, unswervingly implementing the general requirements of party building and the party's organizational line in the new era, and striving to write a high-quality organizational chapter that forges the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

Quasi-political direction. Haibei Prefecture in Qinghai Province is a multi-ethnic and multicultural gathering place, with ethnic minorities accounting for 66.8 percent of the total population, so it is necessary to focus on the key tasks of political first construction, think and plan organizational work from a political perspective, highlight political control in the selection and appointment of personnel, highlight political training in education and training, highlight political supervision in cadre management, highlight political functions in grassroots party building, and highlight political guidance in talent work, and integrate political requirements into the whole process and all aspects of organizational work in ethnic areas. It is necessary to strengthen the party's ideological construction, consolidate and improve the achievements of theme education, unremittingly use the party's innovative theories to cast the soul, strictly implement the "first topic", theoretical learning center group learning, organizational life meetings and other systems, carefully organize and implement the education and training plan for the awareness of the community of the Chinese nation, deeply excavate and use the old site of the 221 base, the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite", the spirit of the Red West Route Army and other red educational resources, and repeatedly study the ideas of "three inseparable", "four together" and "five identities". We should educate and guide party members and cadres of all ethnic groups to unswervingly forge the political, ideological and action consciousness of the sense of community of the Chinese nation, and be good practitioners, organizers and leaders of the sense of community of the Chinese nation. It is necessary to strengthen the ideological and political construction of the leadership group, and include the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the focus of supervision and inspection, inspection and inspection, accountability and integrity, and political ecological analysis and judgment, and promote the concretization, precision, and normalization of political supervision.

Strengthen the foundation of the organization. The key to doing a good job in the work of national unity and progress and building and strengthening grassroots organizations is the key. It is necessary to pay attention to consolidating the party's ruling foundation in ethnic areas, give full play to the political function of party organizations, and take the "1+10" working mechanism of connecting grassroots units to serve the masses as the carrier, and implement the "four guarantees and four grasps" responsibility system of state-level leaders to grasp townships and townships, county-level leaders to grasp townships and villages, township leaders to grasp villages, and village cadres to grasp households, so as to form a vivid situation in which the party's ethnic work is "managed" and the grassroots are "managed". Solidly carry out the work of party building to promote grassroots governance, in-depth promotion of party building brands such as "six small work methods", "one core and five teams to promote revitalization", "star rating of party members" and "Ganqing party building joint construction", do a good job in the investigation and rectification of weak and loose village party organizations, focus on solving the problem of "small horses and carts" in grassroots governance, implement the "four grassroots" system, and continuously strengthen the core strength of rural governance of grassroots party organizations in ethnic areas, and enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people of all ethnic groups. Carry out the work of grasping party building and promoting rural revitalization, integrate all kinds of organizational resources, tilt to grassroots party organizations in ethnic areas in terms of projects, funds, talents, etc., organize and implement the transformation and upgrading project of village-level activity positions and the "strong village" project of village collective economy, vigorously cultivate rural revitalization demonstration sites, national unity and progress demonstration villages, and strive to build the party-mass service center into a "pomegranate seed service position" for the great unity of all ethnic groups. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the "three meetings and one lesson" and develop the "eight-point system" for party members, popularize the common language of the country, strictly implement the negative list of party members who are "politically unqualified", and carry out in-depth activities such as "one party member, one flag", "double one hundred and one thousand" pioneer selection tree, and "party members keep their promises and set an example", so as to truly make every party member a banner for maintaining national unity and stability and promoting common prosperity.

Build a strong cadre team. Cadres are the backbone of the cause of the party and the state. It is necessary to attach importance to giving full play to the unique role of the contingent of cadres of all nationalities in the work of forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, regard "whether they understand ethnic work and whether they can engage in ethnic unity" as an important part of the examination of leading cadres, conduct in-depth and solid inspections of the political quality of cadres, firmly establish a correct orientation in employing people, and truly select and use cadres of all nationalities who meet the requirements. It is necessary to promote the cross-departmental, cross-field, cross-sectional, and cross-level exchange of cadres and posts, focus on the change of state, county and township leadership groups in 2026, plan in advance and start as soon as possible, increase the analysis and judgment of the leadership group and cadre team, encourage and guide cadres to the front line of training in ethnic areas, difficult areas and complex environments, improve quality, increase talents, and serve the people. It is necessary to give full play to the role of the "baton" of target responsibility assessment, and incorporate the work of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation into the responsibility system for party building work, as an important indicator of annual assessment and performance evaluation, and evaluate the actual work performance of effectively forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, and promote cadres to know their responsibilities, take responsibility for themselves, and perform their duties. It is necessary to highlight the political guidance and political absorption of talents, so as to promote the "Zhihui Xihai" project and carry out the "Haibei Talent Forum" to continuously expand the breadth and depth of exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups, and create a good talent working environment conducive to forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

Tie the service bond. Upholding the supremacy of the people reflects the value pursuit of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation. It is necessary to win the hearts and minds of the people and gather the wisdom and strength of the people as an important focus of the organizational work, solidly promote the "six ones" activities of grassroots party building, promote the effective connection between the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization, vigorously develop rural industries and village collective economy, deepen and refine the "ten haves" project for improving the quality and efficiency of the construction of grassroots political power in towns and towns, organize and implement the "ten haves" project of village communities, actively respond to the concerns of the grassroots and the masses, and lay a solid foundation for the grassroots community consciousness. It is necessary to adhere to the concept of "small finance for big people's livelihood", pour more human, financial and material resources into people's livelihood projects such as the improvement of the living environment in agricultural and pastoral areas, the "toilet revolution", and the improvement of drinking water safety for people and livestock, strengthen the personal affinity, cultural communication, and mutual assistance with the counterpart provinces and cities, and consolidate and expand the achievements of medical education "group-type" talent aid to the state, so that the people of all ethnic groups can have a real sense of gain, happiness and security. It is necessary to innovate and promote the creation of a "all-regional, all-season, full-time" tourism demonstration state, make every effort to build a red research system of "one core, four connections, seven paths and multiple points", vigorously cultivate and develop the Haibei Huipei industry, expand educational functions, meet social needs, and increase the income of the masses. It is necessary to persistently strengthen the construction of work style, widely implement the normalization mode of serving the masses such as "joint service" for leading cadres, "commitment service" for in-service party members in the community, and centralized "shift service" for village and community cadres, so as to promote extensive exchanges, comprehensive exchanges, and in-depth integration of cadres of all ethnic groups, so as to build an effective carrier for forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

(Source: China Organization and Personnel News)