
Flood control ditches were cleaned up, and prevention work during the summer flood season was carried out in an orderly manner

author:Yelang reads

With the summer flood season approaching, the security service department of Kuanda Smart Property once again demonstrated its importance and commitment to community safety. Recently, the property department organized a special clean-up operation for the flood control ditch, aiming to ensure that the community can survive the upcoming rainy season.

Flood control ditches were cleaned up, and prevention work during the summer flood season was carried out in an orderly manner
Flood control ditches were cleaned up, and prevention work during the summer flood season was carried out in an orderly manner

In the early morning, when the first rays of sunshine have not yet fully sprinkled the Tianlai Valley Community, the staff of Kuanda Smart Property have already started their busy day. Armed with plastic brooms and dressed in overalls, they carried out a comprehensive cleaning of the flood control ditch.

Flood control ditches were cleaned up, and prevention work during the summer flood season was carried out in an orderly manner
Flood control ditches were cleaned up, and prevention work during the summer flood season was carried out in an orderly manner
Flood control ditches were cleaned up, and prevention work during the summer flood season was carried out in an orderly manner

During the clean-up process, the staff found that a lot of fallen leaves and silt had accumulated in the flood control ditch, which were important factors affecting the smooth flow of the drainage system. In order to ensure the thoroughness of the clean-up work, they not only swept the debris at the bottom of the ditch with a broom, but also used the tools in their hands to dig out the mud little by little and put it into black garbage bags.

Flood control ditches were cleaned up, and prevention work during the summer flood season was carried out in an orderly manner
Flood control ditches were cleaned up, and prevention work during the summer flood season was carried out in an orderly manner
Flood control ditches were cleaned up, and prevention work during the summer flood season was carried out in an orderly manner

Although the whole clean-up process was arduous, the staff always maintained a high sense of responsibility and professionalism. They have a clear division of labor, tacit cooperation, and interpret the importance and protection of community safety with practical actions.

The cleaning of the flood control ditch is not only a comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the drainage system of the community, but also a microcosm of the prevention work of Kuanda Smart Property in the summer flood season. They are well aware that only by adequate preparation and preventive measures can they ensure that they can respond quickly in case of emergencies and protect the lives and property of residents in the community.

This action of the security service department of Cuanda Smart Property has not only won the praise and trust of the residents of the community, but also set an example for other property companies. They use their practical actions to interpret the true meaning of property service - to serve with heart and protect the home.


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