
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day

author:Guangde Rong Media Center
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day

Weather situation on the night of June 29 in our city has a new round of heavy rainfall process, the process (June 29 20 o'clock to July 1 07 o'clock) the city's rainfall generally exceeded 50 mm, the northern towns more than 100 mm, the city's average rainfall of 108 mm, the maximum Xinhang Henggang 263.9 mm, urban 86.3 mm. Since entering the plum, the city's cumulative (from 20:00 on June 18 to 07:00 on July 1) has an average of 325 mm, and the rainfall at 29 stations in the city has exceeded 300 mm, with the largest Xinhang Henggang 618.6 mm and the urban area 294.7 mm.

Future weather trend: Before July 3, the rain belt will swing between southern Anhui and Jianghuai, and it is expected that there will still be a more obvious precipitation process in our city from July 1 to 3. After July 3, the rain belt gradually lifted north to the Huaihe River Basin, and the city was controlled by the subtropical high, mainly sunny to cloudy weather. From July 1st to July 3rd, the cumulative rainfall was 20~50 mm, locally exceeding 80 mm, and there was short-term heavy precipitation in some areas (the maximum rain intensity was 20~40 mm/h), accompanied by local thunderstorms and windy weather.

The specific forecast is as follows

Moderate to heavy rain on July 1, localized heavy rain,

Light to moderate rain on July 2, locally heavy rain,

July 3 showers or thunderstorms,

4-7 July cloudy to sunny with localized thundershowers in the afternoon.

Concerns and suggestions

1. Strengthen the prevention of secondary disasters caused by heavy rainfall. Due to the lag of secondary disasters caused by heavy rainfall, it is necessary to continue to prevent secondary disasters such as flash floods, geological disasters, urban and rural waterlogging, and floods of small and medium-sized rivers caused by heavy rainfall. 2. After July 3, our city is controlled by the deputy high, mainly sunny to cloudy weather, and high temperature weather may occur, under the premise of ensuring the safety of the reservoir, pay attention to the reservoir water storage.

Persistent rainfall

It is necessary to be vigilant against possible geological disasters, small and medium-sized river floods and other disasters, and how to prevent secondary disasters after heavy rains?


Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day

It is located in an area with a high risk of flooding

What emergency supplies should I prepare?

Please keep this reminder!

Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day

Source: Municipal Meteorological Observatory Emergency Management Department

Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day
Guangde expects the weather to be sunny and → on this day

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