
Guidelines Consensus | Systemic Sclerosis Recommendation Update, Involving 8 Major Clinical Manifestations Management!

author:Medical pulse ventilation and damp sink
Guidelines Consensus | Systemic Sclerosis Recommendation Update, Involving 8 Major Clinical Manifestations Management!

在2024 EULAR年会期间,来自英国利兹大学的Francesco Del Galdo教授汇报了系统性硬化症(SSc)管理指南的更新结果。 该共识包括了八项临床领域,分别为雷诺现象(Raynaud Phenomenon,RP),指端溃疡(Digital Ulcers),肺动脉高压(Pulmonary Hypertension, PAH),皮肤纤维化(Skin Fibrosis),间质性肺病(Interstitial Lung Disease, ILD),皮肤纤维化,肌肉骨骼受累,胃肠道表现和肾危象(Renal Crisis);涵盖一线和二线治疗。

The recommendation strength of consensus is divided into four levels, from strong to weak, which are "should be considered", "can be considered" (B), "may be considered" (C), and "expert opinion" (D). In this new version of the recommendation, the expert group introduced Raynaud's phenomenon, digital ulcers, and pulmonary hypertension as vascular lineages, and introduced and updated skin fibrosis and pulmonary interstitial lesions as a set of clinical manifestations. The authors emphasize that this update of the recommendation is not intended as an absolute guideline, given the complexity of the SSc disease.

Guidelines Consensus | Systemic Sclerosis Recommendation Update, Involving 8 Major Clinical Manifestations Management!

Fig.1 Summary of systemic sclerosis treatment drugs and their recommended intensities


Table 1 Recommendations for Raynaud's phenomenon, digital ulcers, and pulmonary hypertension in systemic sclerosis

Guidelines Consensus | Systemic Sclerosis Recommendation Update, Involving 8 Major Clinical Manifestations Management!
Guidelines Consensus | Systemic Sclerosis Recommendation Update, Involving 8 Major Clinical Manifestations Management!

Fig.2 Flow chart of Raynaud's phenomenon and digital ulcer treatment of systemic sclerosis

Guidelines Consensus | Systemic Sclerosis Recommendation Update, Involving 8 Major Clinical Manifestations Management!

Fig.3 Flow chart of the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in systemic sclerosis

Table 2 Recommendations for systemic sclerosis, skin fibrosis, and interstitial lung disease

Guidelines Consensus | Systemic Sclerosis Recommendation Update, Involving 8 Major Clinical Manifestations Management!
Guidelines Consensus | Systemic Sclerosis Recommendation Update, Involving 8 Major Clinical Manifestations Management!

Figure 4: Flow chart of the treatment of interstitial lung disease in integrated sclerosis

Table 3 Recommendations for renal crisis, gastrointestinal involvement, and musculoskeletal involvement in systemic sclerosis

Guidelines Consensus | Systemic Sclerosis Recommendation Update, Involving 8 Major Clinical Manifestations Management!

Table 4 Recommendations for poor prognosis of systemic sclerosis

Guidelines Consensus | Systemic Sclerosis Recommendation Update, Involving 8 Major Clinical Manifestations Management!

After introducing the recommendations, Professor Francesco Del Galdo also elaborated on the content of the study, which mainly includes the following five points:

1) To evaluate the efficacy of immunosuppressants and/or other immune-targeted disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) in SSc vascular lesions and gastrointestinal lesions;

2) to evaluate the treatment of non-pharmacological interventions for digital ulcers;

3) to evaluate the efficacy of biologics in the intervention of SSc cardiovascular lesions;

4) to assess the efficacy of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for calcinosis;

5) To evaluate the efficacy of novel immunosuppressants to expand the combination of immunosuppressants and anti-fibrotic drugs and improve clinical outcomes for patients.

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