
Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!

author:Published by Yingde
Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!
Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!

"Our sericulture skin care products focus on green skin care, using natural ingredients such as mulberry leaf extract and black tea fermentation liquid...... "A mobile phone, a selfie stick, and several portable live broadcast equipment, Li Xueyan is bringing skin care products made of mulberry leaf extract through live broadcast.

Exquisite and delicious sericulture series delicacies, vivid and interesting sericulture characteristic agricultural tourism, green and healthy sericulture skin care ...... These are the fields that Yingde Vegetable Basket Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Lianjiaxiang (Guangdong) Food Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Muguangzichen Biotechnology Co., Ltd., founded by Li Xueyan after the "90s". Grassroots backbone forces represented by Li Xueyan and other returnee employment and entrepreneurial talents are continuing to lead LinkedIn to high-quality development.

In the past two years, Yingde City has seized the major opportunity of Guangdong Province to implement the "Millions of Projects" and Qingyuan City to build five major agricultural industries of 10 billion yuan, adhered to the real economy-oriented, manufacturing industry, and at the same time took Yingde black tea and hemp bamboo shoots as the pillar industries of enriching the people and rejuvenating the village, activating the new impetus for county economic development and comprehensive rural revitalization, accelerating the pace of entering the top 100 counties in the country, and promoting grassroots backbone talents to continuously gather and feed back to Yingde on the fertile soil of innovation and entrepreneurship in Yingde, and bloom the flower of youth.

Build a warm nest in your hometown and call a flock of geese to return

Five years ago, Li Xueyan, who was still working hard in the aerospace field in Shenzhen, never thought that she would return to her hometown to start a business. Five years later, she is already an outstanding representative of the returning entrepreneurial college students in Yingde City.

"After I resigned from Shenzhen and returned to Yingde, I worked in the Yingde Hometown Business Incubation Base, and I have a full understanding of the entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial policies in Yingde. In these jobs, I deeply felt the changes in my hometown, and also saw the potential and opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship in my hometown. Li Xueyan said.

Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!

In May 2021, Li Xueyan, who has been engaged in the sericulture industry for three generations of her family, decided to take root in Yingde and establish Lianjiaxiang Company, determined to build a sericulture industry. She takes the sericulture industry as the entry point, establishes a brand, standardizes the development of the industry, and forms an "online + offline" publicity and sales model. Through several years of hard work, she and her family to create the sericulture brand, has won the "Guangdong Province Poverty Alleviation Products", "Guangdong Province One Village, One Product", "National Famous and Excellent New Agricultural Products" and other titles, the company has also won the "Guangdong Province Vegetable Basket Project - Yingde Vegetable Basket Vegetable Base", "Yingde City Agricultural Leading Enterprise", "Yingde City Rural E-commerce Grassroots Demonstration Station" and other titles.

Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!

"The sericulture industry chain is very long, and it is necessary to dig deep processing and deep processing in order to effectively improve the benefits of the sericulture industry." She empowers traditional agriculture with industrial thinking, creates the "Muguang Zichen" brand, and also uses the extracts of Yingde black tea and hemp and bamboo shoots, two major industrial agricultural products, to make skin care products with local characteristics.

Today, the sericulture company she founded has radiated and driven the mulberry planting area of Shigutang Town to about 13,000 mu, with an output value of more than 100 million yuan, and more than 1,100 mulberry farmers have been employed. On December 4, 2023, the "Muguang Zichen" brand was unveiled at the launch meeting of the Guangdong "Millions of Projects" Youth Entrepreneurship and Township Cultivation Plan and the first Gongfu Rural Forum.

Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!

In Yingde, there are many such "returning geese" to take advantage of the momentum and let their youth dreams fly to their heart's content. Relying on the "1+24+N" systematized and characteristic operation of the rural revitalization talent station service platform matrix, Yingde City has adopted "six major actions" such as real-name service action, job development action, entrepreneurship support action, direct college action, talent gathering action, and atmosphere creation action to implement the "Wild Goose Return Plan" for college students, and has held more than 400 "wild goose return" activities, with more than 15,000 British and German college students participating in the activities, attracting and inspiring 1,892 young talents to return to their hometowns for employment and entrepreneurship.

This year, the "Wild Goose Return Plan" will be extended to the university before and after graduation, and the outstanding graduates of the third year of high school will be organized to enter the "Millions of Thousands Project" in Britain and Germany, and the typical talent pool and the talent pool of rural sages will be established, and the people around them will encourage college students to return to the UK to start a business and find employment, so as to inject vitality into the industrial development and rural revitalization of Britain and Germany.

"Head Goose" takes the lead in the revitalization and acceleration run

Among the talents who have returned to their hometowns for employment and entrepreneurship, there are still many people who have directly invested in the front line of rural construction and have become excellent "head geese" who lead rural revitalization and promote grassroots governance.

Walking into the Dongwei villager group of Zhangtan Village, Dazhan Town, the houses with Lingnan characteristics are neatly arranged, with white walls and tiles, bamboo houses, and yellow flower wind chimes in full bloom, a beautiful countryside and beautiful scene leap on the paper. In 2021, the village was awarded the "Ecological Village" of Qingyuan City. However, the public notice board at the entrance of the village shows a comparison of the village before and after construction, and it is hard to imagine that a few years ago it was a dilapidated mud brick house.

This is a beautiful rural construction project promoted by Lai Liangquan, secretary of the general party branch of Zhangtan Village in the town, when he was the head of the Dongwei villager group. Lai Liangquan, a native of Dongwei Village, did not forget to give back to his hometown after going out to get rich for many years, and returned to the village to become the leader of the Dongwei Village Group.

The renovation project of Dongwei Old Village is a major livelihood project promoted by Lai Liangquan as the leader of the villager group, which belongs to the original construction of the original site, and according to the plan, all existing houses must be demolished, which is extremely difficult to operate. In order to arouse the enthusiasm of the villagers, Lai Liangquan first took the lead in demolishing his old house, and looked for a total of seven prestigious, capable, fair and upright rural veteran party members and villagers with a sense of innovation to set up a working group for demolishing the old and building the new, and Bao Pian was responsible for carrying out persuasion. Faced with the villagers who were unwilling to fill in the fish pond, he took the initiative to requisition the fish in the pond at a high price to promote the construction. He also set up a WeChat group for Dongwei Village to get rich, so that young villagers who went out could also participate in the construction of the new village. One of the villagers was given the job by his son, who had gone out to work, and in the end not only vacated the old house, but also took the initiative to persuade other villagers who opposed the demolition.

After the demolition of the old houses was completed, Lai Liangquan did a good job in the reconstruction of the new houses through the villagers' self-raising, collective mountain and forest contracting, agriculture-related financial support, and the assistance of the higher authorities, and Dongwei New Village took on a new look.

From tidy village, demonstration village, characteristic village, and ecological village, Lai Liangquan has made great efforts to promote the construction of a beautiful village in Dongwei Village, and the results have been remarkable. It is precisely because of his drive to "do something for his hometown" that the Party Committee of Dazhan Town saw his contribution and potential, and trained him step by step to become the secretary of the general party branch and the director of the village committee of Zhangtan Village.

Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!
Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!

The main leaders of the town's party committee visited Zhangtan Village many times to investigate and guide, talk about development ideas, and help Lai Liangquan make good use of the village's resource endowment to find the right starting point for the development of the village. Under the guidance of the town party committee, Lai Liangquan continued to tap the potential value of the "ecological village" and attracted investment to build the "Dongmei Camp" tourism project; Give full play to the advantages of abundant water resources, cooperate with the rural revitalization team to help towns and villages attract investment, and introduce the original ecological fish breeding and hatchery base project of Xiyuan Agriculture, with an annual output value of 1 million yuan; Explore the establishment of Yingde Zhangtan Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., with the model of "economic association + company + industry + villagers", revitalize the idle homesteads, houses and other "sleeping" land resources in the village, integrate bamboo forests, streams and other characteristic resources, and introduce Guangdong Fengyi Health and Wellness Tourism Development Co., Ltd. to build the Yuezhuxi Health and Wellness Cultural and Ecological Park project. In 2023, Zhangtan Village will be selected into the list of the first batch of typical villages of the "Millions of Projects" in Guangdong Province, and become one of the 13 administrative villages selected by Yingde City.

Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!

The train runs fast because of the headband. Strengthening the construction of the team of leaders of grassroots party organizations is the earnest entrustment left by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection and investigation in Britain and Germany. In recent years, Yingde City has improved the whole chain mechanism of selection, breeding, management and storage of village (community) party organization secretaries, implemented upgraded management for village (community) party organization secretaries, and at the same time compacted the responsibility of the first responsible person of the town (street) party (work) committee secretary to grasp the "head goose" team, and insisted on taking mentor help, cross-village exchanges, post training, ring competitions, typical demonstrations and other ways to comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality and ability of the "head goose" team, and the structure of the "head goose" team was more optimized. At present, 66.32% of the secretaries of village (community) party organizations in the city belong to three categories of people, including wealthy leaders, returned college students, and retired soldiers.

Especially since 2023, Yingde City has fully implemented the "Ten Thoughts" of the secretary of the grass-roots party organization, and guided the "head goose" to implement the work of party building, development, and service by answering the "ten questions" well, so as to clarify ideas and focus on the key points for the grassroots.

This year, Yingde City also focused on building and strengthening the grassroots backbone forces such as villager group leaders, party group leaders, backbone party members, and college students who returned to their hometowns, and took the lead in organizing and carrying out county-level villager group leader demonstration class training at the lower management level, relying on 24 town (street) party schools to carry out rotation training for all villager group leaders, strengthening the construction of the villager group leader team, and making every effort to cultivate more grassroots backbones with excellent performance like Lai Liangquan.

Township sage party members help build the beauty of their hometown

Yingde is known as the "hometown of Chinese black tea", and Yingde black tea enjoys the title of China's national geographical indication product, and is also the representative of national tea. With tea as a medium, more grassroots backbones are active in Britain and Germany.

"Our Xingguang Village is rich in tea resources, and there are also many tea merchants and tea enterprises, so we must gather our strength to transform the tea resource endowment into the development talent of our Xingguang Village."

"I have worked hard in Shenzhen for more than 20 years, and after returning to my hometown, I found that my hometown has changed greatly and is thriving, and now is the time when we are needed.

This is a lively scene of a symposium held in Xingguang Village, Yinghong Town, where the villagers gathered together to speak freely, and talked about their hometown friendship and rural development.

In the work of promoting the "Millions of Projects", towns and towns play the function of nodes connecting cities and villages. How to play the role of town link? Yinghong Town, which was selected as the first batch of typical towns of the "Millions of Projects" in Guangdong Province, gave its own answer and played the role of the township sage team, which connects the grassroots backbone team inside and outside the town.

The town fully excavates and integrates the resources of the township sages, establishes and improves the information platform of the township sages, builds a bridge of communication between the township sages and the party committee and government, and promotes the information exchange, project integration and mutual sharing of the achievements of the township sages in the Yinghong jurisdiction. The town leadership team took the friendship of Sangzi as a link, and went deep into 12 villages (communities) to hold a symposium for the township sages, and issued and explained the five-year plan for the rural revitalization of Yinghong Town, the brand characteristics of each village (community) and the advantages of returning to their hometowns for development, and called on the villagers to make suggestions for the development of their hometowns and return to their hometowns for investment and construction.

Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!

Li Chuanzhan is one of the outstanding representatives of the villagers who actively participated in the township sage symposium and helped the development of his hometown, and was elected as the executive vice president at the beginning of the establishment of the "Yinghong Chamber of Commerce". After guiding the establishment of a party branch in the town, he served as the branch secretary.

Committed to the construction of his hometown, he aimed at the "agricultural tourism + research" market, transferred the old houses in his hometown to create a characteristic agricultural tourism project of "repairing the old as the old", established the "Guangdong Hezhai Ecotourism Development Co., Ltd.", planned to connect the "old houses" renovation plan, created "colorful rice fields", "lotus ponds", "vegetable and fruit planting areas" and other characteristic research points, and actively explored new research models.

Li Chuanzhan is full of confidence in the future development of the project. "In the next three years, I want to build a characteristic agricultural ecological chain integrating 'characteristic agriculture + sightseeing + research and education + leisure and health care' in Hezhai Xiewu, and drive the countryside into the fast lane of high-quality development."

Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!

In recent years, Yingde City has focused on stimulating the vitality of the Xiangxian team, especially focusing on the vanguard and exemplary role of the Xiangxian Party members, and promoting them to play an active role in the central work of the "Millions of Projects", manufacturing masters, and ecological construction of green beauty and Yingde, and a total of 19 party branches of the Chamber of Commerce have been established in the city. In order to promote rural greening, Yingde City invested a total of 17.0285 million yuan, of which 49.6% was raised from social funds. In order to help build a benchmark city for research in Guangdong Province, Yingde City has established an information database of high-level British and German talents, and held a series of activities such as "Famous Teachers Return to Their Hometowns, Research and Research Helps Development" to guide British and German university leaders, experts, and professors to return to their hometowns for research and investigation, and seek common development. Driven by British and German talents, the Yingde Talent Work Leading Group has successively signed a strategic cooperation agreement with six university talent workstations such as Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Zhongkai College of Agriculture and Engineering to jointly build Yingde University Talent Workstation to accelerate the promotion of more talents to start a business and employment in Yingde and promote all kinds of grassroots backbones to compete in the land of Yingzhou.

This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and it is also a crucial year for the "Millions and Thousands Project" to achieve "initial results in three years". Yingde City will focus on the implementation of the action plan for the construction of a strong foundation for the grassroots party organizations in Guangdong Province and the strengthening of the construction of grassroots party organizations in Qingyuan City, stimulate the vitality of "ten thousand villages" and help the "Millions of Thousands of Projects", and fully stimulate the leaders of the villagers, the leaders of the party groups, the members of the outstanding villager council, the backbone party members, the innovative and entrepreneurial talents who have returned to their hometowns, the "wild goose returns" college students, the village sages, the retired soldiers and other grassroots backbones to actively participate in the "Millions of Projects" and creative vitality to help the "Millions of Projects". To promote the high-quality development of Britain and Germany with new achievements to the party.

Yingde City Financial Media Center

Source: Ying Group Xuan

Editor: Deng Jinyan

Editors: Wan Shanhe, Hou Ling

Today's "July 1st"! Cheers to them!