
She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career

author:Liaoning regional economy

【Liaoning Education News】

She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career
She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career

——Winner of the May Day Labor Medal of Liaoning Province, a model worker in Shenyang City, the host of the National Excellent Studio, a famous teacher of the 'Thousand Talents Program' of China Education Expert Network, and Duan Yanxia, a senior Chinese teacher of Shenyang No. 60 Middle School

She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career


Spring breeze and rain, she guards the flowers with love

(Liaoning Regional Economy/Fan Yi) Duan Yanxia, a member of the Communist Party of China, has been rooted in rural schools for 31 years and has studied intensively. Her educational philosophy is that every flower blooms and has a spring. She has been working as a class teacher for 31 years, and she accompanies and cares for students with sincerity and sincerity, and guards the flowers. She loves writing and guides her students in a different way. She gives full play to her strengths as a student, and makes the best use of her talents in all aspects of the class.

She knows that the wisdom of education is appreciation, and teachers should not only pay attention to cultural classes, but also the personality and specialties of students, respect for personality development, and look for shining points, which is the educational feelings of the class teacher. She often encourages her students by saying, "People are not cute because they are beautiful, but they are beautiful because they are cute, and I believe in you." With her encouragement, the students are becoming more and more confident. A word of encouragement ushered in the blooming of the garden, and a word of praise brought the fragrance of peach and plum. The blend of hearts and minds is the most beautiful.

She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career

She has been sponsoring poor students for 31 years, and she hopes that her children can feel her love in the three years of junior high school. Today, many of her students are elite backbones in all walks of life. Appreciation allows students to find value; Praise makes students confident; Funding fills students with sunshine. Her deeds were published in the "Shenyang Daily" and the "Liaoning Provincial Education Work Daily". Specializing in the art industry, she uses her persistence to achieve flowers, she is stationed on the front line, changing the place of work, and what remains unchanged is the feelings of education. Eighteen years of research on the subject of Lide Shuren Ze Fanghua. She has devoted herself to research and teaching in her work, including the topic of "Research on the Differences between Chinese and Writing Styles of Male and Female Students in Rural Junior High School" for 18 years, and has followed up with junior high school graduates. The research topic is in-depth, and he has formed his own teaching theory and classroom model of "reading and writing" to narrow the gap between boys and girls in learning Chinese.

She wrote a 270,000-word teaching monograph "Reading and Writing Together, Returning to the Truth" for publication. Participated in the 25th Shenyang Scientific Research Achievement Selection and was well received. The Workers' Daily reported on her "book of life that holds up the dreams of rural children". Her research has benefited students throughout their lives, and her teaching performance is among the best. The courses he teaches have won national excellent courses, many papers have been published in national core journals, and many projects have won completion certificates and outstanding achievement awards. She was rated as a senior teacher, the host of the Shenyang 14th Five-Year Famous Teacher Studio, the famous teacher of the Xingshen Talent Program, and two municipal studios, which have driven the city's Chinese teaching. She has grown from a new teacher to a famous teacher of China Expert Network, which stems from her love for education and her dedication to Chinese teaching. His deeds have been reported in many news media, and he has become an elite figure in Liaoning Province and the cover character of the national publication "Win the Future".

Burning life, she writes life with dedication

She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career

She has a heart of devotee, truly understands the meaning of life, burns herself, dedicates without asking, and reaps true happiness in life. She has worked for 31 years, and there are almost no late arrivals, early departures, illnesses, and personal leave. When her daughter was growing up, she was a mother who was often absent, and she was an absent daughter when her father was in danger. In 2014, her father suddenly suffered from a myocardial infarction, and the last call for help did not call her, and her father knew that his daughter was very busy with the nine-year graduating class, so she could not see her father for the last time, leaving a lifelong regret. Her father used his life to protect the peace of her work, and just like the revolutionary predecessor Zhu De, she turned her love and longing for her father into motivation, continued to burn herself, and was loyal to the education cause she loved.

She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career

Although she has made some achievements, she is humble and brave to shoulder heavy burdens, and she still fights on the front line as a teacher of the nine-year graduating class, participates in training and learning, and constantly improves herself. Like the stars, they shine forever in the vastness of the Milky Way. In 2024, he will be awarded the title of "Liaoning Province May Day Labor Medal". She likes the responsibility of the class teacher's work, there is happiness in the hardship, she likes the romance of the Chinese teacher, and the inheritance shows the feelings of education. Adhere to the spirit of educators and take root in the front line of teaching. "Liaoning Workers' Daily" and "Learning to Power the Country" also published her deeds. The trajectory of her life is one of giving. She thinks that she can give students to teach students according to their aptitude as happiness, to be able to give others teaching guidance as happiness, and to be able to give life to be tempered into steel as happiness!

She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career
She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career

Walk every day, not afraid of thousands of miles, often do, not afraid of thousands of things. The sea is vast, and the forest is full of green grass. The teacher nurtures the peach and plum in one word, and is grateful to serve the world wholeheartedly.

She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career
She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career

Trainee Editor: Li Renjie

Editor-in-charge: Song Qian

Responsible proofreader: Yang Fang

Audit Editor-in-Chief Fu Qiang

She integrates youth into the most glorious educational career

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