
The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

author:Interior designer Mu Mu

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap was so big

In many residential buildings, the area of the general side house is often larger than that of the middle house, so many families will choose the side house first when choosing an improved house. There are two types of houses, one on the east side and one on the west side, when these two houses are exactly the same, which one will you choose?

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

Although the east and west sides have their own advantages and disadvantages, when you live on both sides, you will know that there is still a big difference.

First, the price difference

Generally speaking, on the same floor, as long as there is no special window view, the price of the east side of the house will be higher than the price of the west side house of the same type, which may be the favor of the Chinese in the direction of "east".

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

Netizen @爱酒yogurt said, before my family chooses a house, the elders in the family explain that they must choose the east household and say "purple gas comes from the east", and the feng shui of the east household is better. At that time, I also looked at the west side of the house, the same house type, the price is nearly 1,000 yuan/㎡ cheaper, but in the end, I listened to the words of the elders and chose the east side.

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

Netizen @lotus said, my family bought a western household, and I was entangled for a long time, I was afraid that the western household was too powerful, but considering the limited budget for buying a house, the western household is more cost-effective.

Second, the difference in lighting

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and the lighting time is naturally different for the east and west households.

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

Netizen @小茶pot said, my house is the east side of the household, our building is a pattern of two ladders and three households, the east and west households are 140 square meters, and the middle household is 120 square meters, but the balcony of the middle household is protruding from the two side households, my balcony basically has the sun from morning to noon more than eleven o'clock, but the sun is not exposed at all in the afternoon.

On the other hand, the neighbors who live in the west side of the house are just the opposite of my family, their family has sunshine from one or two o'clock in the afternoon to the sun goes down, so in terms of lighting, the two side households are still different, and my family chooses the east side of the house mainly because they like to bask in the sun in the morning and are more energetic.

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

Netizen @hulahoop said, my family is a western household, and when I choose a house, I know that I can't get the sun in the morning, but I don't mind, I like the atmosphere of the sunset, and the dim light and shadow fall on the balcony is very beautiful.

3. Differences in energy consumption

The main reason why many people are reluctant to buy a house in the west is that they are worried about the sun, and the reality is that the energy consumption of the west side households in summer will be higher than that of the east side.

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

Netizen @magic mobile phone said, my family bought a house for the second time and chose the west side of the house that others dislike, and they all said that the west side of the house is cold in winter and hot in summer, I think it's okay, no matter whether the east side of the house or the west side of the house, the air conditioner must be turned on in the summer, and the heating must be turned on in the winter, which does not have much impact on my family, but it does cost more electricity, especially in summer, and the room temperature is significantly higher than that of the east household.

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

Netizen @小grape said, my home is a western household, in the summer, three walls of the house are exposed to the sun, and when I get home from work at night, it obviously feels like entering a steamer, fortunately, I put sunscreen film on all the glass windows, otherwise the furniture will be sunburned and faded. I don't think there is any difference in turning on underfloor heating in winter, but in summer, it is obviously earlier and longer than that of the east and middle households, and the energy consumption cost is definitely higher.

Fourth, the difference in exterior wall waterproofing

The biggest disadvantage of the east side house is probably that the exterior wall will seep water, which is why many people hesitate to choose the east side house.

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

Netizen @米汤 said, my family is the east side of the household, when choosing a house, I didn't take into account the situation that the exterior wall would seep water, and as a result, I lived in a new house for more than a year, and during the rainy season, the east wall seeped water, and the property didn't care, so I had no choice but to find someone to re-brush the exterior wall waterproofing, and spent a lot of money.

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

Netizen @ don't like to eat melons said, my family's first suite is the east side of the house, I'm afraid of water leakage, Shanghai in the rainy season is terrible, the walls are moldy, and it's not easy to solve it completely; So I chose the west side of the house to buy a house, and there was no water seepage on the exterior wall, and I still felt that the west side of the house was more at ease to live.


In fact, both the east and west households have their own advantages and disadvantages, but if I had to choose, I would definitely choose the west side of the household, for the following reasons:

(1) Cost-effective

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

For most ordinary people, buying a house is to spend a lot of money at home, and then to decorate and buy furniture, it is often necessary to empty the wallet, which can save a little is a little, and the house of the same area, the west household can be much cheaper than the east household.

(2) Western drying can be solved

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

The biggest problem of the western household is the western sun in summer, which can actually be solved; You can do an extra layer of heat insulation treatment on the west wall during the decoration, paste sunscreen film on all glass windows in the home, change heavy curtains, and close the curtains during the day to reduce the exposure of sunlight to the interior.

In addition, even the middle households that do not rely on both sides will have to turn on the air conditioner in summer, but the western households will have to open it for a little longer and will not pay too much more electricity than other people's homes.

(3) There is no trouble with water seepage

The second time I bought a house, I changed from "east household" to "west household" only to find that the gap is so big

Compared with the water seepage of the exterior wall of the east household, the west side of the household is not worth mentioning, once the exterior wall is leaked, even if it is repaired in the later stage, it is difficult to completely solve it, basically every two or three years to repair and maintain it, which costs money and energy, but the west side household will not have this trouble.