
Chengwu County People's Hospital held a health education science competition

author:Heze, Shandong, China

In order to further improve the level of health education of medical staff, popularize health knowledge, and spread the concept of health, Chengwu County People's Hospital recently organized a health education science competition.

Chengwu County People's Hospital held a health education science competition

Yu Qingtao, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the County Federation of Trade Unions, pointed out before the game that the popular science work is of great significance, and hopes that the Chengwu County People's Hospital will continue to give full play to its own characteristic advantages, carry out various forms of popular science activities, use multiple media and forms to popularize medical knowledge, improve public health literacy, and work together to improve the health level of the whole people.

Chengwu County People's Hospital held a health education science competition

Subsequently, Vice President Zhang Wei said that he hoped that the contestants and teams would achieve results and level in the competition, continue to improve the professional ability of nursing staff, and transform medical expertise into easy-to-understand language, so that the people can understand, remember, and use it, and contribute to the cause of national health.

Chengwu County People's Hospital held a health education science competition

With the start of the competition, more than 100 contestants from various departments instantly entered the competition state, and they made the obscure medical knowledge vivid and interesting through multimedia demonstrations, on-site demonstrations and scenario simulations. The judges and the audience in the audience were full of interest and praised again and again.

After more than five hours of fierce competition, the competition finally selected 3 first prizes, namely "Stomach You Guard, Life Without "Seclusion" from the Department of Gastroenterology, "Let the Trembling Heart Eat My Old Sun with a Stick" from the Second Ward of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, and "If Life Can Be Repeated" from the Emergency Department. Subsequently, Zhang Tianting, member of the Party Committee of Chengwu County People's Hospital and chairman of the trade union, took the stage to present awards to the winners.

Chengwu County People's Hospital held a health education science competition

Through this competition, Chengwu County People's Hospital will continue to carry out various forms of medical science popularization activities, integrate health science into daily medical service work, extend community families, fully reflect the hospital's population health as the core, fulfill the social responsibility of the hospital as the responsibility, continuously improve service quality, actively spread health knowledge and concepts, fulfill the purpose of serving people's health, and effectively do a good job in health education and health promotion.

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