
The "three-person classroom" leads the people's livelihood to micro-facts, and the small position brings great energy to achieve a double harvest of theory and practice

author:Southern Magazine

"Three-person Classroom": Building a Green Home and Enhancing Community Cohesion

A coffee table, a few chairs, a small but warm office, Chen Yangfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Junya Community, Wenchong Street, Huangpu District, is organizing two party members from different industries to carry out a "three-person classroom" with the theme of "Adhering to Harmonious Coexistence and Building a Beautiful China". This "three-person class" focused on the green beauty work center, combined with the actual community to discuss the actual work of greening and beautification in front of the house and behind the community. In the collision of ideas in the course evaluation session, party member Yang Yuxia mentioned that there is an overgrown land in the community: "Maybe we can turn this land into a community sharing garden." Everyone hit it off and discussed the idea of "Neighborhood Shared Garden", and quickly set up a volunteer service team of green and green residents, where residents discussed, residents put forward plans, residents shared and planted flower beds, and residents maintained together, injecting new vitality and creativity into the garden with the power of residents. Today, the "Neighborhood Sharing Garden" of Junya Community has been expanded from the original central park to the surrounding area of the community, and the beautiful garden is not only a "check-in point" for residents to take a walk after dinner, but also a platform for community residents to communicate and interact, enhancing the friendship and cohesion between neighbors.

The "three-person classroom" leads the people's livelihood to micro-facts, and the small position brings great energy to achieve a double harvest of theory and practice

Junya Community, Wenchong Street, innovates to create a "Neighborhood Sharing Garden"

Since the end of 2023, the Organization Department of the Huangpu District Party Committee has actively adapted to the development trend of the times and the learning characteristics of Party members in the new era, expanded the development mode of party classes, innovatively launched the "three-person classroom" for learning and education, and issued notices and guidelines; Wenchong Street carefully studied the curriculum guidelines, formulated curriculum demonstration templates, guided subordinate communities to strengthen communication with co-construction units and member units of the community's "Great Party Working Committee", organized party members from different industries and units, and formed 64 "three-person classroom" groups and carried out 142 activities. Through the "three-person classroom" activity, the learning and education mode will be changed, and the "passive input" will be changed to "active output", and the "listening to others" will be changed to "everyone speaking", so as to promote party members to be pioneers and role models in achieving high-quality development.

"Three-person classroom": highlight the role of party members to build a community safety line of defense

The harmony home makes people feel refreshed, but the explosion of the tram makes people worry. At the same time that the Party Committee of Junya Community held a "three-person class" with the theme of "Beautiful Home", another community in Wenchong Street, Wenchong Xincun Community, was also conducting another "three-person class", but the atmosphere here was not so relaxed. Lu Yujin, secretary of the branch, reported the major casualties caused by the fire of an electric vehicle on the air floor of a building in a community in Nanjing some time ago, and finally threw out the hidden dangers of electric vehicles that also exist in the Yuewan community in the jurisdiction. Lu Qingbin, the second party member at the meeting, immediately took over the topic and proposed to move the electric car out of the empty floor of the building as soon as possible, but where to move? Will residents resist? How to solve the cost? The three party members at the meeting collided with ideas, views and strategies on these core issues, and finally clarified their ideas and determined the solutions proposed by the party members in the property committee and jointly promoted by the property committee and the property company. A week later, under the initiation of the party members and comrades, the residents voted to agree to more than two-thirds, two weeks later, the peripheral rechargeable bicycle shed was completed, less than a month, all the motorcycles originally parked in the air layer were all moved out, becoming the first in the whole Chong Street, the first batch of motorcycles in the whole district successfully moved out of the air layer of the community, which not only quickly eliminated the landmines hanging in the hearts of residents, but also opened up a new space for cultural and sports activities for the community. Now, a table tennis table and a reading corner have been added to this empty floor, and the original parking chaos has been completely cured. This simple case, just like the final comment made by Liang Yantao, the third party member at the meeting, "allows grassroots party members to participate in political learning and community governance in a short and fast way, which is down-to-earth, efficient, and very effective!" In the process of promoting the education of party members "three-person classroom", the grass-roots party organizations in each community will closely combine the party's innovative theory with practical work, and the party members will learn the party's innovative theory around the theme through the form of "one person speaking, two people commenting, and three people discussing", and at the same time, through the free discussion of the classroom, in the interactive process, new conclusions are drawn, new sparks are collided, and the theoretical learning is transformed into the ability to solve practical problems, and effectively guides and promotes the grassroots work such as people's livelihood micro-facts, party member volunteer service and community grassroots governance.

The "three-person classroom" leads the people's livelihood to micro-facts, and the small position brings great energy to achieve a double harvest of theory and practice

After the Wenchong New Village community rectified the chaos of electric vehicle parking, the overhead floor on the first floor of the community was emptied

The "three-person classroom" leads the people's livelihood to micro-facts, and the small position brings great energy to achieve a double harvest of theory and practice

On the first floor of the Wenchong New Village Community Community, a table tennis table and a reading corner are newly added on the air floor

The practice of Wenchong Street proves that the "three-person classroom" learning is an important way to improve the quality of party members and promote community development, which can effectively improve the ideological consciousness of party members and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team. As a new platform for theoretical learning, the "three-person classroom" not only strengthens the theoretical arming of party members, but also stimulates the enthusiasm of party members to participate in community governance and serve the masses. Through the "three-person classroom", the party members learned the party's latest theories and policies, further clarified the direction and goal of serving the masses, activated the power of the masses, and made community governance motivated, channeled and effective.

【Contributed by】Wenchong Street, Huangpu District

【Channel Editor】Chen Bingqing, Mo Qun

【Text proofreading】Hua Chengmin

【Editor-in-Chief】Jiang Yu, Liu Shuqiang

【Article source】Southern Magazine Party Building Channel