
The special office meeting of the four sets of teams in the county was held

author:Ludian Media
The special office meeting of the four sets of teams in the county was held
The special office meeting of the four sets of teams in the county was held

On June 30, Zhang Hongkun, secretary of the county party committee, presided over a special office meeting of the county's four sets of teams to report on the completion of key work in June, arrange and deploy key work in July, further unify thinking, clarify goals, and solidly promote various tasks.

The special office meeting of the four sets of teams in the county was held

Zhang Hongkun pointed out that at present, the county's economic growth is generally strong, investment growth is stable and improving, project promotion is solid and effective, and social undertakings continue to progress, but there are still problems such as slow progress in infrastructure construction and key projects, few solutions to problems, weak professionalism, and insufficient spirit of responsibility.

The special office meeting of the four sets of teams in the county was held

Zhang Hongkun stressed that all departments at all levels in the county should seriously examine the existing problems, reflect on the work situation, concentrate on improving their spirits, and efficiently promote various tasks. It is necessary to change the style of work, emancipate the mind, dare to make decisions, and earnestly improve work efficiency; It is necessary to promote the work with a sense of responsibility that is always at ease, clarify the goals and tasks, find the gaps, improve the spirit, dare to study the board, fulfill their duties, and constantly promote the better and faster development of Ludian's economy and society.

Ma Han, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, requested that all relevant departments at all levels in the county should further strengthen grassroots governance, comprehensively carry out the investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, and ensure social harmony and stability. It is necessary to strictly implement the "1262" refined forecasting and response linkage mechanism, strengthen disaster early warning and monitoring, improve disaster prevention, relief and mitigation capabilities, and earnestly grasp flood prevention work. It is necessary to strengthen the scheduling of economic work, speed up the construction of key projects, and comprehensively complete all targets and tasks according to the time node.

Yu Chaoming, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, and other county and department-level leaders attended the meeting.

The special office meeting of the four sets of teams in the county was held

Source丨Ludian County Rong Media Center Liu Can's Editor丨Li Dongmei Ma Wensheng Editor丨Kong Xiangshu Submission Email: [email protected]

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