
Ludian County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

author:Ludian Media
Ludian County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".
Ludian County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 30, Ludian County held a commendation conference of "two excellent and one first" to commend outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations who have contributed to the economic and social development and party building of our county, and to encourage and mobilize party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the county not to forget their original intentions, keep in mind their mission, and draw strength, enhance morale, forge ahead, and make new contributions to promoting the high-quality leapfrog development of Ludian's economy and society under the encouragement of the great spirit of party building.

Ludian County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

Zhang Hongkun, secretary of the county party committee, attended and delivered a speech, Ma Han, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, presided over the meeting, and Yu Chaoming, director of the Standing Committee of the county people's Congress, and other leaders attended the meeting. Yang Mei, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, read out the commendation decision of "two excellent and one first" in Ludian County.

Ludian County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

On behalf of the county party committee, Zhang Hongkun extended holiday greetings to the majority of party members in the county and extended warm congratulations to the commended advanced collectives and individuals. He pointed out that in recent years, the county has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and under the correct leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government and the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Party members have closely followed the "3815" strategic development goals of the Provincial Party Committee, and strictly implemented the Municipal Party Committee's solid work on the three articles of "Industry, City, and People" and the decision-making and deployment of the integrated development of Zhaolu.

Zhang Hongkun emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen ideals and beliefs, strengthen theoretical arming, keep in mind the original aspiration and mission, resolutely be loyal to the organization, and be absolutely loyal to the party. It is necessary to strengthen the confidence and determination of development, effectively change the style of work, have the courage to take responsibility, and continue to do a good job in implementation with a sense of responsibility that is always at ease, so as to work hard and take responsibility. It is necessary to focus on promoting development, grasp the three articles of "industry and city people", and fulfill their duties. It is necessary to strictly abide by discipline and rules, continue to study the party's discipline and rules in depth, adhere to fairness and decency, and be honest and honest. It is necessary to consolidate the foundation of the grassroots level, pay close attention to details, continuously improve the ability to perform duties, and better shoulder the important task of deepening the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and promoting the high-quality development of party building.

Ma Han demanded that we should take a clear-cut stand on politics and always maintain the political nature of communists; It is necessary to take the lead and strive to promote the high-quality economic and social development of Ludian.

Ludian County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

At the meeting, the representatives of the commended "two excellent and one first" made exchange speeches.

Ludian County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

Source丨Ludian County Rong Media Center Editor丨Li Dongmei Editor丨Kong Xiangshu Submission Email: [email protected]